Seventeenth Clue

The two of them went out on their date that was set to be their last in Japan. Daniel had mostly finished packing his suitcase for the flight in two days time.

He was wondering what the Earl had in store for him. Felix was going to stay with the Entwhistle family until he had started university. Colin and Vanessa were staying in Japan to keep an eye on their business, but had promised to make a trip to visit them.

For their final date, Felix chose a theme park. The theme park was completely different to the one they had been to on the international school case and was more focused on horror than rollercoasters.

After two haunted houses, Daniel's stomach felt like it had been turned upside down so he was content to sit down in one of the cafes with a sugary drink. Japan certainly knew how to make haunted attractions. He had been shaking after coming out of the last one and that was with everything he had seen over his two lifetimes. His belief that nothing would terrify him after seeing the mutilated cat had been proven false.

Felix sipped his coffee casually and glanced at him with a curious gleam in his eyes.

"Can I ask you a question?" he requested.

"It depends," Daniel replied. "It's you so I am willing to answer anything."

"I'm not sure where your second mother, Lady Entwhistle fits into the picture, you never mention her, but she seems to worry about you and then be scared off by your father," Felix said. "It's quite different to my family."

Daniel thought back to the Lady Entwhistle that had been present in the first Daniel's memories. She was a weak figure that always deferred to the Earl.

"I don't dislike her, she does her best against her husband and after I came out of hospital following the incident at the talent show, she put her full effort into trying to stand up for me," he explained. "It's complicated. I prefer my real mother though. There's a lot of difference between them."

His real mother had been a single mother and he had always thought that she had done a good job of raising and supporting him with the resources she had. Over time he had come to accept Lady Entwhistle as his second mother and did appreciate her attempts at making his upbringing easier.

Felix nodded sagely.

"I got the feeling it was the case. I did a lot of analysing while I stayed at your house to see if I could work out where your unique personality and skill set came from. You will prefer your real mother though as she was your first mother figure," he replied.

Daniel finished his drink and stood up. He felt sad when he thought about his real mother and he didn't like to think about how sad she must been after he had died.

"That's enough about the past, it's the future now. I am trying to live for two people now," he said.

Felix smiled widely at him.

"I'm glad to hear that. We can put everything behind us and look to the future. You are called Daniel Entwhistle and you are going to university soon," he said.


The day before the flight back to England was bright and sunny. Daniel didn't feel like going anywhere and was content to sit by the window with Felix. Watching the different people walking by the apartment block was interesting enough.

"What do you think the Earl wants you to study at university?" Felix asked after Daniel had finished deducing the occupation of the latest person who had walked past.

"He studied English himself so it's probably that," Daniel replied. "I don't think I would enjoy Cambridge University- that's the one he went to."

Felix looked at him analytically.

"If he is after a university like that, there's a high chance of getting in as you went to a private school and international schools look good on applications," he said. "I know it looks good to have gone to one of the most prestigious universities, but that's only if you want to stay in high flying circles after graduating."

Daniel sighed heavily.

"I'm not completely sure about the future. I have been focused on getting through the education system that Daniel was dreading. His future aspirations didn't go as far as university so it's kind of my choice now. I didn't want to go to university in my first life, it didn't fit in with what I wanted to do. There's no need for a university degree when you want to be a private detective."

Felix nudged him in the side.

"I had a feeling that's what you wanted to be when I did my research on you," he said. "I'll be your partner if you ever decide on that profession."

Daniel considered that though. It would be wonderful to be doing his dream job with Felix at his side. It just wasn't realistic though. Being a private detective in real life was very different to what was portrayed in popular media.

He had come to realise that in this life, now that he was more mature and had more experience. Private detectives were mostly hired to sniff out affairs and insurance fraud. There wasn't much excitement in that.

"I don't think I'm likely to end up being a private detective. I have a father to impress," he said.

Felix gave him a pointed look.

"You are nearly 18, a legal adult. You should be free to get on with what you want to do," he said.

Daniel shuffled awkwardly. It was true that he was very close to being an adult in this life and he was free to leave home and never come back. It just didn't feel right as he was in someone else's body and had lived in a home that wasn't really his for a number of years.

He couldn't just walk out on them.

"That is a point, but I want to see what the Earl is up to before I make any rash decisions."

The Earl might let him choose what he studied at university. He had turned over a new leaf after the events at Kingston Royal Academy. His announcement about university could be a positive thing.

However there was another hurdle with the Entwhistle family.

He was gay and Felix was his boyfriend. These facts had never been disclosed and Felix had promised to never show any signs in front of his parents.

Sooner or later he would have to tell them that Felix was more than his best friend.

The Earl was bound to be against it given that he was the only child and needed to carry on the family line.

He couldn't exactly wait for the Earl to die and marry Felix after.

The truth would have to come out at some point.

"The Earl is an enigma to me. I saw the friendly face when I was there, but the things in your memories and what you've told me are the opposite. There were also cracks in his persona in the months I stayed at your house. He does like me though," Felix said.

Daniel knew the reason behind his father's fondness of Felix.

"You are what he wanted in a son. You are the picture of brains, looks and physical prowess. The first Daniel was always slipping behind in everything at school and he was never happy with that. If it was possible, he would probably try to swap us."

It was a sad truth. The Earl had been disappointed in his first born son and had always let that emotion shine through.

"He should accept me as his son-in-law then," Felix replied happily and kissed him on the cheek.

Daniel snorted and returned the kiss with one on the lips. Felix put the magazine he had been reading to the side and pulled him down to the floor. Daniel didn't bother to protest and went along with it.

"I don't think you would be accepted as a son-in-law if he knew what we have been up to whilst we're here," he said a while later.

Felix readjusted his hair with a satisfied smile.

"That's all right. I'll just have to get you to keep quiet when we go back to England. You do gasp loudly."

Daniel flushed red and rolled his eyes. Felix was very unashamed about their sex life whereas he still found it something he wanted to keep quiet. He hid his face in the bedcovers and sighed. It was going to be strange living with strangers instead of Felix when he went to university.


Daniel packed the last of his clothes into his suitcase and zipped it up. That was everything now. He took a last sweeping glance around the bedroom that had been his for the past two years. It was a pleasant room with light colours and a good view out the window.

His room at home was dark with heavy oak furniture that didn't get much sunlight.

He would miss this room.

"Daniel, are you going to have breakfast soon?" Vanessa called from the kitchen.

The reborn detective hastily pulled his suitcase into its standing position and emerged from his bedroom.

Vanessa was placing a toast rack on the table and Felix himself was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Felix?" he asked.

"He went to get some snacks at the convenience store," she replied. "He thinks you might get hungry waiting at the airport."

His boyfriend was very understanding of his appetite. Daniel sat down at the table and Vanessa sat opposite him.

"Where's Colin?" he asked.

"He needed to leave earlier so it's just us two for now," Vanessa said. "Thank you for being with my son."

Daniel blinked at her. It was a random thing for her to say. If anything, he had to thank Felix for wanting to be with him.

"You don't need to thank me," he answered. "I'm surprised that anyone would want to date me."

Vanessa passed him a slice of toast.

"It's very difficult to explain my feelings on this. I know Felix is my son, but I don't know what goes on in his head. He's always been nice to everyone and very unselfish. It was frustrating at times that he was like that. I imagined that when he did find someone he liked, they would dump him for treating everyone kindly."

Daniel could understand her mindset. Felix was kind to everyone and had risked his life to investigate his roommate's death two years before despite the danger. It was a valid concern for his mother.

"I see," he replied.

"He's had an unusual upbringing and I wanted him to complete his secondary education at the one school to give him some stability instead of taking him around the world with us. I had no idea about the problems with that school until the case came out," she sighed. "Then he asked if you could come and live with us for a couple of years here."

Daniel had always wondered how Felix's parents agreed to Felix's suggestion so easily. It appeared that he was now going to find out.

"How did you feel about it?" he asked.

Vanessa smiled at him.

"He explained about your family and I assumed that it was the usual, he was doing a favour to someone. Then when I saw you two together, I realised that he was really being selfish. He wants to see you everyday, that's why he suggested you living with us," she explained. "I am happy that he's found someone he loves and that person is enough to make him a little more selfish."

That was enough to stun him into silence. He had no inclination that Felix had invited him for that reason.

"That wasn't quite how he termed it when he suggested living with his family," he replied. "Thank you for letting me stay here and it's been amazing to live with such happy and welcoming people."

Vanessa beamed at him.

"Thank you for being with my son and for everything you've done regarding cases. I can never thank you enough for saving Felix's life that time- if you had never solved that case, those people would have murdered him."

It was extremely unusual to hear the Kingston Royal Academy case mentioned by Vanessa. Daniel was of the opinion that Mr. and Mrs. Albury felt guilty about leaving their son in another country without a proper contact number and were keen to never discuss the case.

Felix chose that moment to arrive back.

"I've brought Daniel some snacks," he said and laid the bag on the empty chair before sitting down next to him.

Daniel looked up at his boyfriend with a smile. He was sure that no matter what awaited them in the future, they could overcome it together.