Being Reborn as a saiyan

[world deifying system linking to host soul]




[100%.... linking complete hello host i am the world deifying system would you like to know my functions?]

'yes'Logan said in his mind

[my functions are.....


Ki/Aura coloration


Gender change{Locked} 2.0 req




currency wdsc: 200,000 godly points [Gp] 20,000

menu version 1.0.0

these are my functions more will be unlocked with the progress of the host]

"system what are the question mark options"

[system cannot answer insufficient menu version upgrade to 3.0.0]

"what that's bs"Logan said this because that's what he thought who wouldnt call bs on hidden options.

[would host like to see status?]


host status:

Name:??? {Logan}



Bloodline:[100%]Legendary-Ancient(Legendary-Ancient innate battle power)


Age:0 born in 2 months 23 hours 15 minutes 10 seconds

Estimated life span: 1,000 years

Body condition:Healthy{fetus}

Battle power: 50,000

Active skills:

Passive skills: moon essence, Adaptability, Superior endurance, Superior strenght, Superior agility

Transformations/modifiers: [Ancient oozaru:50x]

"whoa sooo strong is this because of the legendary and ancient bloodline?"

[host is correct due to ancient saiyans unimaginable power and the legendary saiyans power host has a high battle power will grow higher as growth occurs does host want an estimate?]


[by age 1-100k age 2-150k age 3-200k age 4-250k age 5-300k age 6-350k host will gain 50k battle power every age till 10 years old from there host will have to train 6x harder than other saiyans to gain strength]

"whoa! awsome that means i will be stronger than everyone on planet vageta!... wait!!! 50k now"Logan was blown away by his massive strenght as a fetus and wonderd if he would encounter danger before he has a chance to live

"system is there a way to hide my real battle power?"

[yes i can fabricate host's battle power to any level under your own would you like to Y/N]


[what would host like it to be]

"hmm..."logan thought for a long time almost 2 hours untill he made his choice

"make it 500 please"


[would host like to see status]


host status:

Name:??? {Logan}



Bloodline:[100%]Legendary-Ancient(innate battle power)


Age:0 born in 2m 20h

Estimated life span: 1,000 years

Body condition:Healthy{fetus}

Battle power: 500(50,000)

Active skills:

Passive skills: moon essence, Adaptability, Superior endurance, Superior strenght, Superior agility

Transformations/modifiers: [Ancient oozaru:50x]

"good very good hahahhahahah"

2 months 20 hours later...

"mam congratulations its a beautiful girl"

"its a girl? woo"

'huh what are they talking about that im a girl!?'Logan was screaming in his head and thought he heard wrong

[ host heard right host was a guy now host is female]


[host is now female host was reborn in a female fetus]

"well shit o well i always wanted to try being a girl plus if i don't like it i can switch to male using the system..system how much does it cost to change to a male?"

[50m Sp 500k Gp]

"WHAT THE SHIT!!? what so expensive!?"

[host body will have to be 100% reconstructed and system will have to change the memories of everyone that has seen you]

"what how much does changing someones memories cost?"

[25m Sp 250k Gp]

"whoa that's expensive but that means changing genders is the same price system how do i get more sp and gp?"

[host can kill stronger opponents for sp and gp has to be earned by people worshiping you or being seduced]

"what i have to seduce people!?"

[no host can gain worshipers in stead but seducing people is the easiest path as your body is of that of a peerless beauty]

"hmm i guess easiest option is understandable"Logan thought that because he could use it as a last resort he wants to stick to getting worshipers first and he thinks getting worshipers is going to be easy for him.

"hahha getting worshipers is gonna be soo easy o man im sleepy"


"huh am i in a pod now good just gotta wait 3 years then i can train..HUH WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?"Logan was referring to the large orange alien that was looking at him

"GUHUHUHU lets see what this little monkey's battle power is shall we"


"geuh!! 1000 this little monkey is soo strong these damn monkeys are getting too strong!"

"what the hell are you staring at we got other babies to scan you know!?" a short skinny green alien says as he is walking into the pod room

'who the hell are you calling a monkey you walking block of cheese!!!?'Logen was very angry being called a monkey freezas goons often called saiyans monkey as an insult and they hated it

1 year later....

"huh now im in a bassinet i wonder when ill get my name

"status open"

host status:

Name:??? {Logan}



Bloodline:[100%]Legendary-Ancient(innate battle power)


Age:1 born

Estimated life span: 1,000 years

Body condition:Healthy{toddler}

Battle power: 1000(100,000)

Active skills:

Passive skills: moon essence, Adaptability, Superior endurance, Superior strenght, Superior agility

Transformations/modifiers: [Ancient oozaru:50x]

*pitter patter* *pitter patter*

"she is in this bassinet miss and sir right here"

"hmm my daughter will diffidently be a beauty GAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!"

"she is my daughter too ya know hmm your name will be Scatha you got a problem with that mr"the female saiyan says while staring daggers at the male saiyan

'!?' "huh o no problems here"

"did you hear that my daughter your name will be Scatha hahahha"

host status:

Name:Scatha {Logan}



Bloodline:[100%]Legendary-Ancient(innate battle power)



Estimated life span: 1,000 years

Body condition:Healthy{toddler}

Battle power: 1000(100,000)

Active skills:

Passive skills: moon essence, Adaptability, Superior endurance, Superior strength, Superior agility

Transformations/modifiers: [Ancient oozaru:50x]

"Scatha huh i like that name"Scatha says while showing a bright smile on her cute toddler face

to be continued.....