
'I'm so hungry…'

That's what has been on her mind while she waited for the final interview.

'Can they go any faster! Grr I'm gonna die from hunger. I should have eaten that bread… wait, it's already expired. No! Today is the expiry date so I can still eat it when I get home. Hopefully there's no mold in it. Sigh.'

The hallway where she waited for her interview was very modern and chic. She felt out of place somehow. With a business attire she bought a year ago with her pocket money and black shoes she used were her school shoes. She looked miserable but it never bothered her.

Once she gets the job, she would treat herself as promised.

She wanted this work so badly because she couldn't take her best friend and her family's charity anymore. They didn't mean her harm but they help her out a lot for years now. She wanted to repay them by getting this job and work diligently.

Beep! [1 Message from Ant-Witch!]

She got a message from her best friend.

[What the hell Ophy! I check your house and I found this poor old already expired bread. Don't tell you'll gonna eat this later!? Heck I'm cleaning your pantry and do some groceries for you! I'll wait here and let's celebrate! Ciao! MWAH!]

She immediately replied, 'My bread is in danger!' [Don't you dare touch my tasty bread, it doesn't have any mold in it yet. I'm hungry and don't remind me. I'm not done here so don't bother me. I know Uncle gave me a recommendation letter, and I'm eternally grateful but I wanna try my best and get this job. AND, stay away from my pantry, Witch! Later, Ciao! MWAH!]

She had been friends with this lass for a very very long time. Even when the time where her family was still complete. She lost her family but gain another. She got through those years because of them.

Marie Antonette Lee Victoux. Ant for short. Filthy rich, humble and boastful at the same time.

"Next, Sofia Ophelia... Vi.. Victoux!?" She got used to it for a long time. And yes, she had the same last as Ant. They adopted her, and as one of the things she allowed in her life. They've given her money and house, and even a car. She took everything back because she was contented with being frugal and independent. She had a feeling they'd already set her a trust fund but she would still refuse it. Her dad and Ant's parents were old friends. When they found out about her situation having no relatives to claim her, they immediately took her under their wings with no questions asked.

When she went inside the office she found a very familiar old man.

'Why are you here!?'

"Miss Victoux, you may take a seat. Give me 5 minutes to talk to her in private." Everyone went out like a scared rat. Intimidating and commanding, that's how she describes Ant's dad right now, but totally opposite of what she was used to.

"Ahmm… Mist… Uncle Tim, why are you here?" She timidly asked.

"Not even a simple pleasantries for me? I'm sadden my dear. You know how me and Leticia misses you. Visit us every week in the villa if possible, for my own sake too. It's boring without you girls at home. Come here and give me a hug."

It made her missed her parents while hugging her uncle. 'I really wished they're still here...'

"Huh!? My goodness! You're all skin and bone. I'm deducting Marie's allowance this month for not providing you properly!" He pretended to scold her. She felt it was endearing and cute.

She's very lucky meeting the Victoux family. She couldn't depend on them all the time even if they could provide her a 100 times over. Aside from giving her their last name, they provided the best education as long as she tutor their mischievous lazy daughter. It did cross her mind if she were a boy they would marry their daughter to her, end of story. She sighed internally.

'I think he's serious with the allowance part. Sorry Ant!'

They talked for awhile and resumed the interview. She got the job and grateful for being in a different department where her uncle manages. The job isn't glamorous, it's a secretarial job since she'll be going to the university in the evening. She could see Uncle Tim's face, proud and... anxious? She wondered why.

She was told to report next week since her new boss was out of the country for a family emergency.


"Ant! I got the job!" She replied happily.

"You better be or I'll wring my dad for not giving you the job." Ant smirked at her. Pleased about the out come. She knew Ophy could do it. She just regretted not forcing her best friend on accepting the money that her parents gave her. She had "friends", especially in her social status. But Ophy was different. She was truly lucky for ever meeting her. They've been together like real sisters. She just wished her friend let loose and be selfish once in awhile.

"By the way, Uncle Tim said he's cutting your allowance."

Ant's face took a turn from smug to horrified. Ophy laughed so hard to almost peed herself. Ant frantically called her dad and cried, begging not to cut her "budget".

"Daddddyyy!!! Noooo! Don't do this to me! I planning to treat Ophy to a weekend Carribean trip and, and.. Noooo… Please, please, I'm not gonna be able to buy the latest limited edition Loubuos!!!"

She stopped herself and pounder. Did her friend just mentioned about a trip?

"Hey, you never said about a trip!" Interrogated her friend.

"WAIT!! I cant talked with you two at the same time..!? Nooo I'm talking to her, daddy… Please, please, please! We are leaving in 3 hours, so… talked to you later! Ciao!"

She stared at her friend, gave Ant the stinkiest eye she could mustered herself. But she couldn't. She had always been like this to her. She promised herself to let loose just for once. Just for this trip, she promised herself.

"Fine! But I don't have a passport!" She said to her scared friend.

"Got it!" She replied happily and showed her the passport. Ophy wondered how she got her picture and signature.


"All done!" She showed her two newly bought luggage case.

"Tickets and hotel?" Asked her friend and thought maybe she's really a witch that could conjure all kinds of stuff.

"The heck, hotel? Come on Ophy. My mom has a villa in the city so why do we need a hotel?" Ant looked offended for asking her about their accommodation.

"Fine! You filthy rich of a witch!" She pretended to chide Ant.

"Oh, and Happy birthday to you Ophy!" Gave her the biggest hug that could almost crush her lungs.

"Let's go!" Ant happily marched out the door.

"Where's my bread, Ant?"


She had been working for 5 years in the company as the CEO's secretary. She had her ups and downs, it was mundane and routine that she wasn't having any trouble adjusting.

But her boss was something else.

She assumed her boss was an old man in his 50's. But lo and behold, very handsome, and a freaking workaholic. She thought her boss was a fictional character in a romance novel. In his early 30's, very good looking to the point she thought she was hallucinating. His looks were so ethereal, he gets a visit of pretty girls every day. Girls. Not girl. She got used to it after awhile. And, she also wonder if her boss had a home of his own. He sees him early at the office and he's the last one to leave, but no one saw him going home though. She asked the evening security out of curiosity, he did in the wee hours of the night. Like she thought champion of all freaking workaholics.

She had a 9 to 3 schedule when she started her job since she goes to school in the evening. When her boss found it out, she was given lighter jobs but insisted on doing her job seriously. So they compromised. He asked her school schedule and exam dates. He gave her more leeway whenever she had a school deadline, and she was grateful. After she graduated, she asked her boss to give her a challenging tasked and more time. He just smirks at her, like he always does. She still started at 9 in the morning and goes home at 9 in the evening. It never bothered her. She liked her job and they pay insane over time, which was good.

"Boss, I'm done with Coupland and Toben proposals. And, I need you to sign this docs. Don't forget you have a flight tonight at 8pm. I made sure to remind your housekeeper to prepare your travel bag. Here, eat this. You haven't had your lunch even you had lunch meeting with the Tritons." She went on reminding her boss.

"" He whispered.

"You said something, Boss?" Did he said mom!? She'll just pretend she hadn't heard it.

"Nope, and stop calling me boss. You're making me feel like an old man. My name is Daniel or you could even call me Dan. That's an order. And don't start calling me Mr. Ken. I'm not my dad. " He commanded.

This had been a daily occurrence to them. He tells her to call each other on a first name basis, she always refuses his request. Always.

"You're my boss I could never do that." She replied honestly.

How much he tried charming her, she wouldn't budge. Sadly she never have any romantic feelings for the guy. There was a chance falling for the guy but it deterred because he was a magnet for disaster especially in the romantic department. He had a flock of fans and ex-lovers turn stalkers, she couldn't handle it. Even the visits stopped for a year now for some reason and she didn't know why. And, she's just a plane ol' jane. She's contend the way she is.

He sighed, and opened his table drawer. He was holding a small box.

"Here, this is for you. Advance Happy Birthday. Sadly I can't be here tomorrow. Might as well give this to you in advance." He handed a tiny box over to her.

"You shouldn't have, Boss." She timidly replied and gingerly hold the cute purple box.

"A 'thank you' would suffice." For the first he genuinely smiled.

She was surprised and awestruck by this godly human being, it was like being hit by a laser beam. Too bright indeed.

After thanking him, she went out of his office and left him on his own device.

She went to her cubicle, she excitedly open the box and found an old ring.

"Huh? They looked the same." She took her bag and pulled out the same ring.

They are the same. That's odd, She swore she never wore them in front of him.

The ring she had was the one she bought when she and her best friend went on a trip 5 years ago. She liked the design because it was unique, and cheap. The difference between the two was that the one she bought was slightly worn out and the one from her boss was clean and had an antique feeling.

She wore both rings on her left ring finger. They somehow looked appealing and right where they were supposed to be. She felt giddy like a school girl in spring.

"Are you gonna stare all day with that cheap rings of yours and not do your job!?"



'It's the only way I could have her. I'm such a dunce. I should've asked her a long time ago. Why am I hesitating? I even gave her the heirloom from my family. It's suppose to be given to the bride to be. I should have wing it. I dated so much that I can't even ask the girl I love properly. Since the things are out of order, it's ok. At least I've given her the ring. I'm dead serious about her. I did ask her guardians, Mr. Timothy Lance Victoux and Leticia, his wife their permission to marry Ophelia. They laughed and said good luck and warned me that their "second daughter" was a stubborn as a mule. More like a reincarnated mule. Very stubborn but I still love her.'

He had her on his mind for awhile now. He didn't know when it started. He couldn't wait to have her in his arms. If only he hadn't dated that lunatic, Mechaela. He dated her once out of consideration since her parents were old friends with his mom. It was the worst date he ever experienced. After that she assumed they were getting married right off the bat. It was a nightmare after that. Messaging him non stop, even calling him in the middle of the night just to hear him snore. He immediately block her on his phone, and now she's even bothering the office. He should've filed a restraining order.

He heard a ruckus outside his office and heard a very familiar irritating voice.

'Speaking of the she-devil… why is she here!?'

He thought who allowed that crazy woman in his building, he's gonna fire that person immediately.


"Where's my Danny!? Why are you blocking me, Bitch! Fucked off before I fire you and you won't be able to get a job anywhere when I become Mrs. Ken!"

'Oh my god! Who allowed her in the premises. Someone is in trouble.' Ophy thought.

"I do advise you to leave the premises quietly, Miss Linche. If not, I have to call security to escort you out." She steeled herself and mustered up the courage. This was the first time it happened.

Mechaela Linche, was the epitome of crazy in love. Stalking tendencies and super obsessed with her boss, more like borderline mentally crazy, she thought. Beautiful and rich, she had everything but sadly she was spoiled rotten. As per her Boss, he treated her in a date once and became the bane of his existence. She laughed it out and told he was exaggerating. Then she saw his boss's face. He was dead serious. She advice him to file a restraining order, he said it would embarrassed her family if he did that.

'Hope he regrets it now,' she thought.

"Why are you here Miss Linche? I never permit you to set foot on this building." Daniel was at the front door of his office.

Mechaela hurried to him and almost gave him a hug, which he avoided with ease.

"Honey, this employee of yours gave me a hard time. You should fire her right now ok? I will forgive you for ignoring me in awhile. I know you're busy and such. I don't know why you hire such a cheap whore who wears cheap stuff, especially those rings. I felt sorry for the guy that gave that to her who can't afford high class rings. Oh when are we looking for our wedding ring hmm?"

'Did she called my boss cheap? Puff! Oh my gosh. I'm gonna tell Ant later about this.'

She could see her boss was about to explode.

"Are you FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND!? You are not my girlfriend and not even my fiancé! Why can't you understand that I don't like you AT ALL. Stop bothering me with your craziness. I'm going to file a restraining order and I don't care if I'll embarrass your family. By the way, I'm the one who gave her that ring. It's not cheap..."

It's comical when Daniel observed Mechaela's face. He could see so many emotions on her face from happy, confused, sad, embarrassed, mortified.. and then rage. He knew he did something that he will regret if didn't act immediately.

"Ophy RUN!"

She realized what was about to happen.

'I freaking hate you boss. Why did you throw that psycho's aggro at me! You owe me big time.'

She made a mad dash to the emergency staircase, which was the biggest mistake she ever did. She didn't know Mechaela was an athlete… in triathlon. Before she could go down the stairs, she was pushed so hard she thought she was flying.

'I'm gonna die... because of this!? HELL NO!'

Next thing she knew she smack her face and left arm at the stair landing, and felt immense pain all over her body. She hated her boss and that girl who pushed her before passing out.