Chapter 3 Waking up

It was embarrassing to say that she had never experienced kissing anyone, not even both in her life times. Well, except for her parents but it was long time ago. It was a big achievement for her to be brave. She needed to be, even for mental sake. There was no amount of power or magic that could make herself do something exciting and new like kissing, for example.

She wondered why would she hesitate as simple being affectionate to opposite. Was she that afraid of commitment or just dumb for being too innocent? She knew and denied her boss the opportunity for them to grow as an adult and maybe as a couple. The wall she created made her missed significant opportunities to experience what really life is.

She could only open up to people she's only accustomed to and trusted.

Most of the suitors that confess their "love" had other intentions. She could see it in their eyes. Greed, power, or plainly just afraid of her. Not even affection or acceptance.

She wanted to experience this simple things but things were complicated, especially her ruling an empire. She had to be cautious. Trust is earned not given.

She had noticed some red flags and still trusted Cass. It was somehow her fault for tolerating her assistant. With all said and done, Cass betrayed her for personal reasons in the end.

You can't beat human nature. That's how Cass acted. She wanted to be free of choices, but because of obligations she couldn't.

She understood Cass's betrayal. She also wanted to be free from fear and baggages. If there was a way to get out of it, she would take that opportunity. But her moral compass had been engrave in her brain since she was a child. It was a matter of choice, really. Cass chose to betray her, and she chose to stay fearful.

With all this thinking and pondering, she realized what just happened awhile ago, and why did she fell unconscious and couldn't even moved her body.

She heard voices, very familiar and annoying voices.


"Bastard! It's all your fault! Do you have any balls in you to protect my friend! I'm gonna fucking castrate you this instance!" Ant indignantly said.

"Hey! Stop this nonsense! Watch your mouth young lady. We're in public." Tim warned her daughter.

"Dad! You're siding with this fucker!? Mom, slap your husband silly, and why aren't you helping me out!" Looking at her Mom to control his husband and a helping hand at the same time.

"Honey, I really want to punch this young man right now." Leticia said having a menacing smile on her face.

"Leticia dear! Stop! Both of you! Stop it!" He knew no one could stop her wife and daughter, not even him, especially if it's something to do with the lass named Ophy.

"I'm really sorry. It happened so fast. I'll take responsibility of Ophelia. I already told my lawyer about the incident, and suing Mechaela for tress-passing, harassment, moral damage and attempted murder. We will hear from him at the end of the day." Daniel apologized a million times like a robot recorder. He knew he screwed up big time, and don't know how to salvage this situation.

He was supposed to propose to Ophy on that day. He should have a long time ago. With all this hesitation and second guessing, he buried himself with work. That's what he is good at.

No amount of excuse could help him if something really did bad happened to Ophy. If it did, he knew he was going to jail. He was going to kill Mechaela and even ruin her family. It's their fault for spoiling their daughter rotten. He also blame himself for accepting that one time dinner date with her or told them straight up that he wasn't interested of their daughter.

He needs make a plan, and think fast.

"Fucking hell I would let you do that! Take responsibility!? Stay away from my friend from now on. She'll resign from your company. NO! She quit her job! I'm taking her with me."

Ant tends to be over protective of her best friend. She treated Ophy's Mom like her own. Losing Vicky was one of the most traumatic experience she had as a child. She doesn't want to experience it again.

Daniel could no longer respond to Ant's hostility. All he could think of was to shut his mouth. He was really good at debates and always won in every argument, but it wasn't a good time to use such skill.

"Can you let me sleep for an hour guys, please?"

Everyone went silent.

They all stared at the person who had been unconscious for 5 days.

They were stunned, not because Ophy woke up but the look on her face. The look on her face made them felt she had been away for a very long time. They felt that way, 5 days felt really like forever.

Ant pushed everyone and glump at her friend.

"Hey, be gentle I just woke up." She knew she had to calm her friend down.

"Don't you ever do that to me! Ever!" She grumble at her. Ant being cute was a sign that she had calm down a bit. Ophy patted her head like a little child.

"How are you my dear?" Leticia was also in a mess. All her make up was ruined and she didn't mind it at all. It really scared her. Losing Ophy would truly changed her family. Actually, she was never the same when her best friend Vicky died with her husband. It wasn't her time yet. She promise her friend that she would take care of her daughter.

"How long have I been out?" Ophy tried asking Ant and very much muster to ignore that handsome devil behind them.

"5 freaking days, Ophy! 5 hellish days! You owe me 5 days and nights of pampering." Ant whined and acting like a spoiled child, like she always does.

"Just 5 days?"

They all wondered why she said it like it's not real.

"My dear, it's really 5 days of sleepless nights with this two... ahem, I meant three."

'Smooth move there, Tim'

She could not avoid Danny all day. She could not help but feel sorry for the guy. He may be in pins and needles now, but she wanted him to suffer a bit. Though she wasn't ready yet to face this demon that haunted her in her dreams almost every night for the last 5,000 years.

"Ahem, Hi Boss..." She looked on his face and abruptly turn her head side ways.

Yup, she wasn't ready yet.

With all this misunderstanding, he thought she hated him for what happened. This hurt his feelings somehow but he had to keep it inside of him since it was his fault why she was at this state.

"...Hey there, Ophelia." He gingerly replied.

"Oh, by the way, Ophy. You can kiss goodbye this person here since you no longer work... huh?"

It was the very first time they saw Ophy all beet red, and they all wondered why.