"Really?", Lie Ruge asked cutely. She was tempted to kiss Yi Lan again but she quickly held herself back from doing so,. She suddenly realixed that provoking him right now will put her at a big disadvantage, so she quickly steered of his sexy lips.

"Of course, I won't lie to you", Yi Lan said. He was really oblivious of the fact that Lie Ruge was acting drunk. If someone was to inform him later on of the fact that it was almost impossible for Lie Ruge to get drunk, he would certainly doubt such a person. He really enjoyed her cute side. He also liked the fact that Ge'er was so free with him when she was drunk.

"Ok, but seriously have you met that brat of a heiress before? She said you kind of look familiar to her. Is she one of your ex-girlfriend?", Lie Ruge asked looking a little out of it. She was acting jealous.