Lie Ruge could not believe her hears when she heard the two most important people in her life saying that they were going to be preoccupied on the day of her birthday. The Xiao Bai, she knew would never miss her birthday for anything in the world even though she hasn't been celebrating her birthday for the past three years and moreover, she was the one who suggested that she should throw a party on her birthday so why is acting so inconsiderate today, Lie Ruge was confused. Since Yi Lan said that he was not going to be around that automatically means that Yun Yi and Tan Fan will not be available too, so she did not bother asking them. She quietly walked upstairs without uttering a word immediately the guys finished making their excuses. Yi Lan expression instantly dropped when he saw that his Ge'er was sad. He did not want to do this, but he had to for his plan to be a perfect surprise.