- A Child from the Preceding Marriage

These medical things were indeed hard for Jing Yunzhao, a mere beginner. But at least all the information had been engraved in her brain. If she didn't understand anything, she could just think of it and the answer would naturally come to her.

A day passed in the outside world, but she had been in her space for five day's worth of time. After Jing Yunzhao absorbed this piece of jade, her understanding improved. And this improvement was of a godly speed. She was no longer clueless about the basic herbs.

Monday, a school day.

Jing Yunzhao went to school with the Qiao siblings. The school they attended was one of the very best in the whole county.

And the Ning town Jing Yunzhao lived in had only a few students who could attend this school. Yet Jing Yunzhao entered the school with excellent grades. Don't even mention the school necessities, she was even given a large sum of scholarship money. She was quite famous.

It takes about an hour to get to the county from the small town by car. On the way, Jing Yunzhao wore a mask. Her hair was quite messy.

The clothes she wore were always Qiao Hongye's unwanted clothing. She never had to dress herself.

Once they entered the school, people began to point and whisper.

But Jing Yunzhao understood fairly well the reasons for their reactions. It wasn't because of her clothes, but because of what had happened after school two days ago. It was because of the fact that she was with those hooligans.

"Jing Yunzhao! The teacher wants to visit her office before the test!" Someone said mockingly as soon as she entered the classroom.

Jing Yunzhao had already guessed it. In her past life, because of her upset stomach and because of Ye Qin's passing, she couldn't go to school. And never given the chance to explain herself, this matter became a stain in her life.

And her homeroom teacher actually cared for her and could never believe Jing Yunzhao to be such a person. But unfortunately, when Jing Yunzhao tried to quit school, the teacher tried to convince her otherwise. But the rumors in the town were too loud and many. It was hard for others to not believe them.

Jing Yunzhao didn't stay in the classroom and left for the office immediately.

Behind her were voices of mockery, degrading, and ironic insults.

"Tch, arrogant bitch! Did you see it on Friday? She was getting all close with those hooligans! And I heard she even ask those hooligans to bully her sister!"

"But aren't they sisters? It can't be…"

"What do you know? Jing Yunzhao's a child from her mom's previous marriage. They don't have the same dad! And just look at them! What kind of sisters looks like them? Jing Yunzhao always leave Qiao Hongye far behind when they take a test! I've never seen someone as shameless as her…"

Jing Yunzhao's heard her plenty of remarks like these, and she chose to act as if she couldn't hear them.

Because today was the day of the monthly test, the office was filled with student's books. The teachers were also quiet.

When Jing Yunzhao entered the office, some teachers tried to glance in her direction, hoping she wouldn't notice.

The class Jing Hongye was in had a female homeroom teacher surnamed Jin (金). She looked bright and intelligent with her glasses and short hair. She was not very old, only 28-29 years old.

When she saw Jing Yunzhao, teacher Jin showed a complicated expression. She pushed her glasses into place and waved her hand to signal Jing Yunzhao over.

"Teacher Jin," Jing Yunzhao said out of respect.

Teacher Jin sighed, "Jing Yunzhao, do you know why I called you over?"

"I believe I do, but teacher Jin, I also have something to tell you," Jing Yunzhao said and removed the mask from her face.

One of her cheeks were red and swollen. With just one look, one could tell it because of a slap.

Teacher Jin's heart stopped a little. "What happened?!"

A student was assaulted? Who did this? How can this allowed?!