- Self-Defense

Teacher Jin's face was full of unease. She believed that the reason why Jing Yunzhao did such a thing today was because she was under too much stress after what had happened yesterday.

"Jing Yunzhao, what exactly happened?" Teacher Jin asked in a strict tone.

Jing Yunzhao didn't think Teacher Jin was acting unreasonably, especially since Teacher Jin was known to be a fair person. Her not blaming Jing Yunzhao right from the start was already a sign of her trust in Jing Yunzhao.

"Teacher Jin, I was in the wrong for using violence. I apologize for that." Jing Yunzhao faced the swollen-faced Lu Jia and said, "I'm sorry."

However, before anyone else could say anything, Jing Yunzhao continued, "But I don't regret what I did. Plus, I only did it as a means of self-defense."

Teacher Jin was dumbfounded at that moment.

"What do you mean? Could it be that…Lu Jia was the one who attacked first?" the teacher from Class Two asked suspiciously.

Lu Jia at that moment was crying so hard she couldn't catch her breath, and her face was also scarily swollen. She couldn't even let out a single word.

"When I entered the school today, Lu Jia unreasonably began to talk badly of me. I responded with a few sentences. Then I don't know why but she started pointing at me and calling me a bastard. Teacher, it's not my fault my biological parents left me. Aren't everyone a bastard the moment they're born? If you were to experience this kind of mistreatment, wouldn't you be mad too?" Jing Yunzhao spoke with reason.

"That's why you hit her?" asked Teacher Jin.

If that was the reason then Jing Yunzhao's actions weren't exactly unreasonable, but she went too far.

"No." Jing Yunzhao's expression was firm. "Her words were too dirty so I responded which made her mad. She stretched out her hands to grab my face. You can all see the long length of her fingernails. If she were to really have gotten to scratch my face, it's definite that my face would have been ruined. I couldn't just let her abuse me verbally and physically so I hit her back. However, I didn't know that she's only a paper tiger. She attacked first but she just wasn't able to hit me."

After Jing Yunzhao finished, the teachers were speechless.

They couldn't help but glance at Lu Jia's nails. They were indeed frighteningly long.

"Lu Jia, did things really happens as Jing Yunzhao said?" the teacher of her class was troubled.

Lu Jia nodded while crying and then shook her head, "I…I didn't hit her…"

Not only did she not hit her, the hands she reached out were stopped and locked. In the end, Jing Yunzhao was the only one who got to strike.

"The reason why you didn't hit me was because I dodged in time. But what if my reflexes weren't as quick? You should know what physical appearances mean to a girl!" Jing Yunzhao said coldly without holding back.

The teachers suddenly felt that Jing Yunzhao was different from the past.

In the past, she was always a quiet person in front of the teachers. She always went with the flow and followed instructions. When she suffered mistreatment, she wouldn't say or do anything. If not for her good grades, the teachers probably wouldn't even be able to remember her.

But now, she had a temperament. She had her own individual personality.

Having been reminded of appearance, Lu Jia held her own face and said. "Teacher…even so, she didn't have to slap my face to a pulp like this…"

"I did ask her to apologize in the middle, but she wouldn't do it. She continued to speak badly of me. Under these circumstances, losing the ability to think rationally would be common. Plus, if Lu Jia hadn't provoked me in the beginning, I wouldn't have done it. And the matter regarding those hooligans, I don't know what it is about the situation that makes people like Lu Jia talk mindlessly about it. The truth had already been announced by the police, yet people are still speaking shameful rumors about me. Are they trying to make me suffer a second time?! Especially Lu Jia, I've already been affected mentally by her fabricating stories and causing messes. She might not be a legal adult, but if I were to bring this to court, her guardians would have to take responsibility, right?!"