- Come Again Tomorrow

When the old man heard this, his expression became a bit fiery. "Surname is Jing? What's your father's name? Mother? Who's in your family?"

Jing Yunzhao felt weirder and weirder.

"I'm sorry, old senior. I'm an orphan. I'm the only one in my family." Jing Yunzhao replied.

Ye Qin was already dead. She had also already left The Qiaos. Her biological parents' whereabouts were unknown. Whether they were alive or dead was definitely also unknown. So calling herself an orphan wasn't pushing it.

After Jing Yunzhao finished talking, the old man's eyebrows clumped together. He reached out his hands to pull Jing Yunzhao back into the yard. "Then are you a native here? Do you know a woman surnamed Xu (徐)? She's around in her forties…"

Jing Yunzhao was a bit dumbfounded. She nodded and then shook her head. Her expression was a bit stiff.

The old man stared at her. The disappointment in his eyes was clearer than before.

"Looking closely, doesn't look that similar. Too young. Eyes that sharp. The light in the eyes isn't gentle enough. Looks too heroic…" the old man said some weird things. He breathed in and looked a bit unsteady. The middle-aged man beside him quickly rushed up to help him. the old man waved his hand. "Old man's surname is Xu. Sorry for unsettling you earlier. I hope you, little girl, won't mind it."

"It's okay, grandpa." Looking at him, Jing Yunzhao couldn't blame him.

The old man surnamed Xu looked very worn out and turned around to go back to the house. But after a few steps, he turned around and looked at her, "Do you have more goods to sell?"

Jing Yunzhao nodded. Yes. And she had a lot of it.

"Come again tomorrow at this time," said the old man and then left her.

Jing Yunzhao only thought that it was a bit weird. But then she realized why the people at pharmacy described him as a weird, rotten old man. You couldn't find anyone as mysterious as him in the entire Huaning county.

He was only an old man. She didn't worry about what he would do to her. She still had the ability to protect herself.

Jing Yunzhao went directly home. When she arrived, she saw that Su Chu was looking worried and beside Su Chu was a boy. He looked clean, neat and was pretty good-looking. He was probably Gan Jinchen.

"Biaojie, you're much braver than we are. You're out so late at night. Aren't you scared you might come across some bad guys?" When Su Chu saw Jing Yunzhao, she was relieved.

"I had things to take care of. I apologize for worrying you." Jing Yunzhao had been used to being ignored and neglected. So she didn't think that someone would be home waiting for you nor did she think to tell them beforehand.

Gan Jinchen glared at her but didn't say anything. He returned to his bedroom without leaving a single word.

Jing Yunzhao understood the look he gave her. He was clearly looking down upon her and doubting her.

After all, Grandpa Gan took her in as a granddaughter. He, the biological grandson, would definitely feel uncomfortable to some extent, especially since her reputation was pretty bad.

"Biaoge has a weird temper. Needn't worry about him!" Su Chu, on the other hand, was lively and stuck out her tongue in the direction of Gan Jinchen.

Remembering what that strange old man told her, Jing Yunzhao decided to explain the situation (T/N: where she was and where she'll be going tomorrow) to Su Chu. Just in case she worries again. However, the matter of selling medicinal materials was a bit weird, so she didn't mention it.

"Oh yeah, Chuchu, you talked about a test yesterday. Is it the one requested by grandpa?" Jing Yunzhao suddenly remembered something and asked.

(T/N: Chuchu is a nickname for Su Chu.)

Su Chu's face turned sour and said, "Yeah! Since me and biaoge were little, grandpa gave us a goal. We must study medicine in the future. Even if it's western medicine! So he would give us a test every month. The questions are all super hard! But…biaojie, how did you know that it was grandpa's request…could it be that h-he also…"

At that moment, Su Chu became dumbfounded.