- The Truth is Revealed (2)

Jing Yunzhao was finally able to leave the police station after confirming the witness report and going through the proper procedures.

Before leaving, the lamenting and obnoxious scolding were noisy and unceasing.

"I've already informed your teachers before coming here. After going through such a large dispute, go home and relax. You don't have to go to school today," Gan Songbai let out a loud sigh as he looked at Jing Yunzhao and comforted her.

Jing Yunzhao nodded her head. Today was a Friday and there was no school the next day, plus her grades have always been good. There were many things that she had already learned. With this rare, extra time on her hands, it was better to use it on improving her medical knowledge and martial arts.

Especially after this occasion, she reaffirmed that she was just too weak. If she had had enough time to practice her martial arts, then these people would have never even gotten that close to her. Unlike now, even though the opponents were the ones that suffered losses, but she herself had also suffered multiple injuries on both her body and face.

Touching the light scar on her face, Jing Yunzhao's emotions were complicated…

"That…" Gan Songbai spoke before stopping himself. He thought about it for a bit before he decided to ask, "Child, even though the security here is not bad, you're still young. Don't go running about at night, especially in this area. Pitchblack alleyways are everywhere. If something was to really happen and there's not even a hint of evidence…"

Gan Songbai had good intentions and Jing Yunzhao understood that completely.

If she was Gan Songbai's biological granddaughter, he wouldn't be gently giving her advice. He probably would have already scolded her.

However, there was nothing wrong in what Grandpa Gan had said. Even though she knew a bit of martial arts, at her age, plus the fact that she was mostly alone, it was basically asking others to commit a crime.

"I understand Grandpa. I won't go there at night anymore," Jing Yunzhao replied.

Gan Songbai was a little confused - 'won't go there at night'? Then that means she will still be going to that place?

Jing Yunzhao had already severed all her relations with the Qiao family. Accordingly, chances of her meeting with those people would not be high. Why does she still keep going back to that place then?

Gan Sonbai was old, Jing Yunzhao was also a girl, what's more is the fact that they are not blood-related. Some questions were better left unasked. He made a note to later tell that child, Chuchu, to take more care of Jing Yunzhao.

After sending off Gan Songbai, Jing Yunzhao once again took a trip to the medicinal market and bought quite a number of seeds. With the ¥10,000 she had with her, she bought all kinds of seeds and adding on some seedlings.The money she had was soon spent.

Of course, while she was on her way home, she didn't forget to drop by Grandpa Xu's to inform him that it would be inconvenient for her to come at night.

It's just that this old man's temper was also very strange. Once he heard what Jing Yunzhao said, he accused her of being lazy and trying to run away. With a swing of his arm, he straight up threw her several dozen of books. In the future, he wanted her to come once a week. Every time she comes, she had to memorize at least five books. Otherwise, no matter how good were the quality of the medicinal herbs, he would not buy a single one.

Even though this request was a little extreme,, Jing Yunzhao still cheerfully agreed. With the space, she had five times the amount of time than the average person. Also, she could find these kinds of books inside the jade piece, so it was convenient for her to memorize them. It wouldn't be hard at all.

For the past three days, Jing Yunzhao kept herself locked inside the house. Unless truly necessary, she did not show herself.

Inside the space, about half a month's worth of time had pa.s.sed. Recitation and martial arts practice were conducted regardless of time.

After coming out, she felt as if her body had become more lithe and graceful. Her whole figure also slimmed down, and unlike the past where her skin would be pale and spiritless, her skin condition had also improved.

In school, Lu Jia's shadow could no longer be seen.