Radio Repairman

The moment I stepped out the door I was blinded by the sunlight. I stumbled forward waiting for my eyesight to adjust.

Once my eyes were better the first thing I noticed was how damn hot it was. It must have been at least in the low 90's and it wasn't even noon yet. The town itself was exactly like you'd expect to see in an old western movie. There was even a lone tumbleweed blowing through town.

The only thing stopping me from thinking I went back in time was the giant blue robot ambling along on a single wheel. It was the Securitron Victor who sent to save me. I could see him rolling his way out of town but, didn't move to stop him. I'm not gonna lie it's a bit intimidating to know that he was packing enough firepower to level the town.

Besides it was way to early for me to be getting involved in the main plot. I was still worried about weather I'd even be able to survive at all. Because the game might as well have been set to Ultimate Hardcore Mode.

My first priority was to find Sunny Smiles and see what she could teach me. I could see the Prospectors Saloon just up the hill.

As I walked threw Goodsprings I realized just how much of a ghost town it really was. I only saw maybe two or three people walking around. From what I remembered from the game the town was like this for two reasons.

The First being the pack of Deathclaws living in the quarry north of here. They were blocking the road to New Vegas and no traders could get through. I would probably have to take care of them at some point but, there was no way I was going anywhere near there until I was at least level 30 and had an Anti Material Rifle with me.

The second reason was probably because of the conflict between the NCR and Caesar's Legion. While they were still fighting over the Hoover Damn only the bravest and most well equipped traders would even risk going out.

As I approached the Saloon I changed my mind and headed to the Goodsprings General store instead I was going to sell some of my extra gear to lighten my load a bit.

After walking inside I greeted Chet who was standing behind the counter listening to the radio.

"Morning" I greeted him.

"Oh, you must be the one Doc Michael was patching up. They way I heard it you weren't going to be walking out of there."

"Yeah, well it takes more than a bullet to the brain to put me down" I shrugged.

"Yeah, well if your here I'm assuming you want to do some shopping. So what can I do for you?"

"I want to sell you some of my extra equipment. And then I'll maybe take a look at your wares."

"Well, let's see what you got."

I took out everything I wanted to sell which was the Metal Armor, the Spears, and the Bleak Venom.

"Hmm, the Metal Armors good but, there isn't really much of a market for the Spears and Venom, at least not around here there isn't."

"So how much will you give me for it?"

"How about 125 caps?"

"Make it 150" I shot back.

"135 but, that's as high as I'll go."

"Fine" I agreed even though I knew he probably ripped me off a bit but, I wanted to have at least a couple caps on me.

He took his item and gave me my money.

"Alright, now I want to buy. What do you have?"

He answered "I have all manner of weapons and supplies is there anything specific your looking for?"

After looking through his inventory I only bought a couple things. A large Canteen to store water, a Cowboy hat to keep the sun off my head(a necessity in the desert), a large Hunting Knife for skinning animals, and some more ammo for my Shotgun and 10mm Pistol. There were other things I wanted to buy but, I just didn't have the caps.

Once I was done with my shopping It was finally time to head to the Saloon.

As soon as I entered the door I nearly pull my Pistol out from its holster when a dog came charging around a corner barking at me.

"Cheyenne stay" I heard a girl yell!

The girl in question came barreling around the corner not long after. She look vaguely Hispanic and had her blond hair done up in a ponytail. She carried a large rifle on her back and had black leather armor.

"Sorry about that" she apologized "Cheyenne's skittish around new people. But, don't worry she Won't attack unless I order her to. I'm Sunny Smiles by the way" she held her hand out.

I shook her hand "You can call me Devin. Doc Michael said you could teach me to survive in the desert?"

"Yeah, I guess there's a thing or two I could show you. You could probably use all the help you can get after having your brains blown out." She seemed to think for a moment before saying "meet me outside behind the Saloon in twenty minutes."

After that she led Cheyenne out the front of the Saloon to do who knows what.

With nothing better to do I decided to take a seat at the bar.

"Can I please have a Sunset Sarsaparilla?"

"Of, course hun" the middle aged woman manning the bar smiled "and consider it on the house."

I smiled back at her "thanks."

She handed me a lukewarm bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla. I was going to complain when I remembered we were in a shit town in the middle of a desert. I was never going to get a cold drink. Plus, it was free so I would've sounded like an ass if I complained.

I took a sip curious about what the fabled drink tasted like. And honestly I kind of liked it, it was very sweet and had a strong vanilla flavor.

"I like it" I spoke to my myself.

"Oh, you've never had a Sarsaparilla before?"

"No I haven't miss . . ."

"It's Trudy."

"Well, Trudy no I've never had one of these before."

"Oh, you must be new to desert then?"

"You have no idea how right you are" I laughed.

Trudy looked a bit confused by my words but, decided to ignore it. There was a moment of awkward silence for a moment before I spoke.

"Soo, can you turn the radio on" I asked pointing to the one sitting behind the bar?

"Awe, sorry but it's been broken for about a week now. Actually now that I think about it, it was one of the guys who shot you in the head."

"Hmm" I hummed in thought "can I see the radio? I might be able to fix it."

"Sure" Trudy shugged "It's not like you can break it anymore than it already is."

She handed me the radio and began to examine it. I knew absolutely nothing about electronic and I was planning on using this opportunity to see how my stats actually affect me. In the game it only takes a repair skill of 20 to fix it and I have 30.

I looked the radio over and noticed there were some phillips head screws I could take out. Luckily, besides the weapons and supplies I got from Doc Michael there were also all kinds of lesser equipment. Things like a Canteen, Matches, and even Pots and Pans for cooking and among all that stuff there were a couple Screw Drivers.

The cover came of easily enough and I got a good look inside. It was filled with all kinds of wires and vacuum tubes.

My hands started moving on their own. I don't know how or why but, I knew exactly how the radio worked. With that knowledge it only a moment to find the problem.

It seems like when it was knocked over a wire that connected to the fusion cells came undone. All I had to do was reattach it and the radio sprung to life.

"Big Iron, Big Iron, oh, he tried to match the Ranger with a Big Iron on his hip."

"Oh, you fixed it" Trudy exclaimed!

"Yeah, it should work perfectly now."

"I don't know how to thank you" Trudy said as she place the radio back in its spot "It's been terrible standing her all day without my music."

"I think I have an idea of how you can pay me" I laughed while rubbing my fingers together.

Trudy shook her head helplessly "How much do you want?"

"75" I answered.

"What! No way" she refused "it's worth 50 at most!"

"True, but I still need a bit more supplies before I'm ready to head out of town. And if you help me out a little now I'll make sure to help Goodsprings out in the future."

She rolled her eyes "fine, just consider it a get well gift."

"Thank" I smiled.

She quickly paid me and I could swear I hear a jingle in my ears letting me know I gained some experience.

I spent the rest of my time waiting for Sunny drinking my Sarsaparilla and listening to music.