Ghost Town Gunfight Part 2

Joe Cobb wasn't having a very good week. A week ago his group of Powder Gangers held up a passing caravan. At first everything was going as it should the caravan would bluster and threaten to kill them, and his gang would hold their ground. Eventually the caravan would give in and pay the toll, then both groups would go their separate ways.

Heck, recently the passing caravans had even started to carry extra money specifically to pay off any Powder Gangers they met. They just treated it like another tax from the NCR.

But, that wasn't what happened this time. The target was a Crimson Caravan convoy, a real big fish. If they did this right they wouldn't have to worry about money for weeks.

But, the leader of this specific caravan a guy named Ringo wouldn't back down no matter what he said. Then it happened faster the he could react Cobb pull a gun and started firing on his men. And from there all hell broke loose.

Both sides went at it with everything they had. The Crimson Caravan wasn't the Mojave's number one trading business for no reason. They were decked out in full armor and weapons, his guys were dropping like flies. However where they had quality he had quantity.

His Powder Gangers easily out numbered them three to one. The problem was that they didn't have any equipment. They had no armor just the same prison uniforms they had been wearing for weeks now. And even though everyone had a gun they didn't have nearly enough ammo to go around.

So, not having enough bullets his men naturally defaulted to their signature, Dynamite.

They won but, the caravan was blown to smithereens. All their cargo and were trashed, and the guy who started the entire mess Ringo escaped. And worst of all he took all of the caravan's money with him!

So with only five men left in his gang he decided to hunt Ringo down. Not just because of the money but, because if he returned to the NCR Correctional Facility without the head of the man who did this, he'd lose his entire reputation.

In the Powder Gangers power and reputation were everything. So if he couldn't kill the man who decimated his entire gang, it would prove that he had neither.

He'd never be able to recruit more men and would probably be forced to join someone else's gang! He might even be kill by Eddie the Powder Gangers leader for his incompetence.

So his hunt began.

Being fairly smart Cobb figured that when Ringo escaped he probably couldn't bring too much with him. And would be needing food and water sooner rather than later.

Ringo couldn't have headed south because that was Ganger territory. And he couldn't head north or east either because those areas were swarming with Deathclaws right now. So his only option would be to head to Goodsprings.

Goodsprings was a crappy little ghost town with nothing of value. They were so poor that no Powder Gangers had ever tried to rob the place yet. It just wasn't worth it, not like Primm with its Casino's.

So every day for the last week he'd head into town and demand they tell him where Ringo was. What he didn't expect was that the dirt town would have so much backbone.

No matter who he threatened no one would talk, granted there were only around two dozen people living there. But, it was still damn impressive. It actually made him respect the town a little, especially those girls Trudy and Sunny Smiles they were tough as nails. Even so he was being to lose his patience.

Today was the last day he was going to put up with them. He'd gone there earlier this morning to deliver an ultimatum. Give Ringo up or there would be consequences. However even as he left Cobb had a feeling they wouldn't give in to his demands.

So Cobb spent the rest of the day getting his men ready to attack. There were only six of them but, with their weapons and Dynamite he figured he could take the town.

And that brings everything back to the present, him and his crew were a couple minutes from the town and ready to storm the place.

When in the distance they saw someone approaching. He could make them out from this distance but, he told all of his men to be ready just in case.

As the figure approached Cobb managed to recognize him. It was the guy from this morning, the one who bumped into him. If he remembered right he was the one who was in a coma the last week after being shot in the head.

As the man approached Cobb could see he was carrying nothing but a Shotgun on his back and a Pistol. He wondered what the guy was doing out here all by himself with so little gear.

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As I got close to the Powder Gangers I started to think that this was a terrible plan. And when they pulled their guns on me I knew for sure it was one.

I put my hand in the air to show I was no threat.

"Who are you and what do you want" the man I recognized as Joe Cobb screamed at me.

"I-I came to talk to you" I said.

"Oh, and want do you want with me?"

"I-I know where Ringo is."

At that Cobb pulled his Revolver out and leveled it at my head. And it took everything I had not to pee myself right then and there.

"You have five seconds to explain yourself or I put another bullet in your head!"

"I-I asked Trudy about you this morning and she told me you were looking for some guy in town. So I went looking for him."

"And why would you do that" he said while cocking his Revolver with his thumb.

"B-because I k-know they can't win, Goodsprings is just as small desert town. Even if they win today there are still hundreds more of you at the NCRCF. So r-rather than die with them I'd rather throw my lot in with you.

Cobb examined the man before him looking for any signs of deceit. His knees were shaking, he was constantly stuttering, and was covered in sweat and it was clear it was from the heat.

"All right" Cobb said "You can join us but, remember if your lying to me" he raised his Revolver and fired a shot that whizzed by far closer than I would have wanted. "So are we clear?"

"Crystal" I gulped secretly relieved he bought my story. Though it isn't that hard to pretend to be scared when someone's pointing a gun at your head.

"Good, now where is Ringo hiding" he growled?

"He's in the old gad station north of the town."

Cobb slapped his forehead "Of course he is! I didn't check there because it was too obvious. And what about the towns people, what are they doing?"

"Once they knew you were coming they all gathered up into the Saloon. They aren't planning on giving Ringo over but, they don't want to get in your way either."

Cobb huffed "As long as they stay out of my way I'll leave their shitty town alone. Come on" he waved "let's get going were wasting daylight."

We made our way into town with me leading the way so Cobb could keep an eye on me. From the window of the Saloon we could see some townspeople peeking out. Including a very angry looking Trudy.

Cobb laughed "I guess you weren't lying kid."

My only response was to dryly laugh along with him.

"Okay, we're here" I said backing off giving them room to go inside when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. "And where do you think your going" Cobb asked?

"A-away from here."

"Not yet yer not" he grinned "see, I'm still not 100% sure this isn't a trap. So your going in there with us in case I need a hostage."

I sighed so much for doing things the easy way.

I quietly entered the gas station as Cobb followed with his Revolver trained on me. The inside of the gas station was dark with only a single oil lamp to light it up. As I tiptoed in two of the Powder Gangers followed Cobb in while the rest stood outside to stand guard. In the corner I could see a sleeping bag placed with empty whiskey bottles scattered around. You could there was someone inside the sleeping bag because it was slowly rising up and down, and there was a gentle snoring.

I pointed it out to Cobb and tried to get out of the way but, he pressed his gun to the back of my neck.

"I"m not taking my gun off you, I want you to shoot him" Cobb whispered.

"What" I gasped!

"Do it" he pushed the gun harder into my neck "or I'll kill you and then just do it myself."

I drew my Pistol from my hip and took aim but, if you looked carefully you could see my hand was shaking.

"Do it" Cobb hissed "you have five seconds!"

I hesitated for a little longer before unloading three bullets into the sleeping form. I must have hit an artery because the blood splattered everywhere, and some even got in my mouth.

"Oh, my good" I dropped the Pistol "I'm gonna vomit!" I turn around not caring for Cobb and rushed outside.

Cobb didn't stop the man and simply laughed. The guy was a whimp but, he was short on men right now and he seemed easy to control. That's why he had him kill Ringo, because now he was a murderer and Cobb would make sure that information spread so he wouldn't have any choice except joining the Powder Gangers.

Once I was out side I ran a bit away from the gas station before collapsing on the ground to vomit. "I feel like I'm going to explode" I screamed while the Powder Gangers watched in amusement!

Up on the roof of the gas station Easy Pete way lying prone on his stomach when he heard my scream. It wasn't the code word that was agreed upon but, he could take a hint. He flicked his lighter and lit the fuse of the large bundle of Dynamite next to him. With that done it was time to go. He hurried to the back of gas station and jumped off the roof landing on a couple mattresses that were placed beforehand. He did have to worry about being too quite because Devin was doing his best to be as loud as possible and vomiting. Now all he had to worry about was getting as far away as possible.

While I was collapsed on the ground throwing up I was also counting in my head.

"13, 14, 15 . . . BOOM! the entire gas station erupted in flames.