Mojave Outpost

It was pretty easy to tell when we were getting close the outpost. The two giant statues shaking hands were kind of hard to miss. I was relieved when I finally saw them in front of us. Trekking through the desert is no easy task, and I really wanted a cold drink right now.

We could have been here a couple hours earlier but, ED-D kept detecting movement out in the distance. I know we didn't have to go after them but, I wanted some more Exp. I was skipping pretty much the entire Powder Ganger quest line and wanted to try and make up for what I missed.

It wasn't dangerous either ED-D could tell that they were lone Ghouls so it wasn't a problem for me to waste my VATS all on one target. And even if I missed all three shots, it wasn't that difficult for the two of us take them out once they got close. We ended up killing around 10 Ghouls and I managed to level up again.

I was Level 5 now which was an even number so I didn't get a perk this time. I put my all of my 15 points into Guns again bringing it up to 45. I did that because I felt the difference last time when I raised it to 30. Every time it goes up I become more familiar with firearms and can aim faster and shoot more accurately. I still felt a little under leveled though and was planning to stay in the area for a while to level up and complete some quests.

But, all that could wait til later, right now all I wanted to do was sit back and relax.

As we approached the Outpost the two armed guards stopped us.

"Halt! You are approaching an NCR Military Outpost please identify yourself!"

"My name is Devin, and I just want a place to stay for the night."

The two men nodded towards each other and opened the chain link gate to let me in.

"You'll want to see Major Knight at HQ, he can arrange a bed for you."

I thanked him and headed inside, it was just like I remembered from the game. There were only two buildings one labelled Head Quarters and the other Barracks. The place was filled with people just loitering around and doing nothing.

I ignored them and headed inside the HQ. Inside a man was sitting behind the counter reading a magazine. I coughed to get his attention startling him.

"Oh, sorry there isn't much to do around here and no new people have showed up for a while since all the roads are blocked off. I'm Major Knight."

"It's alright" I waved him off "I've already noticed how boring the Mojave can be."

"So what can I do for you" he asked while picking up his clipboard?

"I'm looking for a place to stay for a couple nights and maybe some work if you have it."

"You can stay here for as long as you need as long as you pay for your own food and water. And as for jobs, well I'm not really authorized to hire any freelancers but, I might be able to work something out. First though you need to answer some questions for me, just some basic stuff so the NCR can keep tabs on whose coming and going."

"That's fine."

"Okay, what's your name, age, and affiliation?"

"My name is Devin, I'm 19 years old, and I'm not really sure what you mean by affiliation?"

"I'm just asking if your a part of any groups. Like are you an NCR citizen or working for a famous caravan group. Stuff like that."

"I'm not really part of any groups yet, but I guess you can put me down as a Mercenary since I'm trying to get into that business."

"That's good enough, I just needed something to write down. Last question where did you come from before you came here?"

"I came from Primm up north."

"Oh? How is Primm doing anyway? I know they're having some problems with escaped Convicts."

"Their not doing so great" I shook my head "Powder Gangers control the entire town and all the townspeople are holding up in an old casino. Though now that you brought it up that's the third reason I came here."

"What do you mean?"

"Jonathan Nash, the guy whose basically running the town after the mayor was killed wanted me to tell you something. He's sick and tired of the Powder Gangers ruling his town and is ready to join the NCR if they can get rid of them."

Major Knight shook his head "I'd love to help but, we're spread thin enough as it is. I don't think I can help."

"Oh, well that sucks" I shrugged "I thought Primm would've been a good investment for the NCR. It's a gambling town and in the perfect spot, all of the traders coming east from California would have to stop there on their way to New Vegas. You probably would've been able to collect a decent amount of taxes from them."

Major Knight was silent for a moment "You know that's not a bad point, plus it would make a good resupply point for this part of the Mojave. Alright" he nodded "I'll get it done."

After that he told me what bed I was supposed to sleep in as well as the combination to a lock I could store my belongings in while I was here.

I dropped my stuff off and decided to get a bite to eat at the bar on the other end of the barracks. The bar was probably the most crowded place in the Outpost. It was filled with soldiers and merchants who had nothing better to do all day than be in here drinking.

I took a seat on one of the stools and ordered a brahmin steak and beer. I didn't really drink but, you don't go to a bar and order a soda.

While waiting for my food I looked at the girl to my side and was about to introduce myself when she shot me a glare.

"What do you want."

"Sorry, I was just going to make some friendly conversation" I apologize.

"Yeah, well keep your eyes up or I'll send you spinning. Don't got time for gawkers or anyone looking for something I ain't selling."

"I'll just mind my own business then" I said while taking a sip of the beer I was given. It didn't taste that great but, I wasn't going to let myself look like a lightweight.

"Your business?" she laughed "that must be a store worth tending, though if your radstag in the headlights look is anything to go by business is doing to well."

"I'm surprised you can even see me through the bottom of that bottle" I snarked as she was gulping down an entire bottle of vodka.

"Deep? Ain't deep by half, bar put a limit on me and only give me a single bottle a day. It's just the same thing every day wake up, do nothing all day, go to sleep, and do it all over again rinse and repeat."

As she continued to talk I could see all of the life leaving her face. And even though I already knew her story and what had happened to her I couldn't help but, ask.

"Are you alright?"

"Alright" she said after letting out a dark chuckle "do I look 'Alright' to you?"

"Look" I sighed "I think we got out on the wrong foot. How about I buy you a drink?"

"How about a couple of drinks is what I think you meant to say."

I just rolled my eyes and bought her some more whiskey. I managed to finish my steak while she bottomed out a few more bottles of whiskey.

"Crap" she cursed after finishing the last bottle. "I was drinking to forget but, all its doing is getting me angry. Whiskey always seems to do that to me, now more than ever. My drinking always used to cause problems back west, at least until I threw enough punches and people got wise enough to keep their heads down when the whiskey came out."

"Well" I scratched my chin "I would appreciate it if you kept you fists to yourself."

"Don't worry I ain't punching yet, though I get the feeling I'd regret it if I smacked you" she said that while eyeing the silent ED-D who was hovering by my side.

Things were awkward for a couple of seconds before I couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence.

"So your from California?"

"Yeah, but I never got around to getting an NCR citizenship. I run a caravan . . . or at least I did" she look sadly into her empty bottle.

"What happened?"

"Lost them while we were heading north to New Vegas. My men were burnt to ash and the bastards didn't even take the cargo, they just burnt that too."

"They burned the cargo too? That doesn't sound like something raiders would do."

"No it was probably the Legion trying to cut off the NCR's supply lines. Mojave Outpost is proof, they got us locked up tighter than a New Vegas virgin. No Caravans in or out "roads not safe" they say. And just try arguing with them about it."

"Yeah, the NCR gets so caught up in their rules. They forget to actually do their jobs."

"I know right" she exclaimed "I don't even have a caravan anymore but, I can't leave because my 'caravan papers' still technically make me one."

"Wow, that sucks."

"Yeah, so here's my advice I you came here looking for work. Just leave, go north and find the Crimson Caravan. They'll help you out."

"Thanks for the advice but, what are you going to do?"

"Dunno, got alot of memories to drown. And if I die while drinking, it doesn't really matter since I got no where else to go."

"That mean your done with the Caravan business?"

"Sure am. Been burned for the last time, and it's not even done kicking me. I'm still stuck here."

"Well, if your looking for a new career I might be able to help with that."

"Oh" she raised here eyebrow "and what would your oh so amazing business opportunity be?"

"I'm starting a mercenary company."

"Tch, no thanks" she scoffed "I told you I'm done with escorting caravans."

I shook my head "that's not really the kind of work I was thinking of."

"What else would you be doing?"

I shrugged "robbing raiders and fiends, scavenging dangerous locations, and taking jobs from the NCR. That last ones actually what I'm doing here. The NCR is going to pay me to clear the roads."

She burst out laughing "thanks for that kid, I needed a good laugh."

I just stared at her.

"You, your serious aren't you! That's suicide do you know how many bugs there are covering that road!"

"I'm sure I'll manage."

Her face turned red and I could see a vein popping on her forehead.

"You know what? I don't even care get yourself killed. It's not like your life is any business of mine!"

Once she finished her rant it was my turn to burst out laughing.

"What's so funny" she screamed!

"Sorry" I wiped a tear from my eye "It's just I've never seen one in real life before."

"Seen what" I could see her fists clenching ready to punch if she did like my answer?

"A tsundere" I forced out while still struggling to stop laughing.

"The hell's a tsundere?"

"It's a person who acts angry and uncaring all the time but, is actually all soft and cuddly on the inside."

The vein in her forehead seemed to explode out.

"I'll show you soft and cuddly" she lunged at me!

But, I was prepared for that reaction and jumped back dodging her. I started laughing hysterically as she chased me around the bar. The soldiers drinking there would probably have stopped her but, her trying to beat me up was the most interesting to happen at the Outpost in weeks.She only stopped after I promised to buy her another drink, though she managed to get a few good hits in before that

"Want to make a bet" I asked her as she downed her latest whiskey?

"Depends what it is."

"I'll bet you that I can clear the roads of ants."

"Gonna get yourself killed" I could hear her whisper.

"Are you in or not?"

"Fine, fine I'm in what are the stakes?"

"If I can't do it then I'll buy you whiskey for a month."

"Okay, now you have my attention but, what if you win?"

"If I win then you have to join my mercenary group as it's very first member."

She seemed to think it over for a moment before putting her hand out. I shook it while smiling.

"Just remember to run away before you die otherwise I won't get my booze."

"Cough, cough, tsundere, cough."

"I'm sorry did you say something" she smiled maliciously before placing a hand on my shoulder and squeezing.

"N-nope I didn't say anything."

"Good" she said releasing her grip "I didn't think you did."

"So, I never did catch your name" I mumbled while rubbing my shoulder.

"It's Cass" she said after taking another swig of her bottle "and you?"
