
The few days after I killed the ant queen were eventful. I went and cleared some of the nearby areas like the Mesquite Mountain Camp and Morning Star Cavern. There wasn't much loot and lots of powerful enemies like Nightstalkers, Radscorpions, and Feral Ghouls. But, with my new 100 Guns skill and new Service Rifle at wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

The Service Rifle was part of the reward given to me by the Outpost. It was basically the Fallout worlds equivalent of an M-16. I fired a three shot burst of 5.56mm ammo. I was also given a couple hollow point and armor piercing rounds.

Other than that they also gave me some basic supplies and a couple hundred caps.

With all the exploring I did I Leveled Up once more to level 10. I brought my Science skill up to 50 and got the Comprehension perk. It increases the skill points you get from reading a Skill book from 3-4. I got the perk because I had actually been collecting skill books the entire time I've been in this world. And so far I managed to find a copy of the Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual, Duck and Cover, Pugilism Illustrated, Dean's Electronics, and The Wasteland Survival Guide.

I already explored all the places in the area that interested me and I couldn't leave yet, because even though Major Knight agreed to let Cass leave with me there was still tons of paperwork to do. It would take them at least a few more days. So I finally had time to actually read the Skill books. Because unlike in the game I didn't get the Skill points instantly and guessed that I actually had to read them. And this was my first chance to take the time to do that.

Reading all those books didn't actually take that long though. Apparently my 10 Intelligence also gives me the ability to speed through an entire book in under an hour. Once I was done with all the books I had right now my Stat screen looked like this.

Level 10


S 5

P 6

E 5

C 5

I 10

A 5

L 5


Barter 35

Energy Weapons 15

Explosives 19

Guns 100

Lockpick 30

Medicine 30

Melee Weapons 15

Repair 34

Science 50

Sneak 29

Speech 50

Survival 19

Unarmed 19


Confirmed Bachelor, Intense Training(1), Friend Of The Night, Commando, Comprehension

For the remaining time I went around selling any of useless items to the merchants who could finally begin leaving now that the roads were clear. And they all gave me awesome prices when they learned I was the one who killed all the ants.

And after another day or so Cass finally finished whatever it was the NCR had her doing we could finally leave.

"So where are we going" Cass asked as me and her were leaving the Outpost?

"To New Vegas, I have some business to finish there."

"So we have two options then" she held her chin in thought. "Either go north and try and sneak passed the Deathclaws and Supermutants or go east through Nipton the up to Novac and Boulder City passing through Legion territory."

"Pretty much" I shrugged.

"So, were going through the Legion right?"

"Definitely I don't think could take a deathclaw, at least not yet anyway. Besides there's someone there I want to recruit."

"Oh, someone else you want in your little mercenary group?"

"His name is Boone, he used to be an NCR sniper and was one of the best."

"Why'd he leave? If he was as good as you say I doubt the NCR would just let him go"

"His wife was kidnapped by the Legion as revenge and he shot her before she could be tortured."

"I-, wow" was all Cass could get out.

"Yeah, it's pretty dark but, because of that he hate the Legion with a passion and will do anything to get back at them."

"And you think he'll join us?"

"I don't think he will, I know it."

"How can you be so confident? I've met some NCR snipers before and they are the toughest sons of bitches out there. If they don't want to do something, nothing and nobody will change their minds."

"I'm confident because I did my research just like I did with you."

"What kind of research could you have possibly done tha-, wait did you say with me?"

"Of course" I smirked at her "you didn't think I just randomly stopped at the Mojave Outpost did you?"

"I don't believe you! There's no way you could know anything about me!"

"I know that you're the daughter of a certain tribal who once helped the 'Chosen One' find a G.E.C.K (Garden of Eden Creation Kit) and destroy the Enclave."

Cass's mouth dropped "h-how could you possibly know that! I've never told anyone who my father was!"

I could stop myself from laughing at her stunned expression.

"You think this is funny!" She drew her Revolver on me "You better start talking and tell me exactly how you know all that stuff about me or I blow your head off."

ED-D defensively flew in front of me blocking her gun and I could hear his blaster warming up.

"Easy ED-D" I pulled him back "she's not our enemy she's just a bit tense right now."

"I'll show you tense" she caulked her revolver!

I put my hands up "I'm not your enemy Cass" I tried to talk her down."

"Then tell me how you know all that stuff!"

I scratched the back of my head "It's not that I don't want to tell you but, I just don't think you'd believe me."

"Try me."

"Look it's not just that. The truth is something real crazy happened to and I mean REALLY CRAZY, and I'm still trying to figure it all out myself."

"Well why don't you tell me and I can help you figure it out."

"Maybe, when we get to know each other better but, for know how about I tell you something you'll really want to know."

"And what would that be?"

"Before I say I want you to put your gun down and promise to let me tell you my secrets on my own time."

Cass glared at me before dropping her gun "fine! But, only if what you're about to tell me is any good."

I took a deep breath "I know who destroyed your caravan."

Cass's arm started twitching and her face turned beet red and her forehead vein popped. "It's taking all of my willpower not to pull out my gun again so you better hurry up and talk."

It was the Crimson Caravan they hired the Vann Graff crime family to destroy your caravan so they could buy it off you on the cheap."

"Those bastards! I thought they were being a little too pushy in getting me to sell!"

"I don't want you to just take my word for this. When we get up to New Vegas we can do some investigating and then you can decide what you want to do from there."

She nodded after taking a moment to collect herself "I'll hold my end of the bargain, though I wanna know where you're getting your information even more now. Because the Crimson Caravan and Vann Graff's aren't the types to leave loose ends."

I shrugged "What happened to me was crazy but, probably not as interesting as what ever it is your imagining."

She smirked "I'll be the judge of that."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I want some reader input from you guys. I want to know who you want to be the main love interest. Cass is a good choice but, I'd have to age her down did you know she's supposed to be 37! As for other love interests I was thinking of either making an OC or using Red Lucy. Let me know what you think or if you have any better ideas.

P.S. I don't like Veronica that much so it definitely won't be her.