That Lucky Old Sun

The monitor on the mainframe slowly glowed to life once I hit the power button, it showed all kinds of different information about the plant. Things like the current power output, the positions of the mirrors, and most importantly where the power was being directed to. The best part was that unlike the game where I only had fixed options I could chose exactly how I wanted the power to be distributed, right down to the last percent.

I chose to do a 60/40 split between Freeside and Camp Mccarren but, that wasn't the important part. I set it so that everyday in the morning for one hour 100% of the power would go to the Archimedes II. The system warned me that if I did that it would take over a week for it to recharge instead of only a day but, I didn't think that was important. I doubted I would use it everyday especially when I was going to try and keep it a secret.

It didn't seem like a good idea to let anyone know I had this at least until I was in charge of New Vegas and had an army of Securitrons at my back.

With my work done I put as many layers of security I could on the computer to stop anyone from messing with the power distribution or finding out about either of the Archimedes. The NCR probably wouldn't even notice I wasn't sending them all of the power considering that even the small cut I gave them was still over 40 time more than they were getting before.

Now all that was left was to head outside and hit the button to activate the plant and reposition the mirrors.

The outside of the tower was at least two hundred feet off the ground giving us quite the view. There was a railway that spiraled downward to a large platform with a single control panel on it. I warned everyone to put their sunglasses on and to be careful of the light.

There was a moment of silence when I pressed the button when suddenly it was like we were inside a microwave. The temperature quickly rose to at least 110(43) degrees and was still rising, we ran back inside as quickly as we could with the light blinded us.

"Who the hell designed that" I screamed!

"Yeah, seriously we were almost roasted" Cass whined while covering her arms with Healing Powder to help the burns she knew were coming.

Boone just still silent and mimicked Cass to treat his wounds.

Instead of using the Healing Powder I directly used I Stimpak, one of the things I hated the most in the entire world was sunburn. The constant stinging pain every time you move and the disgusting feeling when you pulled of the shedding skin. Yeah, no I wasn't dealing with that besides it would be a good test to see if the severity of the injury effected how much the Stimpaks take out of you.

While all of this was happening ED-D was dancing around as if to laugh at us and our weak fleshy bodies.

"Well, I guess we should head back down now" I said while feeling the effects of the Stimpak kicking in.

On the way back down we ran into some NCR soldiers who were sent in to explore the place, apperently they noticed the mirrors being redirected and knew we must have succeded. We were led back inside where we met with the same soldier who let us in, in the first place. She thanked us and we got paid over 500 caps which we split three ways.

It seemed a little light considering all we had to get through but, I guess a military base in the middle of nowhere wouldn't have too many caps just lying around.

As we were leaving we were stopped by Ignacio who offered his thanks and gave me his copy of The Big Book Of Science and promised to put a good word in for us with the Followers.

We wanted to stay the night at Helios One because it was getting late and we didn't want to sleep on the ground if we didn't have to. We were told they already bent the rules enough by letting us in and that we could't stay but, they did tell us about an abandoned gas station just east of here that we could stay at.

After about an hours walk we arrived at the Eldorado Gas and Service Station, we found what looked to be an abandoned camp inside and had to check around to make sure no one was nearby. Once we knew it was safe we set up camp and colapsed in bed, Boone and Cass were starting to suffer from their burns and I was exhausted from the Stimpak. So I was once again left up to ED-D to keep watch for the night.

Going to bed was a strange experience for me one moment I'm laying down staring at the night sky, and then I close my eyes and the next thing I know it's morning. It was useful sure but, I didn't get to have dreams anymore or be able to enjoy just laying down and relaxing. Because the second I wake up it was normaly time to start getting ready for the day.

So recently I've started waking up even earlier at two in the morning to give me a couple hours I could have just to myself. I mean I didn't need to sleep at all and could just stay up allnight but, when I do that it starts to make me feel like I'm not human anymore.

I read through my new Science book and gained another 4 points into Science making it 84. Once I finished reading I took out my chemisty set and started making some sunscreen for us, I had been making small amounts of it before because I didn't want to waste any chemicals. But, it seemed like Boone and Cass were going to need alot of it for the next couple days so their burns don't get any worse.

I also made a couple more smoke bombs and even tried my hand at making a flash bang. I wasn't sure how well it would work because my Explosive skill wasn't that high but, since it didn't actually 'explode' I figured it might not matter.

I finished with about ten minutes left til four when we were supposed to get up, I decided to go explore the gas station a bit more since I couldn't really remember this location from the game and didn't know if there was anything interesting here.

There wasn't anything much in most of the place but, I did find a locked door in the back, I didn't feel like picking the lock and just knocked the doorknob off with the butt of Ratslayer. Inside was just an ordinary maintanence closet and I was about to leave when something caught my eye.