Boulder City

Boulder City really lived up to its name. For a good couple thousand feet the whole place was just one pile of rubble. It was impossible for me to imagine this place ever being a thriving city. The amount of explosives it must have taken to this completely blew my mind.

We followed the road to the entrance of the town and the memorial stone came into view. It was over two stories tall and had thousands of names written on it.

Boone took his beret and lowered his head in a moment of silence, and Cass and me followed suit.

I led the way as we headed into the relatively undamaged part of the town we were stopped by yet another NCR soldier.

"Halt" he stopped us "you are entering a restricted area. Please turn back or I'll be forced to open fire."

I rolled my eyes "do they give you guys a script to read off of or something" I joked.

"Actually they do" Boone answered as the NCR soldier blushed a bit.

"Any way" he continued "you guys can't be here right now. We're having a bit of a situation and we can't risk you making it any worse."

"It's the Great Khans right" I asked him?

"How do you know that" he gaped in astonishment!?

"I've been tracking down those Great Khans for a while now and have some questions to ask them."

The soldier seemed to be unsure of something and fighting to make a decision "I'll take you to my commander, he'll want to know if you have any important information about these khans."

We were led into the makeshift base they had and were led to a man having a heated conversation on a radio with.

"What do you mean you can't send us any more help! You promised that you'd bring down a squad of 1st Recon snipers to help us handle this mess! It's been two weeks now and we're still waiting! The khans are running out of supplies and are getting desperate, if we don't end this they might do something drastic!"

He went back and forth on the radio a couple more times before slamming the reciever down on the table and cursing up a storm.

Turning his attention to us he shot our group a sidelong glance before facing the soldier who brought us here.

He pinched the bridge of his nose "Kowalski please explain to me why you've brought civilians into an active military area."

"Well, sir" the soldier stepped forward "That person there claims to have information about the group of khans."

The commander glanced at "and what exactly do you know about these khans?"

"I know that they were working with person who shot me in the face. And that the same person tricked them into this situation to shut them up."

"And who exactly is this person" the commander raised his eyebrow.

"Don't know" I lied "that's why I want to talk to them."

The commander sighed "we'll, I'm sorry but, it looks like your never going to find out because I have just received orders to move on the great Khans immediately."

"But, what about the hostages" Cass asked looking concerned?

"How'd you know about the hostages" Kowalski wondered "I never mentioned anything about that."

The commanders eyes narrowed and his body tensed in case we were about to start something.

"Of course there's hostages" I jumped in "if there weren't why would all of you be stationed here for over two weeks just for a couple Great Khans."

We were glared at for a couple moments but, the commander seemed to accept my explanation and relaxed.

"We'll try our best to save them but, without those snipers we won't have any good way to take them out without hurting our men" he turned to Kowalski "go get Rico and Private and inform them that we're moving on the khans."

Kowalski saluted "Yes, sir" and ran off.

The commander moved to start making his own preparations but, I stopped him.

"Just, let me go in and try talking to them."

"And why should I do that?"

"Give me a chance, I'm confident in being able to talk them down."

"What if you can't? Then I'd have civilian in the line of fire and I do not want to have that conversation with my superiors."

"If it doesn't work Boone here can help you, he's a former 1st Recon sniper and was one of the best too."

He looked over at Boone and seemed to notice his baret for the first time.

The commander closed his eyes and crossed his arms "fine as long the sniper agrees to help us out I'll give you the chance to talk them down."

"You won't regret this" I smiled.

"I already do" he sighed.

"Here, watch this for me" I took off my backpack and handed it to Cass.

"Your not taking your Rifle with you" she asked?

"They're more likely to shoot me on sight if I'm holding a giant gun."

The commander shook his head "your either one of the bravest people I ever met or the stupidest."

"I like to think I'm both" I laughed.

The commander pointed to one of the camps exits "the khans are through there, they're hold up in the Big Horn Saloon.

I thanked him and went off by myself while Cass and Boone got set up with the NCR.

As I waded through the rubble I noticed several soldiers hidden and keeping an eye on the ruined saloon down the road. I put my hands up and tried to be as least threatening as possible while approaching the building.