The End Of The Beginning

After buying a couple more things Veronica came and found me again and I took her to meet the rest of our group.

"So you're our new traveling companion" Cass eyed her up and down."

"Yep" Veronica answered feeling a bit awkward.

"Names Boone" Boone gave his usual lackluster introduction and went back to maintaining his gun.

While ED-D danced in front of her to say hi.

"I've been meaning to ask but, what kind of robot is that" Veronica asked while examining ED-D? "I know he's an Eyebot but, I've never seen one quite like him."

"He's Eyebot Duraframe Subject E, a prototype Eyebot that came all the way from the east coast. I found him broken down in Primm."

"Oh, if he's a prototype is there anything special about him?"

"Yeah, he has advanced motion sensors and can detect enemies from over two miles away."

Her eyes widened "that's incredible my family would love to have something like that!"

"I bet they would" I laughed.

Veronica seeming to realize what he had said blushed heavily while Cass and Boone eyed her warily.

"Anyway" I said trying to break the tension " Were not that far from New Vegas now it's just a straight shot north up the I-95."

"It should only take around three days" added Cass while still cautiously glaring at Veronica.

"So, now that I'm part of the group can I ask if there's a specific reason your heading up to New Vegas?"

"There's three reasons" I said "First, is to make tons of money."

"Nothing Special there" she remarked.

"The second is to find the guy who shot me in the head" I pointed to my faint scars.

"I always loved a good revenge story" Veronica nodded "and what about the last reason?"

I let out a wide grin and Cass face palmed having experienced this enough times to know where this was heading.

"To take over The Strip of course" I spread my arms wide!

Veronica wasn't sure if I was joking or not and turned to Cass for help.

Cass let out a sad sigh "don't worry about it I'm 99% sure he's joking."

"Only 99%" Veronica asked worriedly?

"Well . . . more like 90% if I'm being completely honest he's kind of crazy sometimes.

"Only, sometimes" I mumbled to mess with them "I'll have to work on that."

Ignoring my words everyone else decided that it was getting late and that it was time for bed.

I went to sleep chuckling at the fact that they thought my taking over The Strip was just a joke. I had debated with myself for a long time whether it was the right decision to kill Mr. House and if I should wait until I was more prepared to do it.

But, after thinking about it House probably wasn't the best for the world, he was too vain and after basically living in a tube for two centuries he probably doesn't even remember that he's human anymore.

I might not be the best leader for the Mojave but, it's not like there actually is a best leader. And besides my knowledge of all the game and the extended universe gives me an edge that no one else has. So I decided to bite the bullet and take Mr. House out as soon as possible.

Because it would be a terrible idea to let him get the Platinum Chip and upgrade all of his Securitron's before trying to take him out.

And if I do take over The Strip this early O would have access to a nearly unlimited source of money to help complete the rest of my plans. I mean Mr. House has been in charge of The Strip for over a century, and even if the Casinos only give him a tiny cut of their profits every year it's still an unimaginable amount of caps.

I could use it to buy all the equipment we could need from the Gun Runners, get the materials to do all the experiments I've been thinking of, and get all the Cybernetic enhancements I want.

It would be a huge boost to my overall strength which is something I really needed right now. Because for my crazy plan to work I'd probably have to go and do a couple of the DLC's soon and to take on the monsters in those places I would need all the help I could get.

After reaffirming my decision to kill Mr. House I noticed it was getting late and finally went to bed.

The next day we hit the road and began the final leg of our journey. It was a strange feeling it's been around two months since I came to this world and even that small amount of time has felt like an eternity with everything that's happened. And even though I knew for a fact that there dozens, maybe even hundreds more adventures in front of me. As I looked at New Vegas looming in the distance everything just felt so final.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and noticed that everyone was pulling ahead of me. and sprinted forward to catch up to them.

(Sorry for missing yesterday and the short chapter. I'm going to release a second one today to make up for it.)