The King

It wasn't hard to find the King's HQ it was located inside an old Elvis Impersonators school and every single person in Freeside knew where it was. The giant neon signs outside helped too.

Inside I found a few of the Kings in their signature black leather jackets and greased up hair.

They noticed me the second I walked in and one of the tougher looking Kings, a guy I recognized named Pacer walked up to me.

"What do we have here? Another petitioner to The King?"

I nodded "I came here to speak with The King."

"And how much is it worth it to you to meet the big man" Pacer dropped a not so subtle hint he wanted a bribe?

I shrugged "If I can't see him that's fine, I'm new in town and I only came to try and pay my respects."

Pacer looked me over "You, know what? I like you too many people around here forget who runs this town. Head on through" he pointed me towards a door "The Kings the big guy sitting by the stage. Ya can't miss'em."

I thanked him and went inside. The door led to a massive stage with loads of tables scattered about.

Up on the stage one of the Kings was singing 'Ain't Nothing But, A Hound Dog' to a man sitting just below who was dressed in the classic white Elvis outfit frills and all. And next him was a cyborg German shepherd that was one of the non-human companions you can recruit in the game.

I took a seat and waited for the man on stage to finish his song, he wasn't that bad and I was mildly entertained.

Once he was done I approached The King.

"Look, Rexie someone new's come to see up" he said while petting Rex who laid quietly on the floor. "Poor boy, he hasn't been feeling well lately. Anyway I'm The King what can I do for you."

"I need some passports to get into The Strip and don't have the money to pay Mick & Ralph. I was hoping we might be able to work out a deal of some kind."

"Hm" he held his chin "it's not impossible but, I'd need you to do a couple things for me first."

"What do you need me to do?"

"I'll start you off with something easy. Did you notice the bodyguards offering their services outside the gate?"

"Yeah, and most of them were Kings."

"Right, because no one knows this town better that us. But, there are a couple of free lancers doing the same. We normally don't pay too much attention to them but, one guy has been on our radar lately. There's a fella named Orris going around and his business has been a little too good recently if ya catch my drift. I want you to request his service for me and see if he's on the up and up."

"Sounds easy enough" I nodded.

"Good, here take this to cover his hiring costs and get going."

He handed me a bag full of 200 caps and sent me on my way.

As I walked back to the entrance of Freeside I tried to figure out the best way of handling this. I knew Orris was hiring people to pretend to attack him so he could look good in front of his customers.

I found him heckling people coming into Freeside to try and get work, and he was ecstatic when I asked to hire him. He promised he would show me all the sights in Freeside and protect me with his life.

It was only a half an hour walk to The Strip but, and he showed me all the important buildings in the area before detouring down a small side road. I asked him why we were going this way and he responded that there were a couple shifty looking men eyeing us and was going this way to avoid them.

Not long later four weapon wielding thugs jump out from the shadows and charged us while screaming and waving their weapons.

Orris reacted in an instant and quickly spam fired his Revolver. I rolled my eyes from his ineptitude, he only fired three times and somehow killed four people. And not just that but, there was no blood and I could even see some of them faintly breathing.

It astonished me that anyone could be stupid enough to fall for this but, I guess not everyone has 10 Intelligence.

Orris then led me to The Strip gate and I thanked him for his service and to him if I ever needed a body guard again that he would be my first choice.

He told me he was going back to the other gate and confidently sauntered off. I decided to take a break and mess with my Pipboy, since I couldn't head back right away because that would be suspicious.

Luckily I had recently tried my hand at adding some games to my Pipboy. Nothing complicated just some simple 8bit games that weren't too hard to code.

I managed to make Pong, Snake, and a simplified version of Pacman. They weren't much but, they killed the time.

After about ten minutes I started the walk back to the Kings. On the way I got attack by another junkie who was waving around a tiny pocket knife and I put him down.

Once I got back to the School of Impersonation I gave The King my report.

"Thank you for your information, I'll arrange for some kings to discreetly remove him from the streets later today."

"I'm guessing that you still have another job for me considering that felt a little too easy."

"Yer, right I got one more job for you before I get you your passports."

"So what do I have to do?"

"A couple of my men were nearly beaten to death last night and I've just received news that they finally regained consciousness. I want you to head down to the old Fort Mormon and get the skinny on who beat my boys down."