"Who are you and what do you want." "I'll never tell..." Slenderman cuts a slit in his neck with his tendrils and shoves his body into a hole nearby. "I need to tell everyone about this" then teleports to the mansion.

Slender walks into the mansion and sees Trender lying on the couch. "I just saw a slender hunter in woods." "So? That doesn't mean anything and how do you know he was a slender hunter" Trender said "I saw his commander rank badge. Were just lucky he was alone." "Tomorrow we'll sort things out. Well I'm going to bed" Trender said and went to his room. 'Well I just hope your right.' Slender thought and teleported to his room.



Slender goes to the kitchen and sees Splendor making a breakfast of bacon and eggs and makes some coffee and sits down. "Splendor I'm going to need you to do some work for me later, do you think your up for?" Slender asked. "Sure thing, but what do you want me to do?" Splendor asked. "I need you to take a look at some cameras and trackers I'll put around the forest." Slender said. "Ok, what time?" Splendor asked. "I'll let you know when its time." Slender said as Trender walked in. "Your still on about this?" Trender said but Slender stayed quiet and teleported to his office and back. Then Offender walks in and they all eat. Trender and Offender leave while Slender and Splendor are washing the dishes. "Why did you teleport away a while ago?" Splendor asked. "I got the cameras and the walkie talkie for the mission." They finish up the dishes and Slender goes out of the mansion.


"Splendor turn on the cameras and my tracker" Slender said while placed a camera at the top of a tree. ~Okay.~ "Tell me of you notice anything unusu...argh..." Slender looks back and sees a someone wearing a mask and hoodie with a needle in his back before fainting.