Slender couldn't believe my eyes. He was looking at a gender changing mirror. "Wh..What is happening?" Slender stuttered as the lady opened the other cages then he fainted.

He woke on a bed in a room. He tried to stand but bumped his head on the Ceiling of the room so he just sat on he bed until he realised the metal bracelet was gone. He transformed in a human and went downstairs but the house was empty. He felt like eating but he didn't want to go around someone's house eating their food so he went around the house looking around then he heard some noise outside. 'They must be back." I thought. Then I went outside. "Oh good your awake. Thanks for saving us back there, would you like some food?" Slendy asked. "Ye...Yes please." I replied while trying to hide my burning red cheeks. "Well come inside." Slendy said giggling. I followed her and the others to the kitchen. "Here have some cheesecake." Slendy said as she gave me a slice of cheesecake. "Do you mind if I eat in my slender form? I'm not exactly comfortable eating as a human." I asked. "Sure." She said. I transformed back to my slender form. I felt a bit uncomfortable because everyone was looking at me but I decided to do it, I ripped a mouth into my blank face and started eating. The ladies started laughing which made my cheeks red, It was obvious because it was like pouring tomato sauce on a white blanket so they stopped laughing. "let's introduce ourselves, I'll start. I'm Slenderman." I said after washing my plate. "Well we already know that. I'm Slenderlady, the one in a polka dot suit is Splendorlady, the red suit is Trenderlady and the last one is Offenderlady." Slendy said. "Well I'm sure all of you already know my brothers." I said. "Yup." Splendy replied. "Sorry for the inconvenience I caused but I need to get going, my brothers are probably mourning me already." I said. "Well I'll escort you." Slendy said. We walk together towards the mansion. (Slendy's house is in the same forest as the mansion) "He...Here this is my ca..card, you can call me anytime." I stuttered as I stretched my arm towards her. "Thanks." She said as she took the card from me. We reached the doors of the mansion then she pecked my lips and teleported away. I stood there with my red face wondering how she could teleport too.