The doors of the mansion opened and I saw Splendor standing right in front of me. "Slender your back!" He shouted causing Offender and Trender to come out. "Why are you red, do you have a fever or something?" Offender asked. "No" I said as the redness in my cheeks faded away. "Your finally back, what did they do to you?" Trender asked while hugging me. "I need some time alone." I said while going to my office. "We'll be in the living room if you need us.

I entered my office, locked the door and started doing research on Slenderlady but nothing came up. 'Why can't I find anything about her' I thought as I closed my laptop. Then a thought ran through my head 'Mom's diary.' I quickly search my desk's drawers and took it out. On one of the last pages I saw 'We and Slendy now and it breaks my heart to leave her. I wish we and the boys could stay forever but we have to go.' 'Well at least she a friend-' I blushed deeply as he saw 'p.s I think she would Slender would look cute together' I spent the rest of the day do work and thinking about slendy.

'Should I call her or should I wait for her to call me?' I thought as I held my phone but remembered I don't have her number.

I went to the parlour and met Splendor watching TV. I went to the kitchen and started making lunch, I folded the chicken laps into the batter and dumped them in the flour causing the flour to puff and I coughed lightly. I put them in the deep fryer and waited and after that I washed, peeled and cut some potatoes and also fried them, then I served the food with some ketchup and called everyone to eat.

"Slender do you think you can go to the store today? I've run out of fabric." Trender asked. "I also need more ice-cream and some books." Splendor said. "Okay I'll go in an hour." I said as we finished eating. Then I washed the dishes and did some work on my laptop.