Chapter 9: Threat (1)

'Why?' Ernest asked with a dark frown. Amber held her clothes and pushed at his hand desperately trying to get out from under him. The tone of his voice made her shudder.

It seemed Amber had stepped on a mine she hadn't known was there. While his expression scared her, she looked at him firmly,

'I know that this is not common amongst the aristocracy, but I work as a lacemaker. I cannot be Queen and do my work as well.'

It was blasphemous to refuse His Majesty's proposal. There was a possibility that her family's aristocratic status will be stripped. Even so, Amber could only save herself. Marrying Ernest and becoming Queen, not being able to make lace would be tantamount to losing her life.

She waited in silence for Ernest to reply, but contrary to expectations, he looked at her sweetly and smiled,

'I see.'


'I don't mind you continuing your work.'


Was he telling her the truth? Even though many aristocratic men thought that Amber was going above herself with her work. Ernest who was king could not possibly think differently. She could not believe that he did not mind. While she sat still in surprise, Ernest kissed her cheek,

'Outside your official duties as Queen, you're free to do as you wish. So you can live exactly as you did at home.'


'Although what you do with the money you earn is up to you, I think it would be better if you donated part of it to community projects, thereby, raising your reputation as Queen; killing two birds with one stone.'

Amber had her inheritance, so she had never been bothered about her earnings. What mattered was that she was able to create lace. It was everything to her. That she was permitted to continue moved her. It was the first time receiving such easy allowance from a man.

Still, it was useless. (Zuben: My dear, you got what you want. Lie back and think of Berghausen!)

'Ernest, I am very grateful, but I still don't think…' she suited being Queen.

She had thought she was going to get a simple convenient husband so she could do as she wanted. She had not planned on being Queen by manipulation. But, she could not explain this to Ernest.

While her mind was troubled, Ernest snatched his hand from her grasp and plucked out the pins and accessories holding her hair up.

She gasped in surprise as her hair came down and Ernest spread her dark hair across the bed.

'Perhaps, at this moment, the guests are celebrating my engagement.' he said as he kissed her hair and gave her a gentle smile.

'For me, our first night together is better with just the two of us.' he said with eyes darkened with lust making her feel hot inside, 'but if you prefer, I could take you back to the ballroom looking like this.'

'What do you mean?'

Her dark gloomy hair was down, her dress unbuttoned. She could not return to the ball in this state! What was he trying to tell her?

Just imagining such a thing made chills run down her spine.

Ernest stroked her soft cheek, while Amber stiffened her body.

'Would you prefer if I took your virginity before everyone so that they can all be a witness that you are mine?' He asked darkly, with a tilt of his head. His short silver hair shook with the motion. (Zuben: I don't think threats are a good way to start a relationship)

It seemed that he was angrier than Amber imagined.

Ernest ran a bony finger along Amber speechless full lips,

'Which would you prefer, Amber?'

Ernest's charming voice pierced Amber' eardrums, 'Will you show your all just to me or would you prefer to show everything to all the guests in the ballroom? I'll do whichever you want.'

This love potion was a terrible thing, Amber concluded.

It should not be used easily.

Amber found herself between a rock and a hard place. (Zuben: Hurr-hurr)

Ernest smiled and took her lips.

She gasped as he kissed her, sucking on her lips. He had told her his body was hot, and she felt the proof for his lips were burning against hers as he forced her lips open. He traced her teeth with his hot tongue, making her tremble. A moan emerged from the back to her throat. What was this feeling? Amber thought puzzled.

Ernest pulled back a little and stroked Amber' cheek, his breath was hot against her skin as he commanded, 'Amber, give me your tongue.'