Chapter 91 Second phase of the plan (Part 3 )

I thought that Rei had said he would fast and just bring her things but people in this room had to wait about an hour to see again the three girls who had gone ... it seems that in any world the ratio and value of time for a woman is the same.

"Rei, take and eat this"

"What is this?"

As it would be very counterproductive to complain about their delay, I simply decide to ignore it and better do what I intended at first, I give her the limit-break pill. She receives it with curiosity and examines it, then probably not knowing what it was she decides to ask me for more information.

[Limit-Break Pill -H

Pill with enough energy for a person with Soul level 1 to advance a limit. This pill cannot make the soul of an individual evolve, therefore if someone with a level 99 ingests it, it does not assure his progress.

Nor can they be ingested consecutively since the body of the person will not resist changes in the increase in power so abruptly, so you can only consume one every 6 months.]

"This pill will help you get stronger"

"Really? Can this make people stronger?"

"Alex tells the truth, it's nothing strange so you don't have to worry. Besides, we've all eaten it."

Rei continues to ask me interested and while she reviews the pill I answer, then when listening to me she sees in more detail and intrigues this, but it is good that she only seems surprised to what it can do and it is not that she doubts that I am giving her something strange.

Kurisu who must have thought that perhaps Rei had a little distrust to ingest something strange reaffirms what I say and also the other girls nod with her words.

When Rei listens to her talk, she sees her for a few seconds, then the other girls and finally makes a nod to eat the pill. When she ingested it takes a few seconds until that begins to take effect and with the ability of my eyes I can see that the energy that starts to emanate from her stomach to then slowly integrate into her entire body.


As a result of the abrupt energy and sensations that Rei must be feeling, her knees weaken and losing the balance, since I and Kurisu were the closest ones prevent her from falling and help her to sit on the floor so that the process ends quietly.

While she absorbs the energy from the pill I also observe the level above her head that the system shows me, the number 31 shown and that she had achieved after this fight begins to rise slowly until after several minutes it ends up being a 41.

"How you feel?"

"... it was awkward at first but now I feel full of energy"

Seeing that Rei had finished assimilating the pill, I asked her and got a similar answer that the other girls who had eaten had given me. Finally I check her again with my spiritual vision to make sure that the sudden increase in energy has not damaged her body and then finding nothing out of the ordinary I can say that she correctly assimilate the pill... although with these eyes I can only see auras and energy, so the inspection is only basic and I really don't know if she can have an internal problem, but since it is something that the system gave me it shouldn't be dangerous as long as I follow the instructions.

"Well, then before we go to sleep I need to say something to everyone... maybe some already know from have heard the rumors that people said, but I think it is best that I clarify things directly.

Since yesterday Haruna and I entered into a relationship as a couple, if I didn't tell you all before it wasn't because I thought this was wrong or I was ashamed of it, it was because she asked me to keep it a secret because she doesn't want Komuro and Iruka-chan know it for now.

I thought to tell all of you more later when she spoke with them first, but as what happened between us was seen by many people, it seems that rumors began to spread and I think it's better to you girls know these things for me, plus I also ask you not to say nothing to the two people I mentioned to respect Haruna's request"

As Saeko had told me that this information was being spoken among the people in the camp, then this could not remain hidden any longer. Before I asked Saeko to tell the other girls to keep the secret, but as I said, it is better that I will be the one to tell them.

...I will not lie and say that I was not a little worried about the reaction they might have, the last time something like this happened Kurisu's affection had descended and for a moment I thought that maybe she would even leave me. That is why I was a little afraid that similar things would happen now, but that was not a reason to I could lie to them or hide things from them since that would end up causing the girls more damage and sure I would not forgive myself for that.

Saeko may be the only one with whom I have also confirmed a relationship and although with the others I have not done it, I clearly know that they have attraction or feelings for me and that is why everyone has the right to know.

I have been clear to all of them and they should know that I will have many women around me with whom I will have a relationship in the future. Those who can accept it, then we can stay together and those who do not do, then the best is to take separate paths.

"So it was true... Hmp, I had suspicions but with this I can confirm that you really like mature women, isn't it Alex?"

"Fufufu, don't worry Alex-san, everyone here can surely keep the secret for Komuro-kun and Iruka-chan"

"So now a woman of my mother's age will also be integrated..."

"A-Aunt Haruna fell in love with you? W-when Takashi finds out I don't know how he will react… I just hope Yamada-kun is there to support him"

The first to speak after the silence that formed for a few seconds is Kurisu who is sulking and says that a bit moody... I can only smile bitterly at her words since really don't think I has a special taste for mature women, it's just that my mental age is 28 years old, but I'm glad that even if she got a little angry when heard it, the important thing is that her affection this time didn't decrease.

It seems to she has used a little to the idea and has processed this better than before, also I know that likely her anger will disappear in a few days or perhaps to the focus on the work forget it.

Saeko just smiles at me as usual and her words are more like telling me that she will also make sure that no one else speaks things that should not. On the other hand, Saya seems a little worried to know that I have a relationship with someone who could be her mother. This must be because besides that Yuriko-san and Haruna have similar ages, such as Rei, Komuro and she had a lot of interaction as children, it is not difficult that she also identifies her as a mother figure.

The reaction of Rei surprised me a little, I thought she would be equal or angrier than Kurisu, but she was more worried about how will react her childhood friend when he hears this news... the truth is that I also look forward to seeing his face when he discovers it, hahaha.

"Well, as Saeko-san says, everyone here must understand that this is a personal problem of Haruna-san that we should not get into, so surely none will do something silly.

...It's already night and I'm tired, let's all go to sleep. Tomorrow we will have to continue with the extermination of zombies in the city, so it is better that we all rest well. "

Following Kurisu's advice, we all prepare to sleep and not long after we are in bed trying to fall asleep, the only thing different from other nights is that today Shisuka probably will not come back and work with her team in trying to follow the instructions of the method I got no long since to be able to create the level 2 and 3 antidotes.

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The next morning we are all inside a TR-12 in the direction of the camp in the city, this time I also brought Shisuka with us who is currently asleep while hugging me for not having slept all night.

The reason for this is that it would also be good if she got some of the experience that many of us will get today by killing a lot of zombies. Logically she will not be on the team that attracts the zombies and will be left behind the barricade firing a weapon, with so many zombies gathered surely just pointing the gun in front should be able to hit any of them.

As for Haruna, I don't have to worry about her about this. Thanks to her dog who is in this battle fighting, she can have this benefit for just the bond she has with it, when I saw the level above her head yesterday she had advanced 4 levels. Also, being a case similar to this, when I met Alice-chan during dinner I realized that she had exceeded her first limit ... probably when she turns 13 that is the age of majority decided in the camp, sure in that time she will have advanced several limits.

Unlike the previous day, this time we will be the 4 MLDW leaders fighting, so a car where Yoshioka is and a team of soldiers follow us closely. So, as all the leaders were outside, the one who took care of the camp was the person in charge of public order and security of the campground, Matsushima.

I don't have to worry about her being in charge because due to her character, I don't think she going to do something silly, so we can rest easy and kill zombies.

Then sometime later when we leave MLDW and arrive at our destination, the car is parked and then everyone starts to get out of it.

"We have arrived, Shisuka... I need you to release me to we can get out of the car"

"Nwua? ... 5 more minutes ... I'm still very sleepy"

"You should probably let her sleep a little longer Alex-san. It is not yet time for her to participate in the battle, so it is better that rest as much as she can for when that time comes."

I try to wake Shisuka, but after repeatedly insisting that is the only answer I get from her, so when I pretended to be a little rougher with her in order to wake her up, Saeko advises me that.

I think about it for a few seconds and nod to what she says in agreement with her opinion, then I just try to get away from her arms that wrapped around me like snakes... in the end, I had to get the help of several girls to get out of the car.

I thought that her resistance and strength had not changed much even with raising several limits, but now I realize that she had a fairly strong grip. Or could it be a technique of her? Well, no matter what the reason, I just know that with this my chances of dying at night increase and that worries me a little... the only solution to prevent that from happening is to continue strengthening me.

Once inside our city camp, I see the Takagi couple who seem to have slept here to be able to supervise the things that the workers had to do yesterday and after a few greetings among all, we then repeated something similar of the meeting recent.

After they inform us that it was possible to complete all the necessary things to be able to kill the zombies today, we end the discussion and all go back to our designated place.

Yoshioka has to go to the same place of my group because if everything goes as agreed and we can finish the second phase of the plan a couple of hours later, then together with those of my team I will have to go to the port to start with the 3rd phase.

We arrived at the same street that was blocked by a barricade of cars and quickly prepared to do our job. This time we awaken Shisuka that although she complained in the same way as before, after several of my attempts then Saeko takes my place and is the one who did it... she was not kindly at all and began slapping her until she opened the eyes which were a little teary and I am sure that it was not only because she had just woken up.

Immediately after that, Shisuka, Saeko end Scythe stay here and the group in charge of attracting the zombies walks through the cars that blocked the road, then reaching the other side the panorama was somewhat different than before. There were no more grenades hanging on stakes scattered all the way we had to go, which really relieves me a little and I no longer feel so pressured as we head to the city center.

This was not because we didn't want to repeat the same thing again thinking that zombies wouldn't fall twice in an identical trick, I don't think they have the intelligence to do that. The reason was more simple, to fly through the air at more than 100 thousand zombies we spent about 10 thousand grenades spread over three streets and unfortunately these were all we had.

So for that reason it was almost impossible to do that again, well, I could buy more in the system but it would need to spend a good amount of crystals and also take up more time.

We had to collect the stakes that were dispersed by the explosion and see if they could be reused and if are not, the only option was to do more. In addition, Hirano would have to install a system like the one we used and to do this he needs to do it calmly and slowly, it is not simply to put two pieces of metal together. These are explosive, if he is neglected then many people can fly in pieces as the zombies did.

These were some of the causes that we last a month in being able to carry out the plan and the main reasons why I don't want to repeat it.

But it was good that I didn't have to take crystals out of my pocket and spend a lot of time on the next thing we will do. Thanks to the first grenades that exploded, a path full of craters was created following much of this street and then with the work of the many men of yesterday, all these were connected to create three grooves 15 cm thick and 10 deep.

It was not difficult since most works were done by the grenades and those men only had to complete it, so it is because of this that they were able to complete it in one day and one night of effort.

"Our work is the same as yesterday, shoot any zombie you see !!"


When we get close enough to the center of the city, the zombies begin to show themselves in a small number, so I give the order to eliminate them as we continue moving forward. Then because we go deeper and the sound of the shots attracts them, more and more appear until their amount forms a wall that prevents us from continuing.

Like the previous time, we resist as much as we can but only after a few minutes doing that, have to move back. When we returned 2/3 of the way, I keep one of my guns and take a portable radio that Kurisu had repaired.

"We are moving back, start doing the things we plan !!"

"I understand, we can hear that the shots are closer and we were getting ready, right now we will start !! ..."

After I talk about the radio Yoshioka's voice is heard, then I store it and take my gun again. Moments later of the communication between us, me and those who went to attract the zombies we passed to the other side of the cars while the machine guns cover our backs.

The loud noise of the machine guns lasts several more minutes, but in the end the zombies arrive at the barricade of the cars and so we go to use the grooves in the street.

"Make them burn !!"


Following my instructions, about ten men move forward and remove the safety ring from a grenade that each had and throw them on the other side where the zombies are. Without a doubt, buying 10 grenades at 10,000 is a huge difference...

Seconds after the detonations are heard and then the three furrows appear to transform into very long orange snakes that advance on the street.

The reason for this is due to the three cars with huge containers to store a liquid that was parked nearby, of each one of these a hose extends and if you pay attention you will realize that it passes under the cars that stop the zombies and they are bald on the ground where the grooves are.


Hello everyone!!

Thanks to everyone for your support and reading SES, now there are 25 people who support the novel. Remember to visit my (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) so this novel can continue, no matter the amount of contribution Alexander and I will be very grateful and you will have the benefit of being able to read the chapters before the others.


Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.