Chapter 128 Returning to MLDW

More than a week has passed since Rika joined our group, during this time as the military faction had suffered great losses.

Most of the soldiers from her unit also ended up joining us, but also that same day another female lieutenant colonel decided to resign from the barracks to be part of our group. The reason she made such a decision was that since she was the same gender as Rika- san, she sympathized with her and felt quite offended that the colonel tried to skip things with his son.

So being of the same rank as Rika, her influence was not small either, so another large number of people left the barracks accompanying her.

But I must say that the departure of that lieutenant colonel affected more to that old man than her own exit, that is because she was in charge of carrying out the administrative tasks of the barracks and so for him that was a hard hit.

Unfortunately for the old man things did not end with just that, a couple of days later another of the high ranks with a group of people arrived at the doors of my villa from the barracks asking to join.

With him, I had to be a little more cautious... no, it wasn't because he was a man, I had to consider that it was some colonel's countermeasure. Although when I spoke to Rika for information about him, I had to rule that out because of what she told me.

The reason for that it was kind of simple, was that this guy was just in love with the lieutenant colonel who joined us on the same day as her. So his reason for coming was to be closer to the person he likes...

And so, this was another huge loss for that faction, that enamored guy was the lieutenant colonel in charge of the air vehicle unit in the barracks. That old man must have been spitting blood cursing his dead son after that happened... even now I feel a little sorry for him.

Although for me this was the decay of one of my concerns from that faction, the things that caused me the most apprehension from them were their air force and their artillery, but after this, now I only have to worry about the latter.

In the end, Kinato's military lost almost half of its men this week. In addition, this time the lieutenant colonels who left the barracks, brought their military equipment with them.

Due to the great loss, the old colonel had to come several times to down his head and ask the 3 high-ranking people who left the barracks to reconsider things. Unfortunately for him, his requests were useless, Rika obviously it was impossible for her to return to that group after everything that had to happen before, and with the other 2, his luck was not so good either.

For this reason, the old colonel had to resort to perhaps his last alternative to solve the loss of men... recruit people from among the residents of Kinato. Luckily for him, this time there was no one to prevent him to do that.

The bald man knew that if he pushed too hard on the colonel right now, it was likely that out of desperation he would attack his faction with the men still at his side.

Rei's father faction continued to remain on the sidelines of everything that had happened in the last few weeks in the camp. And since this did not affect me at all, I didn't have the need to intervene.

His reputation may not have been very good among the residents, but since attracting them by offering them various things, although he probably had to empty his warehouses, he managed to recruit a thousand people.

But even with this, there was no doubt that his faction had greatly weakened… the time to strike the final blow is probably drawing near.

Then finishing reorganizing his forces, today came the news that his group apparently intended to attack a neighboring city to try to gather resources from there. I was able to verify this after consulting with the lieutenant colonels who were now with me.

Apparently, several days ago they had planned to do this but surely due to everything that caused his silly son, he had to postpone it and first fix that disorder.

...the truth is that I think he is underestimating the zombies, From what I heard, that city is even bigger than where we were. We were certainly able to eliminate most of it there, but it was after a month of planning.

Also, he is unaware or could not notice the two most dangerous factors of zombies since they eliminated those of this town very quickly after the start of the apocalypse.

The first is that the more time passes, the more dangerous these become… now it has been almost 5 months since that time, so I doubt very much that he knows how dangerous they must have become.

The second, no less important than the first, is that now these zombies have also formed groups and not only act stupidly… I think they will undoubtedly be surprised when they enter the city.

Well, without him here and seeing that he did nothing silly... nothing silly that affected me, then I should go to MLDW. From the deals we have made with the bald man, I do not think he represents any problem while I am not here, and as for the other faction... I must go there to inform Rei that I intend to return to our camp for a couple of days, if I did not say her that I will go there and she found out through someone else, she will probably complaining to me after.

Since her parents were here in Kinato, she had been staying with them all this time since we arrived here, she surely missed them considering that in these almost 5 months she had not seen them too much. So it was good that she was with them... although almost every day she came to the villa accompanied by several former police officers to we can talk and see each other.

Deciding what to do for the next few days, I get up and walk away from the desk where there were a good number of documents with the information that recently happened in Kinato that Gloterus gave me.

Then after the Inform others to make preparations to leave to MLDW, along with several of my men I go to where the group of Rei's father is.

After several minutes the car stops in a parking lot full of patrols and other police vehicles, without paying much attention to it I walk on the way to the door where there were several uniformed policemen as guards.

" Y-Young officer, welcome! "

When they notice me a young policeman greets me strangely... the strange thing was not that they associate me like the lover or Rei's boyfriend, but the way itself that this person calls me.

"... you know? Even if I formalized my relationship with Rei, the position of the officer should not be heir"

"Th-that's ..."

"Please Alexander-san ignores him, he's just nervous. Did you come to see Miss Rei? Please come in, I'll guide you to where she and her parents are "

Another of the people in charge of guarding the entrance to this area intervenes and tells me that, so after he opens the gate here then we move on.

This place was as if they took many houses from the town and redesigned them to create their base. Inside, you could see a variety of uniformed people and others who wore normal clothes, the latter was surely relatives or couples of those who are here.

" you came, boy. What happens? You got bored of bothering that colonel and decided to change your goal? No, perhaps it is not because you have tired of it and rather, it is because he is going to leave the camp "

"...Kiriko-san, it is always a joy to see you"

" Hmp! It seems you at least remember the name of this OLD woman. "

Curse! It has been almost 2 months since I told her that, in truth she is a spiteful woman. She probably really don't forget this until I get something that rejuvenates people and gives it to her, haaa...

"M-Mom, Alexander is only a very direct person… he didn't want to offend you because of what he said earlier... so why don't you forget it?"

"Don't defend him! In truth, children forget their parents once they get a lover… you two don't eat the cake before the wedding, do you? "


" Kohon!!"

Rei who was also here tries to get her mom to miss my previous comment, but her help doesn't seem to work... even so, I appreciate the attempt. Then listening to the last thing Kiriko-san says, Miyamoto-san who was sitting on a sofa next to her coughs to calm the situation... or perhaps is because of the discomfort of those words?

"Alexander-san, it's weird to see you come to here, what happens? do you need something from us?"

"No, I just wanted to inform you all that I will go to MLDW for a few days, I need to check how is the situation in my camp after 15 thousand people have joined and I also have other things to do there "

"I see"

"...are you planning to stay there for a long time?"

"If you can't stand being apart from your boyfriend that long, why don't you just go with him?"

"W-we are not... e-emmm... w-we have only known each other for a short time, so..."

Miyamoto-san agrees to my words and Rei asks how much I plan to be in MLDW, but before I can answer her, Kiriko-san still bothers speaks and as a result her daughter begins to babble some words in a low voice... I must say that they are a rather unique family.

"I heard that you captured the bastard of the colonel's son... he had always been a problem in this camp, so I'm glad he doesn't can cause any problems anymore"

"...don't worry Miyamoto-san, he will no longer be a danger to any woman"

" Hahaha , it's good to hear that. Also, don't call me Miyamoto, you can call me Tetsuya "

"" ... ""

Tetsuya-san changes the subject and asks me about the guy who I killed several days ago, seeing his reaction he must have interpreted my words as if he were still imprisoned. But unlike him, the two women here seem to have an idea from what I mean when I said that.

Rei trembles a little when she hears me, but she recovers quickly. She certainly still has some concerns about something like killing that a normal person would have, but she doesn't seem to have a so weak mindset since she quickly accepts it.

As for her mother, she just narrows her eyes at me for a few seconds but she doesn't seem to want to blame or complain about it either. In fact, I find it a little strange that she is more annoyed because I called her old than for I killed someone...

"Well, aside from coming to say that, I also wanted to deliver this to you two"

This time I am the one who decides to leave that question behind and then along with my words I take out two of the limit- break pills that I got during the rats hunt. Although I haven't something to rejuvenate people, for now I will try to give good gifts to both parents of Rei to improve our relationship.

" Hmn? What is that? A sweet?"

"Boy, don't think you can buy me for some sweets! Also, why you only get two? You are for sure the richest person here in this camp, but you are a stingy "

I can understand their doubt, but this old woman almost made me throw the pills on the floor while I curse! Now I see that she really plans to follow what she said to me before and make life impossible for me!

"Mom, Dad, that's not sweets. They are a kind of medicine that Alexander has and can help people to strengthen their bodies, it is a good thing so accept them! "

Rei who knew what these things were, intervenes by standing up from where she was sitting and tells them both while she is moved. Well, at least someone was happy about this, I was starting to feel bad that something that even in Gaia people would kill for was so despised.

They both take the pills I give them and watch them for a few seconds, then watch their daughter who is constantly nodding to answer any questions they may have in advance. So without asking anything else, they ingest these to immediately and go through the effects they generate in the personas that consume them.

Minutes later, Tatsuya-san from being a level [27] rises to [37] and his wife likewise changes from [34] to [44]. It seems that the latter's life was more in the field than in a desk like her husband...

"This is something mysterious and splendid... in truth, after going through these discomforts I feel full of energy, I even feel that my body has rejuvenated a little... although it is probably something more internal than external"

"... Hmp! Boy, don't think I'll forgive you just for giving us this… although, it's a good start to make up for things from the past. "

Rei's father begins to move his body a little after he recovers from the discomfort caused by raising a limit so fast. He immediately touches his face as if he wanted to check his own words, but perceiving through touch that there are no physical changes, he smiles a little bitterly and then changes his focus saying the latter.

If his words were true it would be a great relief to me since that would probably change his wife's attitude towards me, but at least it seems that my approach was not wrong seeing the reaction from her, I think her anger at me has decreased a bit.

But I think what Tatsuya- san's remarks are not very strict about this, although it may take a person at least above 50 to notice it.

Unfortunately, I can't verify this yet since the only ones who have fulfilled this condition are quite young in age and so there is not a noticeable change in our appearance. But I will probably be able to see it in Yuriko-san and Haruna who are getting closer to that level.

After this, we talked a little more among ourselves and then I said goodbye to the 3. Since I would only stay for a few days in MLDW, Rei decided to stay here in Kinato and she only accompanies me back to the villa to say goodbye.

Back at the villa, things to go our camp were completed. Of those who came with me here, Shisuka and Yuriko-san decided to stay here, Shisuka just wanted to spend more time with Rika, but the latter at knowing that there were more pilots who could take us, then told me that she would stay to process some things from this camp... it seems that she is still angry with Soichiro.

So only I, Leona, Scythe, and Hirano returned to MLDW. The latter although he did not specifically ask me to take him back, because soon I plan to he does something that could generate a lot of stress on him, it is better to him relax for the moment.

With the girls standing here waving their hands to say goodbye, the helicopter piloted by one of my new soldiers slowly rises. So through one of the windows just like the previous time, you can see a small figure following us, but this one doesn't seem as interested as before in these machines and spends his time looking for some eagle or bird of prey to can hunt.

The children of Kinato should thank her since, due to her, the cases where these animals attacked them have decreased considerably to the point that they are hardly heard.

Then after several tens of minutes, we arrived at MLDW landing the helicopter in the place used as a heliport. Going down from this, I can see several familiar faces that I had not seen for a short time.

"Alex! You have returned! "

"It is good to see that you are well Alexander-san... I do not see my mom"

"Alexander, I'm glad to see you... I've missed you"

"Kurisu, Saya and Haruna, I am also happy to see and I also missed you all... your mom stayed in Kinato, Saya. She said she was busy with things from there.

...I don't see Saeko, is she busy? "

"…It seems that at least you didn't bring another girl from over there"

"Saeko-san went to the shore camp together with Iruka-chan and Alice-chan, they should return in a few more hours"

"…I see"

Kurisu, Haruna and Saya who are some of the girls closest to me who stayed here come quickly after seeing the helicopter land and each one tells me that respectively.

I must say that Kurisu's concerns were not unfounded since in Kinato I actually became closer to another girl, Rika. But considering her comment is not wrong, then I do not decide to correct her error of the election of words.

If she had questioned me about deepening a relationship with a girl there, then I would have to put up with her anger a bit after answering her with yes.

When I didn't see Saeko, find her absence a little strange, I asked about her and Haruna was the one who answered me. It is good that the reason for this is because of that and not because something had happened while I was not here.

Finally, Saya after seeing that her mother had not come, gets a little discouraged. But after telling her that she was fine, then a smile returns to her face.

Finishing the greetings we all went to the castle, both sides had to discuss the things that happened during this time in each camp and also the future plans that we should make.


Hello everyone!!

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