Chapter 201: Day 2 (Part 5)


In the next chapter, I will change the name of the novel to "Soul Evolution System" since it seems that I previously translated it word for word from my language and it was incorrect. Furthermore, we would have a new cover with this Arc characters!

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With Revi's issue settled, it was time to move on to the last thing to do so I could go and keep looking for more crystals. By the way, she is actually someone who is most motivated for material things... well, I cannot judge her since I am not very different in that sense either. I prefer to have my pockets full than empty after all.

"Well, your name will be Blue Mary from now on"

Same as with Leona, there was not much to think about the name of my new homunculus, since this would be the same as to whom the blood that I used with the transmutation scroll belonged.

Well, that was not the only similarity with Leona, the blood that was used this time was from a character from the same world too. Until now I was very satisfied with Leona's attitude and strong development, so I thought that taking another character from that world as the basis for this homunculus would also be good.

Well...I admit it, it was also influenced a lot by my personal liking for that character in that game.

Maybe because we were in this cabin the wind did not blow as much as on previous occasions that I have named someone, but I can still see that the energy of the environment begins to gather in Mary, also in large quantities and speed, so I am sure my ability [Will of the worlds] has range effect properly...

"W-What have you do?... Alex-chan "

" ... w-what did you call me?

Seriously, it was not clear to you that I was a man?! "

"Well ... I may have no doubt about what is between your legs, but that does not change that you look very effeminate"

As I made sure there was nothing wrong with Mary, Revi's voice suddenly came from behind me and made my mind go blank for a second… that honorific was supposed to be used primarily to refer to a little girl, so I can't avoid turning and asking why she called me that!

Well… I think it could also be used to refer to a male child in a loving way, but I knew that was not the case for her and instead she just wanted to screw with me!

"... it's nothing, I just gave her a name, so don't worry... fat ass"

"F-Fat ass? D-Damned effeminate brat, I'll kill you- "

"S-She is shining... i-is that normal?"

I honestly don't think she had such a big butt... in fact, of the girls I know, maybe that merit would be Haruna's... or would it be Shisuka? Well, Scythe also has quite large hips…

Well, the thing is that I also wanted to tease Revi because of the earlier. Nor know very well the reason, but from what I have knowledge, one of the things that bothers a woman more is to tell her that... honestly, as a man, I know that one of the places of a woman that a guy is attracted more is her butt. And the fact that it is fleshy, always makes our eyes stick to that place... although of course, as long as it is not something very exaggerated.

…So I've always had doubts about why that bothers a woman so much.

In Revi's case, I must say that those shorts makes that place stand out a lot. It is certainly big, but I think it is very nice to see... also if it has the same touch that I feel in the withe world, then it should also be very nice to rub... if I remember correctly, it was very firm and had a very good elasticity in it.

Annoyed by my words, she was most likely preparing to hold me up again. It was a blessing that Emilia's who had been watching very closely what was happening with Mary make her turn back and stop to look towards there with some surprise.

The level of energy gathering in Mary had now reached levels that made it so that anyone could see that something was happening to her. Although this does not last much longer, and then things soon return to normal.

After that, physically there was no noticeable change in Mary and she was practically the same as before. Although on the other hand, her status had changed a lot...


Name: Blue Mary

Race: Human Homunculus

Age: 30 minutes (Body of a 18-year-old girl)

Level: 82

Soul Level: 1

Hp : 100/100 Energy: ( 3 0)

Strength: I

Resistance: H

Dexterity: H

Intelligence: J

Agility: H

Magic: (-)



[Body domain - S] [ Fight-S ] [Regeneration - E] [Abnormal state resistance - C] [Ki control- G ]


[Flexible Movement - C] [Agile Movement-C] [Bare Handed Fight- B] [ Ki Punch- B ] [ Ki Kick-B] [ Stealth -G] [ Tracking - G]

Magic: None


[Acrobat- C] [Fidelity C] [Intelligence Agent - E ] [Self Defense - B] [ Fighting technique : Combat Sambo -C]

Loyalty : 125]

As expected, Mary now had close combat skills in addition to those of her race as a homunculus... but what surprised me a bit is that she also had espionage-related skills, I did not expect that.

This was a pleasant surprise, with these abilities I think she will be even more of help than I had originally imagined, after all, now at this time these abilities would be more useful in fighting people with bombs than her combat techniques.

Also... the most notable and best of all is that unexpectedly she had increased 3 limits in an instant! Damn it, with the limit break pill then I would now have a person on the ninth limit in my group! This is certainly something to rejoice.

It 's a pity that the energy channels pill is not of help for her, because if so, then maybe she could enter the first limit of a soul level 2... no, if I wait for her to raise some levels in this world with the help of the mission to kill the participants, then she may still manage to reach a level 2 soul!

[Sorry to tell you, but that is very unlikely to happen, Alexander. If you do what you are thinking, then she will most likely only reach the peak of the 9th limit.

To break the barrier between advancing the soul level, that pill is not enough...]

I see... seems that things are not that simple. Well, it is still very good that she reaches the peak of the 9th limit. After all, there should not be people who exceed this force in the area that we are now in Gaia, and therefore, things in the future will be easier with her around.

"Thank you for giving me a name, My little master… fufufu well... although certainly master may not be as small as he appears. "

While evaluating Mary's new status, she seems to recover from the process of getting a name and then tells me that... well, she already had a more open personality than Leona, but now even seems a little more playful than before.

"What do you did to her, boy? She seems a little different from before… "

"Hehehe, do you think so? Well, you 're not wrong about that... I think that now it would be easier break your arms... want to tried as you wished before?


Before I can reply to Revi, Mary responds by having Revi just watching her while squinting. I think she is quite perceptive since this time she does not urge her to try and instead seems to be watching Mary's movements.

"Stop Mary, Revi is our partner now. Try to get along with her because if we don't trust each other, then things will be more complicated for us.

I think it is time to go find some crystals, we have wasted a lot of time and it is better not to give the other participants so much time to get organize "

"Okay, little master"


"Yes, about that..."

As I headed for the cabin exit, I begin to explain in more detail the situation we are now to Revi and Mary.

"It's not just crystals, you know? They are persons…"

" Emilia-chan… the lesson this morning will be that you should not humanize your goals. If you do that, then it will be more difficult for you to do the things you want. "

"… You really are not a good person, are you?

Well, although I think what Alex-chan says is not a bad idea, girl. According to what you two said to me before, this is an island where you must kill each other, so I think it is very reasonable to treat others here as your enemies and possible murderers.

Compassion will only end up killing you. "

"Yes, the only thing that matters is master and the people that matter to him, so what happens to others shouldn't be of importance"


..I must say I was a little curious about how the girl that was the most normal here became the weirdest in our group. On the other hand, maybe they do not reach the level of a psychopath, but I don't think the other two girls have trouble killing other people... no, I think Mary perhaps is touching that line that separates her from that...

Then, with Emilia-chan's somewhat worried gaze on us, the 4 of us advanced towards the jungle to look for some targets.

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(POV Participant of the game)

Fuck! I want to know who were the idiots who nominated me to participate in this stupid game and then kill them all!

Well... probably is not so easy to do that since there must be a lot people who hated me... but there was nothing I could do about that, could I? After all I was working for a lender and my job was to collect from people who were overdue with their payments.

Also, many times I had to go to extremes that were not entirely legal... what could I do about it? If I wasn't the one who broke someone's legs, then it would be mine that would be broken.

" Akura- san... I-I think we should part with that guy... he-he doesn't seem like someone trustworthy, I think he could even kill us just like the other two people from a while ago"

" Hmn? That guy certainly seems pretty crazy... but he may not be the only crazy person on this island right now, you know? So I think it's best to stick with his plan for now and collect the crystals from the other participants so we can get out of here.

And... we are now his accomplices, don't forget that "

After arriving on this island, I had grouped with this people... curiously, here I met this man who spoke to me and who was one of the debtors of my former boss. Apparently, his wife was the one who sold him so she could get rid of all the debts this guy had.

Also, in this group there is another man who from what he has told us, he was someone who had his own company and according to his words, several women from this organization falsely accused him of harassment...

I think it is more than obvious that these accusations were not false since that guy hasn't stopped observing another person in our group, a woman that I don't know anything about, and who doesn't talk much… I think the only thing that prevents that guy from trying to take advantage of her, it is the bombs that just like everyone here she has in her waist bag.

"What the hell are you two chattering about! ! If you don't hurry then I'll take the damn crystals from your hands!! "

" Y-Yes sir, i-it was he who kept talking and won't stop! "


This guy is unreliable, and I think I understand why his wife decided to get rid of him now. I think she was something intelligent doing that, at least she got some money by this fellow that way.

The person who yells at us and to whom I only nod to answer him while I get away from this guy, it was the one who had taken the leadership of this group. As far as I know, he was a hitman from a yakuza group from some city, so I did not doubt that he would do what he said...

As the idiot from before said, this guy quickly made the decision to get crystals from other participants, and so it didn't take us long to get 6 of these... one was from a man who was alone, and three from others who were traveling in a group just like us. The other two remaining crystals belonged to 2 other people who were in our group, another man and woman.

After we found the first guy and walked over to talk to each other, this guy threw a bomb and killed him before he knew what was going on... I had hit people, but that was the first time I had seen someone kill another person. Well... not long after, I was able to cross that line too...

The group of 3 people had also thought about following the rules of this game and killing other participants, so we had no choice but to start using the bombs that we all had... as a result they 3 died and two of our group too.

At first I thought that since we had obtained 6 crystals, the hitman would take them to get out of this place. Unexpectedly, when we finished killing those 3 men, he quickly distributed the crystals among the rest of us...

That surprised me a bit, but then I understood that this guy was pretty smart... we all knew that those crystals meant an exit pass from this damn island, so we had all been staring at them.

So I think the hitman understood that if he turned everyone else against him, he would very likely end up dying… he may be scary, but it's not like he was immune to the bombs after all. That's why he had to decide to distribute the crystals to everyone, that way surely everyone would find it much more difficult to have to kill everyone else to get them.

Although thanks to that, now he seems quite annoyed...

It was already noon on the second day since we got here and with the hitman walking in front of us, we all stay vigilant as we move forward to find other people in this jungle where it is hellishly hot.

" Hmn?"

" Guah!!

Suddenly, a kind of whistle is heard that makes us all stop our feet, and then a few seconds later the hitman is knocked down by something...

"A-A spear? Who is the damn idiot who uses a spear when you have bombs? Are you a damn caveman?!! "

"Hehehe, they are making fun of you, Alex-chan"

"I can assure you that the guy who writhes on the ground does not think the same of my 'Ben Dover- 2' "

"... 'B-Ben Dover- 2'? What are you? A child?"

"I am 12 years old, remember? Furthermore, we should take care of the other people "

" Tch... fine"

"Yes Master"

Inside the jungle, several people were suddenly heard arguing among themselves. D-Damn! They just killed a person and they talk like they're walking in a damn park! Why did we have to meet another group of lunatics?!

" Hiii "

After this, the useless guy suddenly turns around and runs... he's really just a coward! Although... maybe I must praise him for being the first to move of all of us after witnessing what happened a moment ago. At not being able to see the guys who attacked us, maybe this is the smartest thing to do right now...


When the other 3 of us who had stayed in our place still processing what had just happened also wanted to do the same, our steps stop again when we see that guy being killed by a bomb... that might not be as smart as I had thought-out.

" I-I-I don't want to die!!"

[Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!]

"Fu- Fuck !"

Then the woman who was in our group begins to throw her bombs crazily to anywhere and immediately the stalker guy decides still to try to escape, but in a different direction from the idiot... I also decide to do the same as the latter, or rather, I had no choice since I didn't want a bomb that woman was randomly dropping to hit me.

It seems that my luck was much better than the idiot since although I hear several detonations, I still manage to get away from that place without being stopped by a bomb. After running for several minutes, I then decide to stop to catch my breath a little.

"Ha ... Ha ... D-Damn it! People on this Island have truly gone completely insane… "

" ... Are you not going to keep running? I thought you would let me play a little more… well, I shouldn't be delayed so long and should return soon with Master, after all, I cannot trust that violent woman"


Before I knew it, a blonde woman was by my side and she said that to me... then without being able to do anything, when she finishes speaking, she jumps putting her legs around my neck, and in the next moment while hearing a crack my vision begins to darken...


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX