Chapter 221 Day 7 (Part 1)

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(B-Tooom - POV Revi)

It had been 3 days since the boy scare me... seriously, if he had died on that occasion, I might had to accompany him to the next world! It was good that didn't happen... although on a second thought, it's also strange that he still has all his limbs attached to his body.

Well, I don't think he was left intact either. After he passed out that day until now, he still hasn't regained consciousness and has been sleeping all this time.

Curiously, even though this guy is a nuisance most of the time, I must say that now I miss him a little... Damn it! That's because of all of the people here, he was the only one who I could talk to normally to some extent!

The blonde girl that he calls Mary has been only staying by his side all this time without saying a word! I don't expect us to be friends or something stupid like that, but hell, she should at least be able to chat a bit, right?

On the other hand, the blonde cow that was another of the people here, I don't think that both of us have anything in common with which we can talk... in fact, just seeing her bothers me a bit!

Aside from them, there was also the woman we met earlier, but she... she seems to be missing a screw! She is also the reason why I have not been able to rest peacefully since I do not want to be attacked by a crazy woman while I sleep!!

...well, I think I should be grateful that she brought us to this place that seems to be her hideout. Thanks to that, we were able to prevent some men from finding us that came after the boy passed out. But the only bad thing is that I can't stop thinking that the reason she did it was to eat us later...

"What's up, girl? Have you fallen in love with Alex-chan? "

"E-eh? N-No, I have not fallen in love with anyone! "

Since I was kind of bored, I have nothing left to do but tease the blonde cow, seriously, if I don't do something then I would go crazy with boredom. The proof is this woman who has been alone in this place for so long!

Since she had been staring intently at the boy's sleeping face for quite some time, while smiling I asked her that. Unexpectedly, her reaction is quite suspicious ... it seems like I was really right.

" Hehehe, if he stays quiet and calm like now, then he has a pretty cute face, don't you think?"


"But I think you're looking at the wrong place though. Hehehe, the place between his legs is so much more interesting and impressive, you know? "


As if remembering something because of my words, this girl is left with her mouth open as her face flushes more and more. Also, she seems to heed what I'm saying and her eyes occasionally slide to that place.

Well, I can't blame her for that, that part of him practically stayed in my memory when he showed it to me earlier... it is certainly quite impressive, and I'm not just saying it to tease that girl more.

"If you two try to do something inappropriate to Master, then I will kill you both..."

"I-I wouldn't do something like that!!"

"Woh~ How scary. Although you should make sure you can do it first, or you may end up dead instead. "


Not only does the cow react to my words, but the girl who was sitting next to Alexander also gives me and Emilia a hard look, and it intensifies when she hears me say that... it wouldn't hurt to move my body after being locked up here for several days.

"Nnn~ What is all that noise... I want to sleep more-Waah! A ghost!!"


"Alexander, you finally woke up!"

Suddenly the atmosphere that had formed between me and Mary is broken by the voice of the person who had been sleeping until now, and immediately all of us here turn our gaze towards Alexander who had awakened.

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(POV Alexander)

Suddenly I start to hear various voices arguing. I wanted to continue sleeping, but for a strange reason, I feel that if I don't get up now then something bad can happen. So as I stretch a little and sit up, I open my eyes.

"Nnn~ What is all that noise... I want to sleep more-Waah! A ghost!!"

And the first thing I see was the image of the girl from the movie "The Ring"… fuck! That makes me almost lose consciousness again!


"Alexander, you finally woke up!"

The only thing that keeps me from running out of here is that Mary and Emilia-chan get close to me and seeing their faces I can calm down a bit. Then remembering everything that happened before, I realize that the ghost woman was none other than Shiki-san.

Y-You can't blame me for confusing her! If the first thing you see after waking up in a dark room is this woman, then you would either run away from here, or you would start to pray to all the Gods you know!

Even now that I know who she is, looking at her staring at me so intently, most likely due to my words, makes my body tremble a bit even though I understand that she is not a real ghost.

In fact, for a moment I thought I had gained a strange ability to see dead people! The only thing that dismissed this thought was that I didn't remember killing a woman until now, and therefore there shouldn't be any following me like a ghost.

W-Well, let's better see beautiful things and try to forget this...

" Mery, Emilia-chan… you both are still quite beautiful. Revi… you are someone above average "

"Fufufu, thank you Master"

"E-eh? Th-That... "

"Fuck you damned brat !!" What do you mean "above average"?!! "

It seems that some things have changed a bit... furthermore, in a favorable way for me! I can see that the affection of the last two girls that I mention has risen, Emilia-chan is 95 (Exceeded the affection of the boy who died previously), and 75 (Confidence) for Revi.

Emilia-chan right now is even grabbing my clothes while looking at me, this is certainly a great advance! It's not as if she had thrown herself into my arms now that I woke up, but knowing her circumstances then this should be quite significant improvement.

About the latter, my words are only to annoy her and the truth is that I think she has her charm. But leaving that aside for now, there is something that worries me a little...

S-System, what is that about "Exceeded the affection of the boy who died previously"? E-Even I think that's a pretty cruel! You will make my efforts to kill him in a way that does not harbor resentment towards me in vain... so please change that.

"Hehehe, you praised all the girls here, but instead I who rescued you before do not even receive a thanks?"

"Damn it, what that damned brat said to me was no praise!!"

"Y-Your beauty is something supernatural, Shiki-san"

"...That is better"

Come to think of it, it seems that my vision and hearing have recovered. I was really worried that it was something permanent at that time.

[Well, what you used before was an Elixir, something stronger than a potion. Even if both things have the same rank, the former still has greater effects. The Elixir you used has a small regeneration function, so if any part of your organs were damaged they would be restored to some degree.

If it weren't for this, then you wouldn't have had to wait just 3 days for your body to recover, and you probably would have to be resting for more than a month while you were still consuming potions to restore yourself faster, and probably even after all that, you would still have some sequels.

You probably didn't notice very well at the time, but m you had a large number of broken bones and damaged organs! ]

I-I see... I'm sorry for worry you, Aurora. System... forget what I said before, Fuck that damn guy who almost killed me!

To be honest, I didn't dislike Idiot-san when I saw him in the anime. In fact, if I had to think of characters that I wanted to kill while watching an anime, they were only a few.

Probably about three... the first, which bothered me a lot was the guy from the anime "Kanokon"... the stress I gained from seeing him seriously was no small. So if I got to see him in person, then I wanted to make him pay for it.

That guy's personality really bothered me! If his attitude had been because he had different preferences, then it wouldn't have bothered me that much, in fact, it would be the girls who would annoy me a little for being so pushy with someone who wasn't attracted to women.

But that was not the case! That beta guy simply carried the definition of "useless protagonist" at the God level!! If it had been because he was a little kid who felt nervous and embarrassed by those things, then there is a possibility that I would have forgiven him. But damn it! He was a fucking high school guy!!

Could it be that his "partner" was useless? No... I'm sure his partner cursed him too... he must have hated being born together with that guy.

Well, perhaps he should thank God that the possibility for me to need to go to his world is almost nil, or else, I would have ended the suffering of his "partner" for that miserable life.

The other two... well, maybe there is a good chance that I will meet them in the future... although probably not soon. But when I do, then I will surely vent all my complaints about them.

Well, leaving that aside, it seems that the Elixir is at least 10 times stronger than a potion. Now that I have used the one I had, then I should look for another... I wonder what value these have in Gaia? I bet they are not cheap...

Lena may be able to create them… if so, then I could save a lot if I just look for the materials needed, plus, I could get one for all the girls just in case they need it. But... I honestly hope that such a time doesn't come.

"Well, boy... it seems like you're better now, right? "

"Hmn? Yes, I feel much better now. What happened? Something happened while-Kah!

W-what the hell are you doing?!! "

"Hmp~ That's the least you deserve for worrying me!"

Suddenly Revy approaches me and so I thought she wanted to talk about something, but then she hits me with her fist.

"O-Ouch… this is not how you show your concern for a person! A hug or words of affection would have been much better, learn from Emilia-chan! "

"E-eh? I-I do not-"

" Who the hell was worried about you?!! I was worried because if you die then I will too!!"

Oh! It's true... there was also that matter. Although I don't know if Revy's blush is because anger or due to her embarrassment because I said that she was worried about me… don't tell me she's a Tsundere?

From what I remember, she was more of a girl who hides her romantic emotions... although, maybe is true that she was a little tsundere in the anime? Ghe~ If so, then she is the worst type of tsundere there is... a violent tsundere! And also a violent tsundere at almost the 9th limit!!

On the other hand, my words make Emilia-chan realize that she was holding my clothes and in the next moment she withdraws her hand. Noticing this, I quickly follow her hand with mine and hold it firmly. She tries to withdraw it on several occasions, but in the end she gives up and only lowers her head to hide her face a bit.

"I see... so you're a Tsundere girl, Revy. That's a little inconvenient… it's not that I have a fondness for being beaten after all"

"... T-Tsundere? W-Who the hell is a Tsundere?!!! It seems that one hit was not enough for you damned brat… "

"You... You hit my little master... I knew I shouldn't leave you near him.

...I'll kill you now"

"M-Mary... c-calm down, it's not that bad"

We have to stop our discussion since Mary is suddenly surrounded by a somber aura and was staring at Revy. Also, those eyes really did seem to want to follow through on her words, and so I have to quickly stop her taking her hand too.

It seems that my words and my action calm her down a bit... that was a good thing, but... now I was happier because I was holding the hands of two beautiful blonde girls!

Being in this situation, I do what any man would think to do...

With a big smile on my face, I quickly raise my hands a little so Revy can get a better look at this and focus her attention on this. Yes, I just wanted to show off to someone my situation!!

"D-Damned brat... fuck you!!

Enjoy your damn time together with that cow and that bitch!! Hmp~ Things were better when you were simply sleeping. "

Finishing saying that, Revy leaves this room annoyingly. Well... the chances of her being a Tsundere have now increased. No... it could also be that my actions are just annoying to any third party who witnesses this. After all, Shiki-san's been frowning too because of this...

Even I can understand that, if I were the one in the place of those two women, then I just wish I could hit the person holding both girls' hands. Well, I'm the one holding the girls' hands, so it doesn't matter.

"By the way... where are we?"

"This woman brought us here after Master passed out. It is a hiding place that she had on this Island"

"I see, thanks Shiki-san"

"Let's just say that we are now even"

What she did was quite timely since if not, it would have been quite problematic for the girls... I do not know how many teams are left on the Island but since the mission has not finished, then it is sure that there are still some people left.

"Oh! It's true... Emilia-chan, I'm sorry for making you a widow. "

"E-eh? I-Idiot ... I-I told you that was just a game!!

Besides… I'm glad Alexander-senpai is fine… I was really scared when I saw you inside those explosions… I-I thought you would die "

"Hahaha, well, it's not that easy for someone to kill me, so don't think that you will get rid of me so easily. But still, I'm sorry for worrying you, Emilia-chan"


... although I say that while smiling at Emilia-chan and holding her hand to reassure her, the truth is at that time it was a close call... even I thought that everything had come to an end. I must be more careful, even though I have many advantages compared to a normal person, that does not mean I am immortal... I wonder to what level of soul will I need to do that? It would also be nice if the girls next to me did it too.


[Mission / Main "Conquest of the Heart" (Emilia)

Rank: "E"

Description: To maintain confidence in a person it must be based on some emotion, the stronger it is, the greater the bound created will be.

Requirements: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100


15x Radar Crystal

1x Random Skill Orb -E

1x Item Ticket -E]

[ Mission -Complete

Emilia Affection: 100 (Security)

Additional rewards:

500K x Gold

50k x Crystals

1 Lucky Clover -E ]


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX