Chapter 233: Driving Out the invaders (Part 2)

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(POV Alexander)

After killing the partner of those men in the 9th limit, the attention of the other 3 was now focused on Revy, Mary and me… well, not only them but also their subordinates.

From the looks of it, it is better to take care of their minions first. If these 3 men give the order for all of them to attack us, it won't be a very good thing at all. Also, even if they decided to attack by themselves, letting their subordinates attack the girls didn't seem like a good thing to me either...

I certainly left enough weapons to the girls so they could defend themselves, but the chance of an accident happening was not 0. So it was better if I take care of them first... besides, if the girls had to fight, this would drag on for longer and that is what I least wanted to happen! I want to be able to hug my girls now!!

" A-Alex-chan… don't you think there are too many for just the 3 of us to fight?! We better go to where your allies are and fight together with them!! "

…Well, it seemed like Revy didn't have the same thoughts as me. Although I may not be able to blame her, after all, it was more than 100 people against just the 3 of us...

"Don't worry, Revy-tan~. Soon there won't be so many enemies... "

Saying that, I focus on my interdimensional storage and my domain to make several [Timer BIMs] appear in the crowd of enemies watching us, and then a couple of seconds later, hell breaks loose on them...

[Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!]

…The month I spent in that hotel together with Revy, Mary, and Emilia-chan, I was not only asking them every day to go to the pool to be able to see them in swimsuits! I had also thought about several things... specially, how to use the BIMs in a more practical way.

[Although probably 90% of the time you focused more on just seeing those girls in swimsuits...]

T-Ten percent is more than enough, don't you think Aurora? L-Look at the result… if I totally focused, then I might destroy the world!


Well... the point is I thought that using BIMs in conjunction with my interdimensional storage would be a very good combination, although not all of the bombs seemed to work well this way. Trackers, Shield, and Remote BIMs didn't really work well in this way.

The first obviously because to use this bomb it was necessary to set a target first. The shield ones, since they were for protection, it was somewhat stupid to use them in this way. Lastly, the remote BIMs were somewhat redundant to do it like that since they were made to be used in a somewhat similar way.

The Implosion BIMs, using them like that was doable, but think I would only use them against strong enemies since it would be a waste otherwise. On the other hand, the cracker BIMs sometimes don't explode if they don't hit the place with enough force, so if I use them that way they can fail.

The best choice to use with my interdimensional storage are the Timer BIMs that I just used, as well as the Incendiary and Gas BIMs. Although in fact, I think I could have used the simple grenades that I got in HOTD in this way too... it's just that at that time, I thought the best way to use them was how we did it by killing the zombies in Tokonosu city, so I always stored them in case a zombie horde attacked a camp.

But now that I've gotten the gas BIMs, I think those could play that role better. Since these have a very wide Area of effect, then it can have the same value as if you used about 100 grenades!

"Aaahhh !!"

"H-Help!! I-It hurts... "

"Gyaaa!! M-My leg… M-My leg!! "

"Wha~ This is disgusting… it looks like a war zone."

Those screams and Revy's words bring my mind back to this place. Ghe... as she says, this is really not really nice to see...

"The zombies didn't complain... so they weren't as annoying as them."

"Are you a demon?! Do you still dare to complain about them yelling after leaving them in that state?! "

"…You're not a saint either, right? "

What can I say? I've already seen a lot, a lot of human bodies torn apart... so the only thing that is different from those occasions is that now there are screams of agony mixed with the same pictures that I have already seen before. Besides, these guys weren't coming looking to be our friends and clearly they said they would kill my girls! And that is an optimistic result of what could happen to them if they lost this battle!!

...they should understand very well what means to pick fights in this world, if they do not, then it is simply because they are idiots. So it's not like I'm going to cry for these guys.

"D-Demon… w-what did you do?!!"

"Mmn? ...Magic? "

"D-Don't lie, I didn't see you using any scrolls! And a person cannot use magic by themselves in this Area!!"

"…No, not that kind of magic. It was more like a "trick".

…Should I have said "Abracadabra"? "

"…is it matter?"

When the 3 leaders who once again cast their eyes on us recover from their surprise, they now looked at me with terror in their eyes. Besides, I had forgotten that in this world the word "magic" has a different meaning... or should perhaps say a more realistic one?

Well, not that it matters anyway. Now that most of their men are probably dead or wounded, it's time to take care of these three.

"Each of you take care of one of them, I'll take that guy over there"

"Haaa~... fine. At least now I don't have to fight so many people"

"Yes Master"

These men are at 9th limit, but Revy and Mary have already reached the peak strength in this area... in fact, both of them now reached level [99] and therefore their level is higher than those men. So it would be nice if they gained some experience fighting against them.

If you're wondering why they reached that level, that's because I gave Revy a limit-break pill and a Chanel Rebirth Pill (Note: thanks to the people who give us ideas). As for Mary, although only the limit-break pill had an effect on her, she also managed to reach that level as I thought would happen in the B-Tooom world.

By the way, Emilia-chan also consumed the same pills as Revy but she only reached the 7th limit... well, maybe I shouldn't say it as if that is not a good thing since many people struggle many years in Gaia to reach that level. Of course, despite her having that kind of strength, it's not like she was very suitable for combat... so probably someone at the 5th limit who is used to fighting could physically defeat her.

…It's too bad those two girls didn't manage to break through the barrier and evolve their soul to level 2. Well, since this area is for level 1 only, then maybe that would be problematic if it happened. They might have not been able to come with me to this Area...

[There are items that seal a person's powers to only show the strength of a level 1 Soul, so it is not impossible for a person with a level 2 soul to go to a level 1 area.

But if people in that level stay on an area lower than their level for too long, their strength will not be able to advance further and may even regress a bit.]

Wha~ I don't know whether to be surprised because there may be people with a level 2 soul here, or because someone would choose not to keep getting stronger if they could...

[Well, staying in an area with a level lower than your soul has its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages are those that I already mentioned, but the advantages are that despite not being able to show all your strength, the energy reserves of a person with a higher soul are logically greater and therefore when facing people with the same strength their endurance when fighting for a long time is much higher.]

Well... I can also understand the feeling of wanting to be the King of a small hill. Although this may not be the case in the whole world, at least you are the King of that hill.

"Fuck it! I m out of here!!"

"Got damn! Why is my enemy always the one who runs away and I have to chase him? "

Of the three people who were looking at us, two had their eyes bloodshot as if they wished they could kill us with their look. But the person I had chosen as my opponent takes a last look at what the BIM had done, turns around and runs away. So I have no choice but to start chasing him and leave the girls to oppose the other two men.

Not that I didn't care about them, but as I said before, their level had reached the peak of this Area… furthermore, they also had firearms with them and even bombs that were still effective against someone at those levels.

And to make their advantage even greater, I had chosen the man who was level [98] and was the strongest among them. The other two seemed like they had only recently reached the 9th limit...

... I have to complain because it is a bit annoying and unexpected that my opponent was the only one who decided to escape despite being the strongest among them. No... maybe this is why it was possible for person to reach that level, he must understand very well what fights he must face and in which ones he has to avoid...

Another of the things that I can be relaxed about by letting those two girls fight without worrying, is because I know that the others who were at our base would come soon and help us.

[Bang] [Bang]

[Boom!] [Boom!]

"Don't run damn idiot!"


As I was running after this guy, I take my gun and shot him. Unfortunately even though he seemed focused on trying to escape, it seemed like he was still paying special attention to the weapons I was holding. After seeing me aim at him, he quickly zigzags avoiding the bullets.

Therefore, I have no alternative but to use two other BIMs and place them in front of him to block his way. This time I use two Incendiary BIMs so he has no choice but to stop his feet, and turn to me.

"You don't seem like a royal guard… why don't you let me go? you will avoid putting your life at risk this way, little one.

Honestly, I wasn't with that organization from before and they just hired me to fight with them. So both of us have no reason to fight each other, right? I promise never to get involved with your group again!"

"… Old man, you're wrong about that. Just having been involved in trying to help someone who had bad intentions to the girls who were in that place is enough for me to kill you. "

This guy must be kidding! just the fact that a person gives them a perverted look makes me want to gouge their eyes out, so someone saying they want to kill them should be thankful that I don't want to torture them before killing them!

Also, his promise to never get involved again is pointless in this world. In this world if you are stronger than the other side, then there is no reason to keep your word… so a promise is only valuable if both parties have the same level of strength.

Well, with this I do not mean that our group is weak, I think that now there are not many organizations that we cannot face. The problem is that this guy is still someone who can become a level 2 soul, and if that happens before I do that myself, then it would become a nuisance. Therefore, it is better to end this now.

As I said, I wanted to see the difference of my power with someone in the 9th limit. Thanks to what happened in the world of B-Tooom, I had now reached level [84], and if we add the effect of my [Hero] skill, then I practically have the strength of someone at the 9th limit... and if to this we also include the effect of my [Survivor] skill, then I would reach the peak of that limit just like the other two girls who did too!

…It is a pity that in order to activate the effect of the latter ability I must be in a life or death situation. Also, it seems that even if my level was higher than 90 and I used the effect of those two abilities I still couldn't break the barrier between a level 1 and a level 2 soul... although it's not like that doesn't have any meaning, surely in that state I could easily kill a person on the 9th limit.

"Well... since you want it that way, then I'll kill you first and then I'll run away you, damned brat!"

As if not wanting to waste any more time, the man named Treko draws his sword and charges in my direction. Since one of the reasons for chasing this man was to be able to fight him, I put away my two revolvers and draw my cursed sword.

…I feel like it's been a long time since I've held a sword in my hands.



I don't know if he underestimates me or his eagerness to finish this quickly led him to be careless, but even though this man seemed to be quite fast, it wasn't like I couldn't keep up with his movements and when he slashes at me with his sword, I place mine to receive his attack.

He wanted to push me using his strength, but it seems that things did not go as he wanted and when I applied force, he was the one who was thrown back. Besides, at that time it seems my sword saw an opportunity to go on and try to wrap him with flames. seems that this little one is really eager to burn someone.

Well, in this clash I was able to realize a couple of things... first, this guy is surely someone who bases his strength more on speed than on raw power. Also… I don't know why, but it seems that he has an injured arm and he can't seem to move it like the other.

"A-A magic sword? And it seems to be one of fairly high rank to be able to perform that type of attack... it does not matter, the consumption of that type of weapon is quite high and it will soon become a normal sword.

You have only lengthened your life a little more little bastard... "

It seems that in this Area is normal for magic weapons to work with crystals... according to the system, low-rank magic weapons are the only ones that work that way. The ones that are better can work with the energy of the user… so his logic about my sword being like the first type is something understandable for someone from a level 1 Area.

Most of the magic weapons in this Area must be of [H] rank, which means a fairly high-rank weapon in this place.

But the truth is that those kinds of "magic weapons" never caught my attention. According to Aurora, since the materials are not that good, and they practically rely on the energy of crystals, they end up damaging quickly since the materials with which they are made are not designed to withstand that.

...more than a magic weapon, for me they were like swords to which a magic scroll was attached. They weren't bad, but they were expensive and disposable… firearms were much better than these and that's why I never thought of giving one of these to the girls.

Because of all that, it seems that he evaluated my sword the wrong way...


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX