Chapter 235 Driving Out the invaders (Part 4)

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As soon as Treko felt the pill's effect, he charges toward me. I felt relieved that he decided to choose me as his target, it would been problematic if he attacked Rika or the other girls instead... although, I wonder why this man seems to hate me so much? After all, I don't think I've done anything for him to hold a special grudge against me.

This man's speed was already fast enough to cause me trouble before, but now it had increased and he was able to get right in front of me in just a couple of seconds.

This time I have to activate my [Limit-break] skill to be able to follow his movements, but instead of looking for a direct confrontation with him, I also activate my grimoire and make it create a shield around me.

[Bang] [Bang]


At the same time as I activate my grimoire, I also change my sword for my two revolvers, and they appear in my hands in an instant, as soon as his sword hits the shield of my grimoire and causes his movements to stagnate, I shoot at his legs. I had no concern that he would pierce my shield, because, although his strength probably increased a bit as well, it's not like he has the same strength as an explosion...

I had already achieved my purpose to see if I could fight someone at the ninth limit, and thanks to this, I was able to learn that even though I could defend myself against someone at that level, it was still quite problematic for me to fight someone at that level in a direct confrontation.

Also... it seems that firearms are less and less useful the stronger my enemies are, so it will probably be best to try to learn some martial arts from now on. I think the good thing is that the next world I will chose it is to solve this problem.

Certainly, there are several other options that I can choose from to improve my fighting skills, like learning from experience by constantly fighting, getting a skill orb from the system, or also learning myself after getting the skills by means of information scrolls with the techniques on them. But...

The first option is too annoying… I am not a fighting maniac for me to be fighting all the time, and nor a lover of pain either, plus, this option would also take a lot of time to achieve. The second option is too expensive... although I could certainly learn those skills in an instant, for now, I don't think I have the resources to make this choice.

So the latter would be the most viable for me at the moment... This one isn't that expensive, and while it's a bit of a hassle and would also take a bit of time to learn the skills, at the very least I wouldn't have to put my life at risk all the time to improve.

Besides, maybe there is one thing that can improve this option greatly. Instead of learning these skills by myself, if I can get someone with enough knowledge about this to teach me, then my learning will be much more efficient and faster!

I could certainly ask Saeko to teach me since she has a greater knowledge of the sword than I do, but there is a slight problem with that. I've always felt that Saeko has the mentality that her partner has to be someone trustworthy, so I don't really like the idea of showing her an aspect of myself that I'm not very good at.

It may also be just my pride as a man, but either way, I find it a bit difficult to learn from her. I don't care that the one who teaches me is a woman, and actually, for me that is much better. But... Saeko is not an option for this.

So I already had a world in mind to achieve this goal, but before doing that, I wanted to have a higher limit before going there... I believed that it would be best if my soul level advanced to level 2 before going there, after all, that place is a level 2 world.

...well, it can be said that it is a very low level 2 world since probably more than 99% of the life in that place does not have a level 2 soul, and according to the information that Aurora gave me, even the world's level is on the decline.

The bad thing is that if I go to that world, it is almost certain that I would get involved with that 1% of level 2 soul individuals... so that's why I wanted to have a level 2 soul before my trip, but it seems that it would be best to go there as soon as possible, besides, it is not like all the people with a level 2 soul will become my enemies.

...well, I can't deny that being able to meet my "Goddess" who is in that place as soon as possible also drives my motivation to go there even faster.

"D-Damn bastard!! I-I'll kill you!! "

"Drop that though, man. What caused me troubles before was your speed, so now that you have a hole in your legs and you are unable to get up, you are no longer a threat to me. "

In the course fewer than 5 seconds, this fight was over. To be honest, I didn't want to hurt him too much because it could affect the reward for this guy, I thought that he would have an article for protection like the [Bracelet of Sacrifice], so I fired twice hoping that the first bullet would be stopped and the second would hit.

To my surprise, I don't know if this man was too confident in his abilities to not feel the need for such an item or if he was just someone too poor to get them, but there was nothing to stop those bullets.

Well, even if he had a Bracelet of Sacrifice, he would only have wasted it already and still end up getting hurt anyway.

"Kuh! W-What are you doing, you fucking bitch! "

"I-I didn't know you had those preferences... Alex-chan."

"Don't be stupid, Revy. I don't want a surprise or for this guy to commit suicide "

Even so, this man was still a person at the ninth limit, and perhaps, even if he didn't have something for his protection, he might have still something to attack. So after hitting that guy to make him stay still, I immediately start searching through this guy's clothes for anything suspicious.

Apparently thanks to the help of the other girls, the men Mary and Revy were fighting ended up surrendering quickly as well. It's good that it wasn't necessary to kill them either.

After putting them into custody, the girls who were in those fights and the girls who were watching from the wall, after seeing that everything had ended, come to where I was.

When Revy sees me taking off that guy's clothes, she says exclaimed. In the end, this guy didn't have anything dangerous with him, so I just left him there. The next thing would be to try to heal his wounds so that he doesn't bleed to death or something like that, but first, I'll have to look for something in the system to immobilize him...

"Alex!! A-Are you hurt?"

"Fufufu you have finally returned, Alex-san"

"Alex-kun, I missed you so much~ . Why you left without saying goodbye to me before~!?

Heeey~ Rika, why are you stopping me~ Let me hug Alex-kun, I haven't done it in a long time~! "

"Stop, if you sink the boy into your breasts, then the others won't be able to greet him!"

"Alexander-san, I'm glad you're back!"

"You took too long!

…Why are you coming back until now? Also, why did you came back together with those guys?"

"Master, pet Vrana! Master hasn't caressed Vrana in a long time, roock~ "

"Master... returned... fine..."

"Master, we have finished immobilizing this guy. Fufufu… it seems that Master had quite a few women in this place... "

"Master, I'm sorry I didn't greet you properly earlier! Welcome back!!"

"So this is the fool that put Lorens in danger..."

"Alexander! You have come back. Now we can go on an adventure to the Rozz forest "

Leaving aside that guy, I could finally see the girls who I had left in Gaia... seriously, not even 150 million G could make me take my eyes off from them now.

Kurisu, seeing that I had some cuts on my body, quickly walks towards me while she was worried. Unfortunately, since it was not only her who was approaching, she is prevented from reaching me by the small space when all the others also walk towards me.

Although, some are also more reserved and they only greet me by smiling from where they are as Saeko and Rika who stops Shisuka who was running towards me too. That's a bit unfortunate since even though it would be a bit troublesome to greet the others as Rika says, I also want to sink my face into those breasts... after all, it's been a long time since I did that.

Saya and Rei who come together also seemed to be fine, one greets me affectionately, while the other complains a bit… although the latter said that, I could see in her eyes that she was also happy to see me.

"Vrana hunted many things for Master! Master has to give Vrana a lot of praise, roock~ "

In the end, the first to get to where I was and hug me wrapping her soft wings around me was Vrana. She actually seemed quite lively and eager for me to stroke her head, so I decided to indulge her a bit.

Well, it wasn't just her, I could notice my other faithful subordinates that I left here in Gaia, even though they don't come to hug me like Vrana, the eyes of Scythe y Leona lit up when they saw me.

...I-I really hope that the reason for seeing me is only joy. I'm a little worried seeing how Scythe drools a little while she watches me....

Also, I don't know if it is because they fought together or because they are of the same Race, but Leona and Mary seem to have quickly grouped together and even though they have practically just met, the atmosphere around them is as if they understand each other quite well.

"Hello everyone... I also missed all of you. It makes me happy that-"

"T-The mother cow appeared!!

...s-she is definitely the mother of the blonde cow!"

When I greet all the girls, my words are suddenly interrupted. The one to cause this and breaks the pleasant atmosphere, was not other that Revy which seems not to care much about the mood of everyone here... Damn it! Her words almost made me fall to the ground!!

Seeing how Shisuka struggled trying to break free from Rika and get to where I was, Revy with her mouth wide open said that. Her words also make Emilia-chan who had kept quiet all this time next to Shisuka, to blush.

…I can certainly see the similarity between both girls. They are both beautiful girls with blonde hair, but… it is clear that the reason Revy said that, is due to the fact that when Shisuka struggled to free herself, her breasts swayed from side to side!

We could all see how she looked at Shisuka's chest and immediately put her eyes on Emilia-chan's too. It's good that Shisuka doesn't seem to mind that or didn't pay attention to it as she was more focused on something else...

On the other hand, Emilia-chan seems really bothered, but perhaps because she's surrounded by people she doesn't know, she can only give Revy a sharp look.

"'s true that she and Shisuka-sensei are quite alike, although I think they would be more like sisters than mother and daughter"

Well… leaving the fact of both girls' big breasts as similarity aside, it seems that all the girls also agree that Emilia-chan and Shisuka look a lot alike. No… although they are not as obvious as Revy, several girls also run their eyes over the breasts of those two girls, so surely they also compare them in that sense too and no only Revy...

"Master, don't pay attention to those girls with big lumps of meat and praise Vrana more!!"

"You will finally pay for what you did, I hope you are prepared..."

"Y-You are-"

" Noooo! What are you doing with my 150 million!! "

As Vrana was complaining, a girl who came with Lorens's group, calls out my attention when I see her approach the man named Treko. So when I was a little curious why this beautiful girl was interested in that guy, she takes a sword from another girl by her side, and in the next second the head of that man was flying through the air.

I almost felt that it was me whose head had been cut off at that moment! My 150 million turned into two worthless pieces of meat in just one second!!

…Well, I think it would still be a high-quality fertilizer for my plant, but compared to its value before, this was a huge loss!

"W-Why… g-girl?

...You better have 150 million with you, otherwise, you will become that guy's replacement to pay me! "

"E-Eh? I'm sorry…"

"Insolent, how dare you!!"

"A-Alex... t-they are ..."

"Oh trust me, there are very few things that I don't dare to do now... maybe just her won't be enough to cover the value of my loss, so if you are her friend, I also make you pay for this too!"


Obviously seeing this, I could not remain calm, and unconsciously my domain was released exerting pressure on that girl and the other who, when seeing my gaze and hearing my words, speak in defense to the first one...

I regularly like to be nice to girls, and if they're beautiful like these two, I can be indulgent and forgive them many things, but… damn it! That girl I don't know cost me 150 million! If it had been a mistake of one of my girls, then maybe it would just depress me a little. Plus, since they are not wearing military uniforms, they are not the girls Leona and Rika trained either.


Alexander-kun, don't worry… she is… "

So if they weren't from our group, then they were from Lorens-kun's group, or they were adventurers that the girls met while I was gone... but feeling their strength, most likely they are Lorens-kun's guards. So I put my eyes on Rulnement causing him to try to say something to me, but then, as if he found a problem trying to say something, he kept quiet.

If Lorens-kun does not take responsibility for what they did, then given their level, they would be slaves of very high value... also, as they are women and quite beautiful at that, most likely they would be worth more than only 25 million, which is the average price that Lena told me that a 9th limit slave would have.

…I don't really like the idea of enslaving a woman, but each person must take responsibility for their own actions! Also, it's not like I'm going to mistreat them or force them to do too bad things… the other girls probably wouldn't let me overreach after all, but at least I'll make them work to make it up to me for this. Plus, this way I will fell that my loss is not too big...

"Master! You can't ignore Vrana !! You should talk more with Vrana because it is the one that more has strived, roock~!! "

"E-Eh? W-Wait, Vrana! W-What are you doing ?! "

"" V-Vrana-chan? ""

"D-Don't take Alex-kun with you, Vrana-chan~. It's not fair!! ~ "

" Bird girl, have you gone crazy?!"

"Get the master down, Vrana! you can't treat him that way!! "

Things suddenly change again since Vrana, who seemed quite restless for a while now for not paying attention to her, gets upset and begins to fly while holding me with her legs.

Then, in the next instant, I found myself flying through the air while I could only see the other people who stayed in that place standing there just as surprised as I was.

...maybe this little harpy, after not seeing me for more than a month, missed me more than I thought. That makes me happy, but… I already fell from a building once, so I don't want to experience something like it again!!


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX