Chapter 275 To The 3rd World ( Part 3 )

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Early in the morning the next day, there were all the girls who would stay on Gaia in front of me.Revy, and also Leona who accompany me, they had placed next to me. It was time to go to the next world...

Also, given where we were going, the equipment I was wearing had changed it a bit. Now I was dressed in a formal nanotube suit... even though it was only rank [H], this one would surely not attract much attention there.

On the other hand, this suit went more with the atmosphere of that world ... it really made me feel a little more like a mob boss! Well, surely that was just for me since I knew something about the place we were going ... for the girls here, this was probably just a type of clothing that made a man look good. I had seen several of them blush a little while they gave me some compliments.

Although that was probably only for these girls who lived in a modern age... surely Turla and Cleirsa-san would find it a bit strange.

"Then everyone take care. Rika, when you go to Rozz's forest, be sure to follow Rulnmet's advice and not go so far into that forest. Although all of you have become stronger, if you were to fight a large group of monsters in the 9th limit, that would be troublesome. "

"Don't worry Alexander, I understand that this place can be quite dangerous. We will be careful when we go there. "

"Emilia-kun, try to see if you can learn something from the books I gave you before. Also although it is not the same ability that Shisuka, Saya, and Lena have, perhaps they can give you some advice. Besides, you should go with Rika to kill some monsters in this forest, it would be good if you get used to firearms a bit at least for your protection "

"Y-Yes... t-thank you, Alexander-senpai"

Finishing to say goodbye to the girls, I put my eyes on some of them to tell them that. About the first matter, I couldn't ask the girls to wait for me locked in the mansion... so there was no choice but to just ask them to be careful.

In part, I think it's good for them to find their own way in this world as it would be much better than just being beautiful decorations of the mansion like vases and stuff, but unfortunately, I can't help but worry a bit for them...

As for Emilia-kun, I had given her the books that I had bought at the "4 arms" guild shop in the city of adventurers on Rozz. As her ability was innate, I think this gave her quite a bit of knowledge about it, and so I think she will at least be able to do something with the beginner books for scribes that I gave her.

But in any case, it was surely a totally new subject for her and so it was not bad that she tried to get someone to help her. Therefore, thinking that her ability and that of the other girls I mentioned before might have things in common, then I thought that they could probably support her a bit. When these girls and the old woman hear my words, they show her a smile and nod.

Furthermore, even though it is very good that she developed that ability, she also could not forget that this world was quite hostile. That is why I ask Rika to train her a little so that she can defend herself in case she needs it... although I wish that no girl was at risk, I know that this is more unlikely to happen than finding a pill to elevate the soul of a person one level in this Area

"Hihihi, I don't know if we can help her much, but we will do our best, boy. More importantly, I really hope you will help me find a plant like yours so I can tame it... "

...Lena had been asking me for this ever since I came from the world of HOTD… she looked like a kid asking for some new toy! Well, maybe I can't blame her for this since she is an alchemist...

The day I returned from the world of HOTD, the first thing I did after of greeting the girls was to go directly to where my Venus was, there I met this old woman and Shisuka. So when the first saw me, for the first time in my life, I almost witnessed an old woman pulling at the feet of a boy while begging him for something...

Apparently, I had underestimated my Venus! When I asked Lena why the shock, she quickly replied that my plant was a huge treasure for the Alchemists. I had already thought about this, but I didn't think that even my plant would surprise this old woman so much...

In the end, it turned out that my Venus could accelerate the growth of plants like the "Mana Pearl Plant" pretty fast! Now if you looked at my Venus 10 of its mouths had a little plant on them… it was a bit curious as it looked like these mouths had a little crown now. Since the leaves of that plant were bent towards the center, then they gave it that appearance.

Although that was not the important thing, the important thing was that after that crown was formed in those ten mouths of the Venus, they could produce a pearl of mana every 3 days!! Also, these were not dried or be affected when you took that pearl from the plant and instead began to produce another! That meant I could have 100 of these pearls every month!! 100!!!

So it wasn't that strange that Lena acted that way when she discovered this feature of my Venus. In fact, even I couldn't help but hug one of those mouths when I found out about this! It is really that my Venus was a huge treasure for the Alchemists! No… it was for any organization!!

It was simply a green and ecological money-making machine! In truth my Venus took the meaning of "Recycling Plant" to the next level by turning useless zombie corpses into something extremely important!!

If there was something that was perhaps a little regrettable, it was that only 10 of its mouths could create these crowns on these of all that I gave a seed to. Apparently this was the limit of my Venus at the moment... if I used the ability of my eyes to observe this one, I could see how all the energy absorbed by the other feeding mouths was directed directly to these 10 while one very, very small portion in comparison was heading towards the 2 big flowers.

Perhaps having told it that I wanted this one to make grow these plants earlier, then it focused the vast majority of energy that collected from the bodies of zombies and monsters and sacrificing its leveling which had surely slowed down greatly as well.

This was undoubtedly a great cost to Venus, but until I go to a level 2 Area this is probably the best for now.

"Well Lena, I ask you to make 100 channel restoration pills as soon as you can and then doing what I said to you before."

"Hihihi… you really are quite cruel in demanding that for this old lady, boy. Don't worry, my success rate for those pills is quite high... although it may take me a couple of months to create 100 of those pills. Hihihi, the good thing is that there are no shortages of materials.

Now that you've finished saying goodbye to the boy, we should go back Shisuka, it would be nice if you helped me create those 100 pills as well. But even though we have enough resources, it would be a waste to fail so many times.

There is a pill that is not that important and its ingredients are not difficult to find... you will practice with this one before trying to make energy channel restoration pills.

Also... you girl, it is also good that you practice, so come with us. By the way, don't forget to practice Alchemy too, boy. You still have to create that pill to fulfill a part of your promise with me... although it seems that now this will not be so difficult for you. "

Those 100 pills of course were to be given to the King as a dowry for Cleirsa-san! Unfortunately, since I'm probably will be busy for a while and so I won't be able to deliver them myself, so I asked Lena to take care of that.

" Yes, Lena-sensei~ Alex-kun, take good care of yourself in that world, OK? ~ "

"Yes Lena-san… Alexander-san, take care"

"Saya, please take care of Celi-chan and Milene... especially the latter, don't let her do business on her own "

"It's okay. You should be worried about yourself, Alexander-san. Revy-san said that her world was dangerous, so be very careful"

Seeing Saya who had a small bitter smile at being involved in this while Shisuka hugged me again to say goodbye, I immediately put my eyes on my two slaves who were also here.

Now the people of the construction guild were creating what would be a weapons shop that would be to the side of the inn from the small hobits girls which surprised me a little at seeing them here last time when I was greeted cheerfully in sync. Since these girls were quite cute, they had been taken as stuffed animals by other girls… so I wonder if they will be able to carry out the work for which Saya brought them.

Well, about the gun shop, you could say that this was a pretty good thing to get rid of the equipment that had been gathered in warehouses and my inter-dimensional storage, and I don't think there was someone better than this pair of merchant girls for that.

"Hmp~ I've been a trader for several years, so is there really a need for you to put someone to supervise me?"

"...that is said by a merchant who is now a slave"

"T-That's… it-it was just a bit of bad luck, Celi!"


Honestly, if it had just been a bit of bad luck, then I wouldn't mind much letting Milene take over the entire store... well, my first thought was to put Celi-chan to do it, but it's a shame that she seemed insecure to do it and therefore the most viable option was Milene.

But this changed when I reviewed the changes in my system when these girls became my slaves. In the part of the people who had a relationship with me in this one, now there you could see the slave section where these two girls were.

And apparently by making someone a slave, the system allowed me to see their status just like the girls who had passed the digit of 100 in affection or loyalty. So reviewing these out of curiosity, I realized several things about my two new slaves...


Name: Milene

Race: Human

Age: 29

Level: 18

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (-)

Strength: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: J

Intelligence: J

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[ Courage - F ] [ Strong mind - F ]


[ Calculus - F ]

Magic: None


[ Curse Love (By Goodness Inel): H ] [ Merchant- F ] [Curse Bossiness (By God Murr) - H] (New) [ Slave- J ] (New)

Affection: 85 ( Friendly ) Loyalty 85 (Trust)


Name: Celi

Race: Human / Hobbit

Age: 19

Level: 15

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (-)

Strength: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: J

Intelligence: J

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[ Tenderness - C]


[ Calculus - I ] [ Shoot: J ]

Magic: None


[ Merchant - I ] [Archer-J] [ Slave- J ] (New)

Affection: 120 ( Attracted ) Loyalty 85 (Trust)

First of all, what caught my attention the most was that Milene had been cursed! Also, it seemed that it was by two gods!! Well... seeing this, some doubts I had were cleared up now.

When I asked her if she had done anything to offend those gods, she told me that she didn't believe much in those things about the blessings and curses of the gods… that she thought that someone as meaningful as them would not give importance to people like her.

To be honest, in my previous world I was never a very devotee person, so I could understand her ideology a bit. The problem was that in this world more than a matter of faith, here were beings called gods who could intervene in this world personally and physically! In fact, having enough strength is surely not difficult to meet them personally!!

…Well, with the strength of her, meeting them it's probably even more unlikely that someone from my previous world would meet his favorite actor and this one would stop to greet him. So it's not bad to think that they were like people from different worlds for normal people...

Although... from the looks of it, she had managed to do something to get their attention and make them curse her… perhaps this is surprising in a way too.

From what Aurora told me, that a god would be interested in a person from a level 1 Area is very unlikely, probably only if the person was very devout or burned a temple or something like that, then that person could receive the blessing or curse of a god...

So, when I ask Milene if she has burned any temple, the answer I get is negative. That while she was not very devout, she was not too crazy to become the enemy of a cult, religion, or deity. That all she had done was that when she was young she swore inside a small temple of the goddess Inel, that was in her native village, that would not be fooled with things like love and such things and she would look for her own path.

Therefore, it could be said that Milene had bad luck or good luck since perhaps that goddess by chance heard her words...

I still do not understand the things of the gods very well, but apparently, they are not omniscient and omnipotent to know everything that happened in Gaia... although seeing that Milene is cursed now, then surely they can know about many things here... although perhaps only with things related to them.

Well, surely I will know more about these entities once my strength reaches a strength level close to them. For now since the system does not give me much information about them, Aurora and I can only speculate a little.

About the other God named Murr, Milene didn't seem to remember doing anything to offend him… or rather, she didn't know that God very well. Since it seemed that this curse was even more recent, it seemed a bit strange that she did not know it... did not seem that she was lying.

But then the one who solved this doubt was Celi-chan... Milene had recently sold some things to a cult at a bit excessive price... also the objects were of poor quality.

So the current and maybe old unlucky of Milene was because of these... it actually had a lot of sense to me! Now I understood more why even though Milene was a woman that should be considered attractive, there was a kind of rejection in me just to see her... this must be because of the curse in the love of her! The same was for her businesses that were a bit influenced by the other curse!!

I always thought that never was a good thing to disrespect a god even being an atheist, but… in this world it seems that this can have serious consequences!

The good thing is that apparently Milene's curses weren't that strong, otherwise apparently these may even have cost her the life!!

Well, that she was cursed it was still a big problem… I didn't feel comfortable having her by my side like this! So looking for a solution, I remembered that when completing Emilia-kun's affection mission, this one had given me an item to increase luck. So by giving this item to Milene, it seems that those curses were countered by it.

...although I think it was a bit of a waste to use this item that increased luck in this way. Well, Milene will have to use this until I find another way to solve her curses... I wonder if I push her to make offerings to those gods, then this will make these disappear?