Chapter 281 Arriving At Ruananpur (Part 5 )

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(POV 3rd person)

Outside of the small Black Lagoon company in Ruananpur, a large number of assassins and thugs had gathered here. The reason for this, it was none other than the fact that a few hours ago in the bar "Yellow Flag" a child had appeared offering a reward to anyone who could kill him... plus, a pretty generous reward.

Given the amount of gold he had offered, this information did not take long to travel to various locations throughout the city. Maybe many believed that perhaps the amount was an exaggeration, but if only 10% of that amount was true, then it was a job that even reputable killers in the city would easily accept for the job.

Of course, that boy in the bar was none other than Alexander who was now inside the building seeing all the turmoil that his words had created...

"... d-don't you think the story that boy told at the bar was a bit strange?"

"Of course, do you think any person is stupid enough to believe this one?! That brat claimed to have had a life of crime for a long time! So do you think that when he was wearing diapers he could lift a gun?!! "

"Besides... he said he had a wife... but that kid looked like a girl"

"Who said that? Do you think it's wrong for one girl to like another woman?!! Come and say it to my face !! "

"Hehehe, who cares about that? I just came here to get a bill paid for a camera, who would have thought I could get rich tonight?!! "

With so many people gathered here, conversations could be heard from various groups that had formed. Although most had accepted an agreement to respect whoever got the money, there was still a strong possibility that after killing Alexander then they would be the next ones that would have a bullet in their foreheads, so for added security, there were many who had organized to share the loot among themselves.

Of course, there were also those who considered themselves skilled enough to get out of here on their own once they took the gold, and even who was just lucky enough to hear what happened and then decided to join in this... like a porn enthusiast who had come here for another purpose in the beginning, and then quickly he didn't waste any time on getting a gun to join this too.

"Well, little" John Wick ", I hope you have prepared the gold... soon you will be able to reunite with your beloved wife, hahaha!!"

"The sun has gone down! Whoever kills the boy gets the gold!! No one can attack the person who did it first according to our agreement!!"


"Hehehe ... this will be easy money!"

"It's a shame… those two girls looked quite beautiful.

...Why don't we just catch them alive and take the gold from them? "

"… Th-that's not a bad idea. Whoever captures them then is something sure that would make a lot of money with them… I-I'm willing to pay xxxxxxxx for one night with one of them, preferably the one with blue hair!! "

"... hehehe, I would pay xxxxxxx for the redhead girl... if someone sells her to me as a slave, then will be xxxxxx!"

"..." Two Hans "works in this company, don't forget this. If you are careless, then you can end up with a bullet in the head before you know it"

"Hehehe, well... that bitch isn't too bad either. Maybe we can capture her alive too."

"... if you want her to tear you off your dick, then you can try it"

With the sun setting, all the people began to prepare their weapons. It was time to see who would be the lucky one to get that gold, well, the idea that someone said also began to be planted in the heads of many of here... after all for all the most of the men here, those girls who saw in the bar were really quite attractive...

Maybe even if any of them found out that Alexander was a man like them, then probably they wouldn't mind that... the people here you could say they were very open-minded.

The person responsible for bringing up this issue was none other than the porn enthusiast who, remembering the appearance of Alexander and Leona, then he could not help but think that it would be a waste for those two people to die...


Thinking on that, he was one of the firsts to jumping to the charge to the company Black Lagoon... unfortunately for him, his dream of becoming a great porn producer died in that place with him by the first bullet that came out of the building.

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" W-Who the hell is" John Wick"?!! "


After having finished telling the story of what happened in the bar, Benny, Vin and Eda were looking at me with their mouths open without saying anything, and so the only one who speaks was Revy. But it seems that she only found the pseudonym I use strange...

"..." the boogeyman ""

"Fuck you!! If you wanted to die, then I wouldn't have minded putting a bullet to your head myself!! "

" You have a great nickname…" Two Hans ", so I wanted one too. Also... "

Even though I knew Revy wouldn't understand the reference, I had to say it. Besides, it was true that I was a bit envious of Revy's nickname… who knows? If I don't do it myself, then someone could end up putting me one like "The redhead girl"... or maybe "The beauty in red"...

"…Who wants to die? I only need to kill about 100 of those people, but… now that I look at it, they've actually gathered quite a few. "

Of course it was not that I won a suicidal thought suddenly, my goal since the beginning was to fulfill the mission of the system of eliminating several people. I'd always left missions to accomplish them slowly, but this time, I thought it would be nice to finish one of these quickly… it wasn't like killing a million zombies or going all over an island looking for 50 people after all.

I only had to take out 100 enemies, and also I knew that if I gave them good enough tallow, then this number would quickly show up knocking on our door for me to kill them. With that in mind, I thought about a plan and then the bar things happened.

Perhaps the only problem is that I underestimate the greed of the people in this city...

"... W-What you mean about that you need to kill 100 people?"

" B-Boy… you offered 100 gold bars for your head, you know?! Of course many people would gather by this!! "

"…What do you say Vin? Now is when you should say something like "They are just a bunch of fools, I'll take care of them myself!" while it seems that you seem to think that you are immune to bullets and charge forward to kill them all"

"Damn it! I think you are mistaking me for someone, boy! I'm not superman you know?!! "

Well, maybe I really exaggerate a bit about that, but… in my defense, I have to say that I have lost a bit of the sense of the value of that metal. You can't blame me that much since for me this has become a thing that does not have much importance!

Also, although Revy was complaining a lot and had actually drawn her berettas, she is pointing them in the direction of the other people who seemed to be preparing to attack this place.

"Damn boy, don't ignore me!! Besides, why the hell did you get me into this whole mess? !!! "

"… I really didn't know you were here, Eda. It can be said that this is your luck, so just accept it "

"Fuck you!! My God only tells me to get into trouble that I can get out of alive, so I'm out of here!! "

… It seems that her god really gives her good pieces of advice, but for now, it would be nice to have her on our side and so I speak to stop her.

" If you go now, then the technology I showed you earlier could end up in someone else's hands, you know? Surely your God will not forgive you that... "

"Kuh! D-Damn it!!

Then… so what if I kill you now and take it away from you?"


"Try it bitch and you'll be the first to die here!"

After I say that to Eda, she takes a gun from somewhere under her habit and points it at me making Leona and Revy point their guns at her...

"Eda... to kill me, then you would probably need a fucking missile. If you shoot me, is sure that the only one that ends up dying is you, understand?"

Of course this she did not concern me much, I had the option of summoning my grimoire for my protection or letting my new necklace that is like the ones I gave to the girls intervene to stop the bullet. Since my bracelet had been turned to dust in the world of B-Tooom, I had to get a replacement for it and so I bought one for myself too.

By the way, the girls' bracelets hadn't been used, so these went into the hands of the high-ranking girls of the "Servants of Alexander-sama" guild.

…Although to be frank, my words that it could stop things under missiles were an exaggeration. They probably can't even stop an RPG… but this was something she didn't know and didn't need to know. The more difficult she thinking it is to kill me, then the better it is for me.

"...even if you could kill the boy, Eda, probably the guys outside won't let you get out of here just by asking them that... so the best thing is that we all work together to get out of this "


She was probably already hesitant to shoot me from the start, or else she would have shot me the instant she drew her gun. Surely her doubts were due to the words that Revy or I had escaped about the objective of my mission and other things... she had been asking questions about this for a while but since it was a bit annoying to answer her now, I simply decided to ignore her.

So after hearing Vin's words, Eda decides to put down the gun and so I also ask the girls on my side to do the same.

"Well, I think that since they are starting to head here, then we should start with this too."



[Objective ------------ + 1]

With those words as a prelude, I point to the window and shoot... in truth quite a few people had gathered, I had fired at random and managed to hit someone...

[Bang!] [Bang!] [Bang!] [Bang!]

"Sh-Shit !! Why even I am involved in this?! "

… I really missed the time when my group was the only one with firearms. After the first shot, they don't allow me to continue shooting and immediately a large number of bullets go through the windows of the building and so there was no choice but to cover ourselves with the walls.

Well, the people on this side were not cannon fodder either. "Whenever someone had a chance, then we pointed our weapons at the flashes produced by the firearms held by those people outside and that lit up the night a bit, so from time to time I heard the system notification in my head.

Well… Benny was the only non-combatant on our side who had been crawling around to avoid the bullets while complaining.

Unfortunately, we were surpassed in number and so soon the men who had come to kill me trying to break down the doors or enter by other parts of this building.

"Well... I didn't want to use this as it would probably make them run, but there seems to be no other option"

" Damn it! Why didn't you get those things out from the beginning?!! "

"... don't explain it already?"

" What the hell? Where did these things come from?!! "

What I pulled out of my storage was nothing other things than the trusty RPGs that had gotten me out of some troubles. Furthermore, this time since no one could not be thought that the appearance of these things as something that was simply done by a good handling of a person's hands like mages do, it was obvious that Eda's doubts grew even more.

" Who cares about that now? Just take one and point it at those bastards! "

" ... "

[Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!]

It certainly wasn't the best time to have a conversation right now, so without further questioning, Eda also grabs one of the RPGs that I had taken out and shoots a group of people who come within her vision. Then, so do the same me, Leona, Revy, and Vin.

Repeating this several times, the number of people outside the building suffered heavy losses, furthermore, this also helped to deter more people who kept coming to leave this place.

...that was the reason why I had decided not to start with these weapons. I thought that if I did, then most likely many would have escaped when they see we had heavy weapons...

But since a few tens of minutes had passed since the start of the shootout and the mission objectives I wanted to complete kept increasing their counters constantly, I think it was a good time to use these.

So with the help of the RPGs and after several explosions, several counters had reached the amount needed to meet the objective.

[Crash !!]


"Shit, they entered the building !!"

Unfortunately, there were people who, at being too close to the building or because they took alternate routes to avoid direct comforting, they managed to find their way to where we were... also when the first ones entered, others quickly followed behind them. It seems there were still quite a few left who hadn't given up on taking the reward I offered.

Also, it seems that the people who enter now were the ones with the greatest experience and strength... these people who entered the vast majority had a strength greater than the 7th limit! So it was clear that they were people who had been through a lot of fights and killed a lot of people as well.

"It seems that this time we are enemies" Two Hands ", fufufu..."


"There is the little redhead, the gold is mine!!"

Among these people, there were those that I saw for the first time as the type who when he saw me charged directly towards me as if he was afraid that someone else would kill me before him...

Also, there were some that I had seen in the anime and remembered a little since it could be said that they had a somewhat remarkable personality... well, being honest, perhaps what influenced me the most to remember them was that they were girls...

They were two women with very unique characteristics. The first to speak when entering by breaking a window and going directly to Revy, it was a Chinese woman with two swords that she wielded skillfully. Then the other one who takes Eda as her enemy since she was the closest one to her, it was a pale girl with a slightly withdrawn and shy appearance.

Although… I'm sure, if a normal person saw her, then the last thing they would pay attention will be to this girl's attitude. Undoubtedly what attracted the most attention about her, was nothing more than the chainsaw with which she had broken a door to get here.

Shit... it's probably because of the stereotype of this type of girl, but when I see her, something in me told me that this girl was quite dangerous to have a relationship with... I'm almost 100% sure that this girl was a total Yandere!!

Also, that was not all, these two girls had a fairly high level and stood out among the rest of the people who entered. The Chinese girl had a level [89] on her head while the girl with the chainsaw a [82]!!