Chapter 290 Misunderstanding 3

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(POV Alexander)

" I didn't come to this place by chance, Balalaika-onesan… this whole place has turned into a minefield, you know? Do you think you can kill us before we detonate all these bombs? "

"" ... ""

This was the reason for my confidence and calm despite being almost completely surrounded by Balalaika's men. Well, that and that I had shield-type BIMs with me… probably unless they use heavy weaponry we'll be safe.

The only problem is that I didn't want to show these to Balalaika and the others, since they belong to Russia, so most likely Eda may be complaining about displaying this technology to them. Of course, if I have no choice, then I wouldn't give a damn that!

… Even so, I hoped that just seeing that this car graveyard had been turned into a minefield by Leona who had done it earlier, this would make Balalaika take my words more seriously.

When we used these BIMs in the building of Vin and the other two, it worked very well as a persuasion tool, so I had asked Leona to pick a couple of places to do the same in case it was necessary.

Also, seeing how Balalaika frowns and her face turns a little red surely from fury, I think this achieved its goal very well.

"Boy... even at the cost of all of us dying here, I will avenge the soldier that those two killed before... besides, I will also make sure to personally put a bullet in your head..."

" Balalaika-onesan, that would be very regrettable... don't you think so? If you think about it, these two brats would probably be considered more of a weapon than a person...

I do not think it makes much sense to get angry with the gun responsible to kill a person... it is more logical and more productive to direct all those resentments to the person that using this, right?

If you and I kill each other here, then surely the happiest for this ti happen would be the one who has used these little ones. I can't give you these two, but... I don't mind telling you who that person is, you know? "

"Onechan, do you have more bombs to play with? I also want bombs!~ "

"Little Hansel, you shouldn't ask for something from a person you just met for the first time, you know?~"


Probably because of the fury that we caused her to get on their way, Balalaika seemed to have forgotten that these kids must have belonged to a group... or maybe it's better to say that they were used as I mentioned before. So when she hears me mention this and sets her eyes on these twins who seemed even more relaxed than me, her anger seems to defend a bit while she raises one of her eyebrows as if thinking things over.

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(POV Verrocchio)

"Damn it!! That someone finds those little brats now!! "

After I sent a few more of my men to bring here that pair of twins, they came back agitated to inform me that they were missing and Moretti and Venny had died in that place...

…I should have killed those damn brats and disappeared their bodies to avoid any trouble!

When I heard that Balalaika and her men had discovered that the one responsible for the death of her man was a little boy, my back broke with sweat at that moment!

But... it seems that luck was on my side this time, she went straight to the new building of Revy's bitch and that black guy called Dutch… I had completely forgotten that they had made deals with someone who seemed to be a child too.

…Anyway, even if she kills them, surely she will think that they shouldn't have been the only responsible for all the previous deaths in the city, so it's better that those brats disappear now before someone else links them to us.

[Trururururu !!]

"B-Boss !!T-The Russians have come and have started to kill everyone who tries to stop them to enter here !! "


Shit! Shit! Shit! I was hoping those brats would die for someone in town before they could say anything… it seems I wasn't as lucky as I had thought before, fuck!!

Without any other remedy, I went to one of the windows of my office that had a view out of the mansion where the shots were already heard and then, I could see how the men of my group and those of Balalaika began to shoot each other...

"Balalaika! What the hell does this mean? Why are you attacking us!! "

"Verrocchio... leave the stupid pretensions, the damn twins you brought to this city have spoken to mark you as the person who gave them orders!!"

"…What the hell are you talking about? I don't know what-"

"" Verrocchio-san, we brought Balalaika-onesan to play with you too!~ ""

Even if I was the one responsible for that, it would be stupid if I accepted it. So I would just try to pretend to be innocent and that her words were something without proof, but... my words get stuck in my throat when I see that pair of twins happily greeting me along with a similar but red-haired boy, Revy, and probably other people in her organization...

"Balalaika... someone surely tries to get our groups to fight, so-"

" He lies, Balalaika-onesan. He has the face of a criminal! "

" this city I think that's something quite normal, Alex-chan."

".Now that you mention it, that's true..."

"…Shut up brat! You must stay out of this! "

When I was trying to see if I could divert attention from this Russian bitch, the red-haired boy who wasn't too far from her almost made me spit blood when he pointed at me while saying this… to all this, who the hell was that brat? How dare him point and accuse me like that?

"Think what you are doing Balalaika, the other groups will surely think that you are accusing someone without proof… maybe you are the one responsible for attacking the other groups, and you want to use that as an excuse to attack us! Surely the other groups will not take this very well!! "

"Well, it doesn't matter if you continue to play innocent, anyway, I came here to kill you, Verrocchio. I will make you pay dearly for the death of one of us!!

Everyone, finish them all!! "

"Yes, captain !!"

"... we had agreed that you would let me take care of that guy, Balalaika-onesan."

It seemed that this bitch really came determined to finish us off... I wanted to raise doubts in the other groups about Balalaika's actions since that was the only option I had left, but it seems that she would not even give me time for that.

With the orders of that damn Russian woman, her group intensifies the fire, and then I could see how one after another of my men began to fall by the bullets... truly the difference in power between men who were trained strongly and some who only learned by the experience it's noticed quickly.

To make matters worse, those three brats along with Two Hans and her group are also joining this...

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! This didn't have to end this way!! I would have to be the one who ended up reigning in this damn city!!

The inevitable happens, and soon Balalaika along with several people was in front of me... I thought that she would be the one who would give me a speech before killing me, but she only makes a grumpy face, and instead, the one who steps forward was the boy redhead from before...

"Verrocchio, Verrocchio, Verrocchio ... finally we can see each other... things did not have to end this way, you know? But... unfortunately you could not control your son and he ended up killing my poor dog..."


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(POV Alexander)

Things with Balalaika and her group had ended in a good way after our heated discussion… besides, getting the information from the twins had been much easier than I had expected.

I thought I'd have to push them a bit to get them to talk, but oddly after promising to give some explosives to the one who seemed interested in the bombs, he quickly spat out everything he knew about the person who brought them here.

I also believed that Balalaika might think that I was only giving her this information to take care of an enemy, but curiously, she quickly accepted that guy mentioned by the kid as responsible.

I don't know if she thought these kids didn't seem to be lying or if she had some grudge with that guy and just wanted a pretext to eliminate him. Either way, seeing as Balalaika would now eliminate that group, then I thought it would be a good time for me to make a profit as well...

I couldn't miss the opportunity to borrow her strength to complete the mission to eliminate a large organization in Ruananpur! Since I just had to kill the leader personally and this one didn't say anything against using other organizations, then it should be acceptable to the system with the fact that I only got a little involved, right? Well... I hope so.

So under the pretext that I was mad at the guy who had framed me and that I wanted to personally take care of him, in the end, Balalaika agreed to my request and that is why we are here now.

The truth is that the outcome of this fight did not last long, and then in a few minutes we were now facing the leader of this group. Furthermore, this also helped Leona and Revy vent all the frustration that they had to endure for a while about the Russian group only shot them and they didn't was able to kill someone.

Also, after seeing the insistence of the twins to join this "game", then I gave them their weapons... I really hesitated to do so, but after talking to them and telling them that from today on I would be their older brother and they would have to obey everything I told them, since they nodded quickly, then I accepted to do this in the end.

They to some extent seemed a bit docile with me... probably due to my abilities that make other people have a good impression of me. But unfortunately, I cannot totally trust them... they are the first people that after touching them, then the indicator of affection and loyalty shows me a [-]!

So most of the time I'll have them disarmed until that changes. And as for getting a couple of children to bloodily kill others, I think it was too late to worry about that now...

So after entering this mansion and ending up with anyone who got in our way, now I had this guy there for the first time in front of me, and then I could avoid feeling a little bad for this bastard...

The truth is that I had nothing against this guy... if I hated a person for being a criminal, then I should hate almost 100% of the people in this city. Also, while it was a bit annoying that because of him I was confused for someone else, if you think about it, then I should get angrier at Balalaika and her men since they were the ones who attacked us for no reason...

Well, I had to do this anyway and so, when he had his bloodshot eyes on Balalaika as she was the one primarily responsible for his criminal life ending, I step forward and speak to him.

"Verrocchio, Verrocchio, Verrocchio ... finally we can see each other... things did not have to end this way, you know? But... unfortunately you could not control your son and he ended up killing my poor dog..."


W-Who the hell are you? Also, what the hell do you mean by that? I don't have a damn son!! "

" ...Verrocchio, Verrocchio, Verrocchio ... finally we can see each other... things did not have to end this way, you know? But... unfortunately you could not control your "adoptive" child and he ended up killing my poor dog... "

"Son of a bitch, don't change things at your convenience!!"

Since I did not want him to think that I wanted to kill him for no reason, having remembered the matter of "John Wick" by Balalaika, I then decide to continue with that story... I think it's a better reason than to tell him that I simply came to kill him for my convenience...

"I worked so hard for this organization that you can even say that the bases of this one are founded with my own blood… I even saved your life on several occasions, don't you remember? I even earned the nickname "The Bogeyman" for all the work I did for you!"

" What the hell are you talking about, you damn brat?!! "

"... you really really care about the nickname and you're not going to stop insisting on it until someone calls you that, right Alex-chan?"

" You are amazing, onichan~!"

"That is true~ And Verrocchio is an ungrateful person too~"

"" ... ""

Without worrying about Verrocchio's claims, Revy's comments, the twins' flattery, or Balalaika and Vin's silence, I walk to the desk where this mob boss was sitting and grab a jar along with one crystal glass and start to serve some kind of drink that had a pleasant smell while I speak... then calmly observing the glass in my hand as if contemplating the past.

..well, rather than contemplating the past, now I was trying to remember the story of that movie...

"Right... all this by why it was, Verrocchio? For a simple car... yes, that one on there is the car that your "adopted son" steal me... well, he also kill my cute puppy... could he not only leaf with just steal the damn car?! "

"" Your son is so cruel, Verrocchio~ ... why did he have to kill onichan puppy?~ ""

"Fuck you motherfucker !! Those cars all in Ruananpur know that they are my most precious collection, they are probably the only thing that I have obtained legally!! "

"… You really are quite cheeky, aren't you Alex-chan? Usually a thief is aware that he is stealing the property of others, but you even go so far as to say that the person you rob is the thief?

"" ... ""

With the glass of wine in my hand, I walk to the window where I see several luxurious cars parked... well, like a great criminal these surely did not have to be missing here...

Looking at them, I remember the plot of the movie and thought it was good to replace the car that we had previously lost, so I pointed to the one I liked the most. It would be a hassle to have to ask Balalaika to transport us to a place every time we needed it, just like she did when they brought us here before.

"Well, Verrocchio... for the good old days, then I'll give you a quick death"

"Son of a bitch… if all you want is the car, then just take it!

Let's forget all this and let each one go their own way, how about it?" seems that this guy really thinks I came here for a car... was my acting that good? Well, seeing how attentive the others were and how invested the twins were in this since they looked quite bitterly at Verrocchio for the death of the "John Wick" puppy, then maybe I could pursue an acting career.

Well, the story of that movie is pretty good but unfortunately for him, I didn't like the sequels very much and so this story ends here...

"I'm sorry Verrocchio, but I have to avenge the little puppy of "John wick"..."




This guy's death was inevitable, if for some reason I didn't do it, then Balalaika would. Also, it's not like I had no reason not to kill a person who was thinking of using two little children, that wouldn't make me lose sleep after all...