Chapter 324 Ragnarok 4

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"Why the hell are you all here?!!"

"Don't be like that, Tanimoto-kun. Friends have to have fun together from time to time. Besides, Honoka wanted to come to play with you too. "

"It's true, Tanimoto-onisan! I wanted to see you again~"

"…This is a school visit. I had no choice, Bishounen-kun "

"Who the hell is your friend?!! Didn't you forget that I beat you up last time?!!

Also, What you mean by a school visit, damn teacher trashy?!! "

"Come on, again with that~ Tanimoto-kun is also a Tsundere like Sakaki-san by sure"

"Play with us too, Tanimoto-onisan~"

"That is cruel, Bishounen-kun… I think I do an excellent job as a teacher, you know? Maybe you just don't understand my teaching methods"

Despite this guy complaining about us, he had still let us into his house without any problem. Although... I think the main cause of that was because Honoka-chan made puppy eyes when he saw us. From what I remember, he had a little sister who died… no doubt that was a bit sad, and it was probably because of that that he couldn't refuse Honoka now.

On the other hand, this little girl is quite fickle... or quite an intelligent one. When she met this boy, she had the same eyes as when she first saw me! Also, it seems that this little girl's interest was now more inclined to Tanimoto!!

...I think she understood well that I was only interested in girls of Renka-chan and Miu-chan's age or girls older than them, therefore, she decided to focus more on this boy now. Although I don't want to doubt Honoka's innocence, it might also be the fact that Tanimoto was someone rich!

She may also have a similar trait as Kenichi of being lucky with the opposite gender and end up creating a reverse Harem... furthermore, since she seems smarter than her brother in that regard, then she really can become a scary girl in the future!

Well… since I'm just content with being able to pat her head, then I don't have much of a problem with that. Tanimoto may be the one to go through those difficulties if that girl turns into someone like that.

Putting that aside, I didn't think Kenichi would have a cheeky side... the boy practically ignores Tanimoto's claims as he checks what's to eat in his fridge! Maybe this boy's concept of friendship is a bit wrong... well, I can't deny that there are strong friendships that were formed after a fight. There is a clear example of a guy who even almost destroyed the planet of his enemy and ended up being his friend.

"What teaching methods? You simply have your students watch movies in another language while you also have fun watching them!!"

…What did you expect? It's not like I really had a lot of knowledge about teaching someone! I could only do that or tell the students to just read the book, you know? The latter seemed too boring to me, and I would rather be a great teacher than a boring one! Also, I don't think I'm the worst teacher either.

…I remember having teachers who only told jokes in their classes and in the end they just graded students almost at random. Besides, there were also the most shameless, those who asked for bribes to be able to pass the class!

...Therefore, I don't think I was the worst teacher in the world.

It was good that Alíen-kun got me movies to put in the class, so as Tanimoto says, my work at school had turned into watching movies together with the students. The truth is that I cannot complain about that job...

"… I believe that to learn another language you have to listen and speak it constantly this one, you know?

...Watching movies fulfill the first requirement of that.

Furthermore, the Director approves of my methods. If you have any complaints about these, complain to him… but if you do, compromising photographs of you may appear at school... maybe... no, I am sure of that"

" What kind of teachings is it that reproves someone for being handsome?! Also, are there any teachers who threaten their students?!! "


Besides, about the other matter, you can only complain to your classmates, Bishounen-kun. That was the result after it was put to the vote in the class… you were close to passing it, but… unfortunately, there were more men than women in your class "

… Well, I probably won't get an award for best teacher of the year either. Or maybe by having that headmaster who just seems to care about watering his plants this wasn't that impossible? Well, it doesn't matter, it's not like I really have a great attachment to that job.

At least, if I get fired, I probably won't end up being a truck driver… although, it wasn't in the best way, thanks to Sakaki I have gained another much more lucrative source of income! There's just the problem that lately my winnings have decreased a bit… you don't win much when everyone bets on you after all.

Should I be looking for another way to earn money?

"F-Fuking Teacher… I'll hit you!"

"…You will be expelled if you do, you know? Also, you should try to defeat Hamtaro-kun first. Didn't he leave you in bad shape last time?"

"I'll also tell my uncle that you're bothering Alexander!"

"Don't fight, Tanimoto-onisan~ You better play with us~"


Taking my status as a teacher and also to have Renka-chan and Honoka-chan on my side, then I think it's very unlikely to he do something.

I may not be able to trust Master Ma's brother as Renka-chan says, and he may end up not caring about my status as a master to try to hit me, but... Honoka-chan is a great shield against him. Although it's not like I fear him either... I just didn't have any motivation to fight him now.

Well, I think Kenichi's description of this guy about that he was a Tsundere just like Sakaki was true, so I don't think he will do anything to get me fired. I just hope he doesn't end up growing up keeping that character... I really think it's a bit unpleasant to see a grown man with a Tsundere attitude ... that's not cute at all!

But speaking of that ...

"… You shouldn't say that in front of Sakaki, Hamtaro-kun. If you do, then you will probably end up like me... "

"T-That's it… y-you really didn't do something to piss off the Masters, Alexander-sanpai?"

" What could I have done ?! I was practically with you almost the whole time too! So if I had done something, then you would know it too!!

…Those guys probably just like to torture people "


"Stop ignoring me, damn it!

...if you two escaped from that dojo, then I myself will go tell them to come for you, you bastards"

In the end, due to Tanimoto-kun's constant screaming, we decided to go for a walk. Well, Renka-chan and Honoka-chan were quite competitive, so they didn't like losing constantly even in a video game very much. So with nothing else to do, that was the only option. Also, because that little girl had insisted, Tanimoto-kun joined us.

It could be said that we had met our goal and we were able to relax for a long time during this day, but... then, suddenly Honoka-chan had disappeared. So after searching for a few minutes, we found out who was responsible for this.

It was someone from Ragnarok's group, Loki. He had kidnapped Honoka and called Kenichi to a place where he had to go only if he wanted to get his sister back. So, after this development, I kind of remembered the plot of the anime that seemed to run its course now.

Since Kenichi didn't want to risk his sister, he had asked me to stay in this place together with Renka-chan. On the other hand, since Tanimoto was a member of Ragnarok, he decided to accompany him. It seems that he did not like the idea that the little girl had been involved in this.

Umu… it seems that little Honoka had a good chance of capturing that rich Bishounen-kun. I don't think I can consider him a lolicon since his age isn't that different, right? Later I will ask her and that guy their age in order to draw conclusions...

In the end, Renka-chan and I followed them until we reached a house that looked abandoned. There was already that guy with the nickname Loki, and the two who had gone ahead.

...there were some Masters from Ryzanpaku hiding in a tree too. It seems Apa or Shigure warned them of this.

I thought that everything would be as I remembered and I just had to wait to see the show, but… apart from Loki, there was also another Ragnarok leader in that place! That had become a bit troublesome this... if she gets involved, then things for Kenichi would get a lot more complicated!!

"Renka-chan… do you think you can win against that girl? "

"Hmn? Hmp~ Of course!

…Probably the only one I'm not sure I can defeat is that blonde girl with big breasts from Ryzanpaku"

"So... can you help Hamtaro-kun by taking care of her?"

"...w-well, since you are the one asking me, Alexander, I will do it!"

Even though that girl is at the 7th limit and seems skilled, I don't think that I would lose with her in a fight, but... Unfortunately, I had the same problem as Kenichi and, so I have no choice but to ask Renka-chan for help.

He was also sure that she could beat that girl. Even though she uses a weapon, Renka-chan and also Miu-chan now were 9th limit thanks to the [Limit-break] pills that I had given to both of them earlier. Also, obviously in skill these girls greatly surpassed that cane user...

Therefore, my previous question was more to motivate her to fight that brunette girl. My goal is achieved, and she goes directly to that place but not before saying that last thing to me as if she didn't want me to misunderstand her since she was helping Kenichi. This girl has a pretty cute side...

"Oh~ Aren't you going to help Hamtaro-kun, brat? Aren't you a little cruel? "

With nothing else to do, I go straight to the tree where the Masters were observing the things... damn it! I don't want to hear that from someone who is drinking alcohol like he while just watching a good show!!

"... you really don't want me to get involved in that, Tsundere-Shishio"

"Damn it! I told you that it's okay if you just call me just Sakaki!! "

Even though I refrained from telling him my earlier thought to avoid making my situation with him worse, it seems like I couldn't fully resist his provocation. Well, since that has become quite a common nickname used by others in the dojo for him, I don't think he gets that mad now about it...

Well, about what Sakaki says, it's not that I didn't want to help little Honoka. Like Tanimoto, I didn't like at all that she had been involved in this... in fact, that guy with weird glasses had really bothered me a lot!

I think of everyone within that group called Ragnarok, he is the only one who had a future as a criminal. The others should not be considered bad people... as I had said before, most were just guys with quite energetic.

Strangely, that was also why I didn't want to get involved in this… if that guy did something that bothered me even more, then things could get really bad. Of course, the only victim here would be that guy.

So the best thing for everyone was that Kenichi took care of him...

"Oh ~ Looks like Kenichi will have his revenge first against my brother's disciple..."


Loki's plans are not going as he wanted since Renka-chan join in and start fighting against the brunette girl. Even so, that guy manages to make Kenichi and Tanimoto fight each other.

Since each time one advances a limit it becomes more difficult to continue advancing, it was not surprising that Kenichi now surpassed the 6th limit while Tanimoto remained in the 7th. So the fight between these two this time was more even than previously.

Also, in favor of Kenichi was that he had the motivation to save his sister and that he was also quite upset by Loki's actions. Instead, contrary to this, Tanimoto seemed to be affected whenever he heard Honoka cry and yell at both of them.

…Shit! Seeing that little girl's tears, it became more and more difficult for me not to get involved in this! So I could only distract myself a little by watching the fight of the 4 that happened in front of that abandoned house.

Soon the tension of these fights seemed to even affect the atmosphere. Rain along with lightning began to fall from the sky, and it seemed to intensify as the fights did as well.

Well, the outcome of Renka-chan's fight was much more obvious, and would probably come to a conclusion soon too. That brunette girl's abilities weren't bad, but... unfortunately for her, her opponent surpassed her in everything!

Umu, without a doubt Renka-chan's body was much more voluptuous… that girl had a more athletic body and therefore lacked a bit of Renka-chan's "boing-boing"… although… it couldn't be said that that girl was bad either! That small waist along with big hips was something quite remarkable!!

Also, although her chest area was a bit lacking… of course, that if you compare it to Renka-chan's since she wasn't flat like Kisara either. Her proportions, rather, gave her a very balanced appearance.

[… Weren't you talking about her abilities, Alexander?]

Oh, it is true! The girl's abilities weren't bad. If she was in HOTD when things started, I'm sure she would have become the leader of a camp at least. She certainly exceeded Saeko on that time… I even think that if Revy didn't have guns with her and they fought, she would probably become a difficult opponent for her.

Unfortunately, her opponent was neither of those two girls but rather Renka-chan who had practiced Chinese Kenpo since she was very little... that girl had even greater control of her energy than Miu-chan.

So it was understandable that several minutes after they started fighting, the one who ended up kneeling while holding her stomach after a palm strike from Renka-chan, was her.

…Although Master Ma does not usually use them, the weapons in Chinese Kenpo are not strange. Since Renka-chan had a good knowledge of these, that girl's staff didn't become a great advantage for her.

Furthermore, I do not think that this girl liked very much the idea of helping Loki either... the fight between these two girls was more one in which both tested the abilities of each other, and no one in that they fight as if their life depended on it.

Because of this, even though the brunette girl seemed to be able to continue fighting, a few minutes after that hit from Renka-chan, when she recovered a bit instead of continuing to fight she turns around and begins to walk away from the place without caring about the Loki's screams for her to stay and continue.

"" Oh ~ Looks like that fight is over too ""

"U-n... was a go-od... fi-ght"

As for the two boys' fight, it also seemed to have reached the end. The result of this was the same that I saw in the anime, Kenichi was victorious in the end after landing a good blow with which he took Tanimoto's conscience...