Chapter 384 7 mountains Sect 8

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(POV 3rd Person)

"Shit! Shit! Shit!! That damn perverted brat!! "

After returning to the place that was Velrut's residence in the 7 Mountains Sect, the furniture in this one suffered kicks and punching due to all the emotions that swirled inside his stomach.

" Onisama, you should have killed that fucking lustful brat!!"

Also, even though it seemed like his sister managed not to get up to his level of anger, it was obvious from her words and expression that she was quite upset too. Surely if she had confidence one her strength, then she would have thrown herself at Alexander for embarrassing her!

Well... if Alexander were here, surely he would have strongly objected to the words for those two. While he would probably not deny fitting the qualifying adjectives with which they described him, he would not be happy to hear it from these two...

As they say, it is easier to see the faults of others than your own. Even if the love of these two were sincere... if someone could refer to this one so, many still would find their relationship more abnormal than Alexander's nature. In fact, although they could defend their love as something pure, the fact that both reacted in this way could only be because they themselves, either consciously or unconsciously, knew that their relationship was not something normal...

Although they knew there were rumors swirling about them, until now they never cared about this. Principally, it was because someone had simply never told him so directly… now someone did it, especially with a whole crowd present, the impact was too great for the two.

The truth is that this time he intended to follow her sister's previous advice to just check a few things about the boy who had ruined his plans, they didn't have much information on Alexander after all. So surely it wasn't convenient to make a move on him without first investigating him a bit more, but unfortunately, they did not expect one thing will lead to another and fury will drive him to fight Alexander!

Well, if even the girl who had been the first to recommend being more cautious was in this state, then it wasn't hard to imagine Velrut could hold back.

"Curse, Damn brat!! How dare you embarrass me like that!! "

" Onisama, why we have to wait until the disciple tournament to kill him?! He must pay now for what he did to us!!"

"Yes... I really want to kill that brat, but now ..."

Since he was a person who had gotten where he was on his own, logically he had built great pride in himself because of this. Furthermore, at being in the position of the main disciple for several years, the compliments that they made or the admiration that others showed towards him had fed this one quite a bit.

SSo what hurt him the most this time, surely it was what all the people in the sect were discussing now… the things that happened not long since. Not only the matter of his relationship with his sister but also that he hadn't been able to defeat Alexander despite being a higher Soul level than him! Even when he came here still could hear the other disciples arguing about this!!

…And contrary to what was said about him, those disciples were beginning to praise Alexander now! That was just like adding fuel to the fire!!

But listening to the words of his sister who asked him to kill Alexander while he vented his frustration and anger against the furniture in this room, Velrut could only remain silent while holding his belly low.

The pain from that blow still lingered and bothered him.

" Onisama, if you are concerned that the clan from that bitch would interfere, then you just should have challenged him to a duel to the death there! You didn't have to let him live for so long!! "


Not that he had not thought of his sister's words to carry out their revenge, that same thought also appeared in his mind constantly even now. After all, it was not strange that if two people in the sect had a resentment that they couldn't put aside, there was that option. Both parties in disagreement were able to fight to the death to solve this problem without being punished by the sect after the duel was officially recognized.

Well, both parties had to agree too for that. So Velrut had no confidence that Alexander would accept that ... despite being lustful, he didn't seem to be stupid.

But even if Alexander did not accept, since he could claim that he had tainted his honor and wanted to cleanse this by fighting to the death, then Alexander at least would have to leave the sect because no one could deny that he was the one affected by all this. After all, for many on Gaia, the honor and such things were even more important than their own lives.

And once expelled from the sect, unless he wants to live like a turtle hiding in a shell all his life, he could surely kill him without much trouble. Well… that's if he also thought it was easy as the same way her sister do it.

After fighting Alexander, apart from the anger, shame, and hatred he felt at that moment, that confrontation between the two also aroused another emotion in him... fear. He really felt threatened when he exchanged blows with Alexander! And the main proof of what his instincts warned him was the pain he still felt in his lower belly!!

Also, even though Alexander was at a disadvantage, he never saw despair or fear in him when he faced him! No, the feeling his eyes gave him was that Alexander was sure he could kill him!!

"…That would be a bit detrimental, my loved sister. May if I do that, my reputation in the sect fogging to challenge someone in a lower level of soul... instead, during the tournament even if I killed that little brat, it is more likely that to remain only as an unfortunate accident."


Of course, at being the person he loved the most in this world, it was inevitable that he didn't want to look bad in front of her. Therefore, he looks for a reasonable excuse to justify his actions...

Well, his reputation was something that mattered to him very much too, so it wasn't so much an excuse. Just, if he truly has the opportunity to kill Alexander without a hitch, he probably would have preferred to make that little sacrifice than have to wait to kill him until the tournament.

But now, to kill Alexander, he had to make sure to could kill him safely… for that, it was better to wait a bit to do it.

He had a simple plan, increase his strength by at least a limit or two before the tournament! Surely that way he could overcome Alexander's martial skills with brute force! That he had great dexterity when fighting had also bothered him, but he could only think of that way to defeat him. After all, to improve in skill, he might have to spend years!!

"…Isn't it more dangerous to wait for that, onisama? That boy was pretty strong now… if you give him more time, then that could be something bad. "

She was not stupid. After seeing his brother's worried face, she had also calmed down a bit and started to think things through more. The images of Velrut fighting Alexander were remembered for her... could see that boy caused him enough trouble during the fight, so that if strengthened even more, probably only make things worse for his brother.

"I will defeat him in the tournament, little sister. As I said, you don't have to worry"

Of course, the same concern crossed the mind of Velrut too, but... Alexander was on the 9th limit now, so he had the confidence to advance his strength more quickly than him! After all, he only had to gather energy in his energetic core to continue advancing his strength, and on the other hand, what Alexander had to overcome was a mental barrier to be able to reach the second level of the soul.

He thought Alexander definitely had a talent... and although he didn't want to admit it, it was probably greater than his. But even so, he thought it would at least take a few years to advance to the next level of Soul. So, no doubt he was in a situation easier to get stronger!

"Fine, then we'll wait for you to kill that idiot brat a little."


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(POV Alexander)

Before the sun even decided to show itself, I was out of the place to which Cleir-san, Cleirsa, and Turla had brought us and given us as our bedroom. It was a great shame that the last two girls left at the night… could the Delna Clan have a problem with a couple having a bit of Skinship before marriage?

Well, they were the other girls I could sleep with, so it was not a bad night either. Of course, since Renka-chan and Rei were present on the bed, things did not rise above the level of kisses and caresses...

After doing it every day, I feel a little emptiness now that I couldn't have sex with Saeko or Kurisu... haa~.

" Don't lose focus, Alexander! "

"Oops... sorry, sorry"

Well, it's not like I was living the life of a rodent that spends most of its time trying to have offspring... although I must say that it wasn't because I didn't want to!

The problem was, even though Kurisu and Saeko understood that the other girls probably knew that the three of us were still having sex, they didn't want to make it that obvious either and so we usually had to stop after spending only a short time together.

So there was no alternative but to concentrate on doing other things...

Usually, while I was at the mansion would also try to spend time with the other girls in the afternoons so that I could get more close to them. As for the mornings, just like now, I was training the things the Ryozanpaku masters taught me with Renka-chan. This also helped me to calm down a bit since after having tried meat, it was certainly difficult to sleep next to such delicious dishes and not be able to taste them!!

…I thought my levels of sexual frustration would be greatly reduced now that I could fully vent this one but it seems I was a bit naive! It seems that Lena's words when I spoke to her were not a lie... apparently, the pill [Chaos in the bedroom] was not primarily responsible for that intense night between me, Kurisu, and Saeko!

According to Lena, this should not be so strong... according to her, there were two possibilities that probably could have happened that night. Or it was simply due to the fact that since it was the first time I was consuming this pill, so my body had a lower resistance to it and therefore the effects were stronger than normal.

The other possibility… was simply that my sex drive was a bit high… so the effect of the pill simply strengthened it even more!

...although I certainly knew my own sexual desire, I honestly believed that what happened that night was due more to the first option that Lena mentioned. But now… I cannot deny that there is a huge possibility that it is the second option the cause from what happened that night!!

Despite I now could do it with these two girls, I was not satisfied with just those little moments with them! That was one of the reasons why I wanted the girls to have a slightly more open mind to those things!!

Well... they say it's worse to get nothing, right?

Although… if I could get girls to agree to be more open about sexual things, there was something that worried me a little. While I have only reached that level with Kurisu and Saeko for now, when more and more girls join in that will certainly be a bit of a problem!

Of course that would make me very happy, but ... the time needed for these things would have to be proportional to the number of girls!!

I have to also continue to grow strong after all, and to do that also takes a lot of time! Like my morning workouts now!!

… I wonder if there is something that optimizes the time to train? Or much better, to be able to train while having sex! That would certainly be very good!!

[It is certain that these things should exist here on Gaia, Alexander. For the first thing, there shouldn't be much of a problem for you to get it, but the second one is a bit more problematic. Probably in a world or Area level 2 will not be easy to get it.]

I knew it! These things must exist!! I couldn't have been the only one who had such a thought in this vast world, right?

[No…the first thing I don't think they were made because people had the same thought or purpose as you for using those things, Alexander.

Fufufu… well, maybe would be difficult for a person to believe that someone created a technique of training through sex without thinking of something lustful.

Either way, it seems like it will be difficult to get a technique like that in this area ... from what I can see, the energy control of the people here is much worse than in the world you went to previously.]

…certainly. From what I have seen in this sect, it is as if only the disciples here only knew the concepts of internal energy... well, that youngsters were like that I do not think it would be that strange, but that even the person with the title of the main disciple was only slightly better than them it was a bit surprising.

Honestly, I expected to see people doing fancy techniques while using their internal energy in this area. Well, I can probably understand a little more why this happens here a little later... I should ask the former King of Delna when I see him when showing me the sect.

Either way, if people barely have the basic concept of internal energy in this Area, then it would be very difficult for someone to create a technique to train through sex... maybe I should have read the Kamasutra sometime in my world... no, I don't think these "techniques" would work anyway. Probably something like [Taoist Techniques of bedroom] was better to try to learn there.

Well, the former is also interesting... but the only techniques that work for my purpose to become more strong should be just like the latter! It's a shame that they don't seem to be easy to find in this Area…

I wonder if there are sects that focus on these Toista techniques? Well, even if there are, I don't think they'll let me learn their best techniques just by asking them… and joining in could be troublesome.

… If I took the girls with me to those sects to learn, surely all the men would want to make them their partners to practice! Also, even if we ignore that problem, probably for them to agree to enter a sect where everyone is "training" carefully in that way, they would first have to start accepting to be a little more open on those issues.

The best thing is to try to get these techniques on my own rather than swear allegiance on such a Sect. That would avoid a lot of problems. I don't want to risk that they also have strange rules like having to share your partners...

" Master, is it really okay that we didn't kill that guy? "


Taking a short break from our practice, Mary walks up to me, handing me a towel, and immediately hugs me while wondering that. She still seemed to be quite unhappy with the fact that the Siscon-prince was still breathing and has repeatedly asked me this as if hoping I'd changed my mind.

"…I already agreed to fight him in this sect's disciple tournament. Besides, it's not like I didn't do anything to him... surely during these months he will wish I had killed him at that moment when we fought... or even at the end he commits suicide and does not even show up for the tournament"

"Oh~ Then you are going to torture him before killing him during this time, Master. That is splendid~"

"Y-You ... what did you do to that guy?"

Since telling Mary many times that we just had to wait doesn't seem to reassure her, then I decide to shift my focus a bit this time. It seems that homunculus really are a bit bloody… unlike with my response to wait of before, this time she seemed quite cheerful with my words and probably the content of her imagination where that subject suffers during these months.

On the other hand, Rei who was observing our training until now looks at me with a bit of concern...

"Not much, let's just say that siscon-prince surely won't be able to show his "love" to his beloved sister for a while."

"" ... ""

The girls try to decipher my words for a few seconds, and then they silently watch me with different expressions on their faces.

Although it was by chance, the blow I gave him using the [Futae no Kiwami ] technique was precisely on his lower belly... and according to the knowledge of the [Shiatsu no Kiokukitsu-ki] technique, there are a lot of pressure points related to people's sexual performance there!

…I'm sure several of those points took quite a damage from that hit! I don't know how much it affects him, and I don't think it's permanent either but... it will definitely last a while before he can "play" with his little sister!!

So surely Mary's words perfectly described the situation that Siscon-prince was in! That was torture!! Really, if that happened to me when I was in the Mansion in the woods now that I could "play" with Kurisu and Saeko, then that could only be described as hellish torture !!

"Well, let's continue training~"

So with a big smile on my face thinking about how that prince would act when he realizes that, I turn to Renka-chan to continue training for a while longer.