Chapter 386 Performing The Ritual With Three Girls 1

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After we had all showered, we found ourselves in what appeared to be the living room of this house. Right now, sitting facing each other, were me and Renka- chan. It seems like she was the girl chosen to start this. Or knowing her, maybe she just stepped forward while the other two were a bit nervous.

…Meanwhile, the other girls were watching us around us.

If it weren't for the serious faces of all the girls now, I would feel like this was some kind of game where young people got together to do slightly daring things. Well, actually, it's not so bad to think that this was something similar... also, it was not the first time that I was in such a situation so it's not like I'm nervous now... rather, I was even a little expectant about this!

"...I have a question, Alexander"

"Yes? Well, if it's something that I can answer, then please ask, Renka -chan "


After she gave me the equipment for training similar to Mary's and mine that I had given her earlier to be the object to perform this ritual, Renka- chan tells me that. Well, I think I had an idea of what she wanted to ask since it seemed for a while that she wanted to say something but staying silent in the end all this time.

...even now it seems that it takes some work to put her thoughts into words.

"Alexander... really can say you love all the girls who are around you the same way? Y-Your feelings aren't stronger towards Kurisu-san and Saeko-san now?

… After all, you've done that to them now, right?"

"" ... ""

"Y-You... little brat... d-don't tell me..."


As I thought, it was something related to those things. Well, she was not the only one thinking about that... I could see that some of the girls who stayed in the mansion should also wonder similar questions in their minds.

...Without a doubt, this was actually a rather difficult question to answer now. So I was also trying not to think about it...

I wish I could tell her and the other girls that I loved all of them equally, but... that would be a total lie! Although that was probably what girls would want to hear, even if I do that to make them happy, they would probably quickly realize that it was a lie in no time.

So I could only smile a little bit bitterly at this as I thought about what answer to give her and the other girls now. Well, my smile was also due to her words causing the girls around us to act in various ways...

Rei snorts her nose, Sythe and Vrana seemed not to care much about this and they continue with the same expression, and Mary only shows a smile. Probably the most affected by this were Saeko-chan whose name was mentioned making her blush, and Turla and Cleirsa who on several occasions transport their gaze between her and me while muttering some words at drawing their own conclusions.

"You're right... I can't say that I love all the girls around me equally, Renka- chan. Or rather, I think that is something impossible..."

"T-Then I ..."

"I like you, Renka -chan.

I do not know when... or perhaps it is not clear to anyone when liking someone turns into love. But I know I like you very much... if you were to ask me if I could lay down my life for any of the girls I have a relationship with, then I could honestly answer yes without hesitation... about that, I can be completely sure.

… So maybe it's not wrong to say that I love you. "


Since I didn't want to lie to her or the other girls, then I could only honestly speak how I feel with each of them. Hearing the first part of my words, I could see how she… no, she along with other girls around us lowered their heads a bit affected by these words.

The good thing is that after they keep listening to what I have to say, their expressions improve a little.

Then after nodding to her question which the other girls also waiting for an answer, the atmosphere becomes even more cheerful

"In terms of beauty and temperament, I think you are all beautiful and have a good nature. Well... being honest, there are probably little differences between each one, but the differences are tiny enough to compare.

So, I think what affects more to loves a girl more than another would be things like the time and interaction between both parties... that some are easier to express their feelings ... and the physical interaction between the two.

That means that's impossible that after my relationship with Kurisu and Saeko-chan reached that level, I wouldn't have stronger feelings for them now."

"W-Well ... I think I can understand that."

" I-In the end, men only think about that... you perverted brat! "


In the end, I decide to explain in the most logical way that I can why couldn't love all girls equally. I think that to get close to a person, necessarily there must be a physical attraction. And as for that, I think all the girls I have a relationship with easily meet that requirement!

...well, may it also be because my tastes are quite varied?

Anyway, after there is an attraction between the two people, then the other things I said come into play. I think the fact that my relationship does not progress much with some girls it is mainly because they themselves block this... especially Rei who has a Tsundere attitude and who together with Turla begin to yell at me pervert falls into this category!!

Another girl in this category would be Emilia-chan who does not seem to have totally overcome her fear of men... or more precisely, doing intimate things.

....although, I think the problem of the first one is a little easier to solve if I'm just a little more forceful. The second girl problem is a bit more difficult...

Well, unlike them, there are also girls with an attitude opposite to this and they actively seek us to deepen our relationship... such as Shisuka, Saya, Mary, Celi -chan, and Vrana -chan. Unfortunately, all of them also had some things that prevent them from could having sex.

Shisuka is now being watched by the other girls and she is " punished"... also, Vrana -chan and Celi -chan have their own situations. It seems that most girls think it's too early for the two of them to have sex… mainly Haruna.

Well, I'd probably just have to wait a couple of years to test that little Harpy of mine, so I'm not too worried about it. But for Celi- chan, I think the girls are being a bit unfair to her since the truth is that she is even older than other girls who support Haruna on this!

…It's probably just a matter of the other girls getting used to Gaia and understanding more about other races, so we can only wait a bit. I really hope so, because unlike Vrana -chan, Celi -chan probably will not grow more than she is now!

The good thing is Renka-chan also falls into this category of girls a little. So I'm sure my relationship with her can move forward quickly.

The other girls who are the majority in the mansion, although they are not so proactive, I think it is only a matter of time and perhaps opportunities to reaffirm our relationship. After all, Kurisu and Saeko had attitudes like that.

Well... it is also true that there are times when things seem to be a predestined meeting or that people are extremely compatible and they skip all that to form a fairly close couple very soon. I think that's the case with Shigure and me… my attraction to her was instantaneous... and not just physically.

But to say all this would only complicate matters in several ways, so I stop thinking about all this and decide instead to move forward with what we had to do now.

"Well, if you feel insecure about all of this, then you can take your time to think about it, Renka- chan. We will probably go back to... the place where you live soon, so you can give me an answer later "

"E-Eh? N-No… i-it is just that all things happened a bit fast and confused me a bit… y-you had already mentioned that you had several girls by your side, so I was somewhat prepared… a-although it is true that I did not expect there to be so many girls...

Also, I am happy that you answered me honestly... if you had only answered me that you loved all the girls in the same way, then... I-I think I would have doubted more since I could not think that those would be true feelings...

B-But, maybe it's like you say... I like you too Alexander. I-I don't know if what I feel is love, but I want to be by your side… I wouldn't want to part with you "

Since it seems that Renka-chan had some doubts about her feelings, I thought it best to give her some time to think things over. The last thing I wanted it's for her to regret things in the future.

In the end, it seems like she was just a little confused by the things that happened to me, Saeko, and Kurisu. Well, I don't think I can say anything about that either... after a few days of bringing her into this world, then I locked myself in with those two having sex for several days... if that didn't cause her any emotion, then it would be quite strange.

" Hmnn~"

Since I was returning the equipment to Renka- chan and she had made a promise to be by my side while saying that she liked me, it seems that this was enough to meet the condition of my ability [Origin Blessing], and then a ray of light falls on us.

So as we bathe in that light, I kiss her lightly.

Now that I think about it... I think it was only necessary those two things... since every time I did the ritual with a girl I ended up kissing her, I had also included the Kiss as part of the ritual without thinking about it... well, I think given the atmosphere that forms when we do this it is something inevitable.

After much of that light seems to enters Renka-chan's body, she stands up while looking much calmer now and allows the next girl to take her place.

"I-It seems you weren't lying..."

Then the one advancing this time was Turla who stands in front of me replacing Renka -chan...

"…Why would I lie? If I only wanted a kiss from you, then I would only have to ask for it, right?"

"Y-you... th-that's... d-doing it in front of so many people i-is... (W-Why don't you say something like that when we're alone... well, y-you pervert brat has even done worse things when others were watching us...)"


I wanted to annoy her a little, and in truth her face showed more surprise than when the room suddenly lit up before but... instead of the yelling complaining that I expected from her, Turla voice becomes lower and lower until it is inaudible...

Although, I am happy since it seems that in truth she was not so against doing this as I thought.

"Well Turla, I explained things to you before.

Are you ready ?"

"E-Eh? Y-Yes..."

"…You don't have to be so tense, you know? This is not like a ceremony to become a knight or something like that ... "

"I-I think that would be much easier..."

As it seemed that the thought of Turla went in another direction, I decided to talk to her to advance with the ritual. In doing so, she takes a firm stand like a soldier... or a knight. She was troublesome in her own way too, so I try to get her to relax a bit.

My words seem to be starting to take effect, but… Rei's next words and seeing several other girls who approve these nullify my previous achievement.

"That may be true, but… it also seems like something much more important… like a wedding ceremony. "

""T-That's Right...""


"Well... we are engaged, so just see this as the way to make it official. That's fine, isn't it? "

"T-That's… o-our commitment… official…"

I can't deny what Rei and the other girls think, after all, I had a similar idea about this myself! Only since having done it several times already, it was somewhat easier for me now... well, it just caused me a little nervous and not that I disliked this... Who would not like to know that you would take as a woman a beautiful girl like Turla and the others?!

Well, since it would be bad for things to get even more complicated now, I speak again to try to reassure Turla who seemed to get even more nervous when listening to Rei's words... I really did not expect my words to be so effective... her nervousness disappears for the most part and in its place a happy and somewhat dreamy expression appears on her face….

"I have prepared this necklace for you... I think it will look very good on you"

"E-Eh? T-This is…"

To move forward with this, and I pull out the necklace that I had recently purchased from the system. Turla's equipment for the most part already has a good rank... and asking her to lend me the sword and shield we found in Rozz's forest seemed a bit tacky to me. Those things came from a dead man after all!

Certainly this reduced my funds quite a bit again, but… seeing her eyes fixed directly on the choker with a rather feminine design, each Gold was worth it!

"E-Emmm... I-I don't think something so refined looks good on me..."

"That's not true... it certainly looks very good in you, Turla "

Although there was no doubt that she had liked the choker, it seemed that her inferiority complex or insecurity in her appearance prevented her from accepting it honestly. So, without any choice while I assuring her that those words were wrong, I place this [F] rank gear around his neck.

… Umu, seeing her using it I can repeat those words to her without any hint of doubt. The contrast of the feminine choker and her attitude that was a bit tomboy gave a peculiar charm... well, more than a tomboy attitude, it should be that of a Knight, right?

"A-Ah! T-This… I-I swear to use my sword… shield… (And body)... t-to protect you… (a-and serve you)… Hmnn~ "

After looking into her eyes for a few moments, then she probably remembers the things I had said to her and the other two girls and performs her oath with a firm voice and some murmurs that are lost in the air...

Then, feeling the room light up once more, I kiss her. Unlike how I did with Renka- chan, I hold her neck and head with my hands, and then insert my tongue into her mouth looking for hers. So, finding it quickly, I begin to wrap it with mine.

It had been a while since I was able to be with her and Cleirsa, so I could not miss this opportunity to have justified contact with her! I suck her lips greedily and bite her bottom lip a little when I have to part our tongues to swallow the saliva that was gathering in my mouth and also give her a little time to breathe.

" Hmnn ~ !! [ Chu ~] [ Chu ~] "

While our kiss lasts for a few minutes, my hands that were on her neck and head lower running through her body to be placed on her well-proportioned buttocks which I instinctively knead when feeling them!!

...she had one of the firmer bodies among the girls that I have caressed until now, but without a doubt, she had still the characteristic softness of a woman in her.

"(You really are a perverted little knight… getting ahead of your master to do the ritual… you really couldn't wait for I show you affection before I did the princess?)"

"Ha ... Ha ... E-Eh? "

...well, it seems that Turla continues to awaken that part of me that wants to bother her a bit.

After kissing her and caressing her body for a while, I get close to her ear and whisper that. Her mind seemed to be clouded a bit and it takes a few seconds to grasp the meaning of my words. But once he does, I can see how her face that was flushed reaches a new level... also, her breathing accelerates even more, and her body seems to tremble from the mixture of emotions of shame and excitement!

…I-I was playing around a bit, but… this girl didn't have the talent to play the role of a female knight who falls into depravity?! I can see that kind of development on Turla more clearly now!!

"( ... or was it just that you wanted to check that there was nothing strange in the ritual so as not to expose Clerisa to some danger?)"

"( T -That's it! I -I had to make sure you didn't do something strange and take advantage of the princess!)"

...s-since her eyes were starting to be wet and I didn't know if the feeling of shame or excitement was the predominant, I thought about giving her an outlet so that she would feel calmer with herself. Although she may have a predisposition as a knight who falls into lust, finding out now would surely be something too shocking for her... there is no rush to get those emotions out of her for now, right? Do it slowly so that the impact on her is not so great or simply don't realize this one maybe it's for the best...

" Well then the next one is Cleirsa… you should have already checked that there is nothing strange, right? "

"E-Eh? I-It's true ... "

...I can see that there were some girls around us who wanted to object to my words and for her to accept them, but no one expresses it in the end. Then, as she struggles to maintain a firm step as her legs seemed to shake a little, Turla leaves the place for Cleirsa to occupy this one.