Chapter 445 Surprises Upon Returning To Gaia 4

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…You could say that all of us who were here in Vrana's room were quite surprised seeing the changes that occurred in the eggs that were produced at a very fast speed!

In a matter of seconds the eggs seemed to transform into light and this took the shape of a person. Then soon what was left in front of us were three naked little girls around 10 years old who had wings instead of hands and bird-like feet with sharp claws!

Without a doubt they were three little harpies !!

"I-I thought we would see little babies with wings..."

"W-Well, they're still small… and very cute~!"

"I agree they look cute, but… you better be careful. Their claws and teeth appear quite sharp. It would be bad if you thought of them as harmless little girls"

Well, as Rei says, most did not expect that the newborns from the eggs would suddenly develop so quickly to their current appearance! This was surprising enough to make our jaws drop!

But, although it was quite unexpected, the girls recover quickly and curiously approach to see the 3 newborn harpies. Probably seeing the little ones woke up the maternal instinct of several of them and they seemed to want to take them in their arms, but I think that the thought of Saeko that stops Miu-chan from doing so is correct!

Being careless would be a pretty bad thing. They are still newborn Monsters and seem quite capable of fending for themselves... carelessness can cause an accident!

…The 3 little ones remind me of when I summoned Vrana for the first time. Although they have a large percentage of the appearance of a woman, they still retain traits that quickly identify them as Man-Eating Monsters!

"Master, Master! They are born, roock~! "

"Un… but you should be careful, Vrana. We don't know how they will react- "

"" Chiu ~ Chiu ~ Chiu ~ ""

"It`s Ok, Master. They seem to be good girls, roock~ "

I had some doubt if by something like instinct the harpies would recognize the people who attacked their nest and in fact also killed their mother... and then seeing the girls as their enemies! But later I thought that since they would be born as babies, the concern of that would be non-existent. When Vrana and the other girls raised them, surely there would be a bond with them and there should be no problems.

So, now that these harpies were sufficiently developed to attack, I couldn't help but comment to Vrana who was quite happy about the hatching of the eggs.

I was quite concerned when Vrana did not seem to take my words very much into account and approached the harpies to caress them with her wings! In the end, I may have been overthinking things. When the 3 little ones feel the caresses of Vrana's feathers, they open their eyes and immediately begin to screech like little chicks asking for food surrounding her.

I think I heard that creatures that hatch from eggs recognize the first thing they see as their parents… I wonder if this also applies to harpies? Or could it be because Vrana is also of the same race as them? It may even be that her [Leader] ability is playing a role in this.

Either way, I'm glad things turned out in a good way. If the newborn harpies had acted violently, things would be a bit tricky. I would not like to have to kill a creature that is only a few minutes old... and much less when they are about 70 percent similar to little girls!

"They are so cute~!"

"It's true~! But I still can't believe these little ones came out of an egg... "

"Yes… that is quite mysterious. It really seems that this is another world "

"Although… why are these harpies so different from each other? Shouldn't they be sisters? Were we wrong about this? "

Seeing that there was no problem as long as they were careful with the claws and sharp teeth of the harpies, several of the girls seem to have reached their limit of patience and quickly begin to also caress or hold them in their arms.

On the other hand, I agree with what Rei says. Although all three are of the same race, they all seem quite different from each other!

The first one, which is the smallest of all, has an intense pink hair color and the plumage of her wings was predominantly brown. She looked like a pretty happy little girl seeing how she flapped her wings with a lot of emotion while the girls caressed her.

The next one in height... she had bluish-white hair with white wings and black tips. I must say that this little girl was the one with the most beautiful facial features among the 3 of them. Besides, she had quite a dignified demeanor… as if she were someone from the nobility.

Finally, the tallest among the three little harpies, it can be said that she was quite unique. Unlike the other two, its feet were not similar to those of birds, instead, they looked more like those of a lion! Her hair and plumage are quite characteristic as well and it is a combination of gray and brown. Also, the feathers on her wings are quite thick. She seems to have a strong character like a warrior being the one who struggles the most to escape from the arms of the girls.

Although seeing the information I got by evaluating them, it was clear why their respective characteristics!

[Harpy(Eagle Lineage) Level 70] [Harpy(Falcon Lineage) Level 70] [Harpy(Griffin Lineage) Level 80]

...I wonder if that means that the matriarch had a pretty entertaining life? ...or maybe those genes come from her ancestors? Especially because of the last little harpy… it is difficult to imagine the union of a harpy with something like a griffin!

"Well, monsters have always developed quite quickly and had a very high spawn rate too. Otherwise, people would have hunted them to extinction long ago.

A monster can fully develop in a matter of months or a few years depending on the species and resources to feed itself... that's one of the most terrifying things about monsters "

"I see… that explains why we didn't see little harpies in the nest. Also, why even though there were so many people hunting them in those mountains their numbers were still quite high. "

"Yes. As for why they look so different, most monsters 'descendants may have characteristics of their parents' ancestors. In the case of harpies, that explains their great variety "

" that you mention it, it really seemed like all the harpies in the nest we fought in looked quite different despite being from the same nest."

Turla and Cleirsa, being the most informed about this, answer some questions that I and the girls had. I think Aurora had already explained something like that to me. On the other hand, the fact that Vrana seems to grow up more slowly than the other harpies may be because she was now even more human. Or also by the fact of having named her.

…I think Aurora also mentioned that the development of a monster also depended on its potential to become stronger. It was not the same for the weak goblins that reproduce faster than rats, than the dragons that can decimate entire cities! If so, then the weaker races would extinct long ago.

"Master... they are hungry, please feed them, roock ~"


Vrana's sudden request snaps me out of my thoughts and totally baffles me! Feed them? Shouldn't the mother be the one to do it? No, wait… none of the girls here can do that, right? Also, it's not that harpies are little babies!

"Thanks, roock ~!!"

After thinking about it for a bit, I remove a large number of crystals from my interdimensional space. Right now I wouldn't mind taking out a large amount to form a small mountain, but I could only fill Vrana's hands after she transformed her wings. I may need to give her a small device with a dimensional space for her now with a lot of crystals inside so she can easily feed those 3 little harpies.

"I-Is it okay for them to eat that?"

"Fufufu, I think it will be fine. After all, Vrana-chan and Scythe-chan seem to enjoy them quite a bit. "

"Oh, it's true... they are eating them quickly."

"B-ut... those crystals don't seem so tasty"

"Well... it seems that we just can't keep thinking that things would be the same as in our world."

Girls like Miu-chan and Renka-chan are quite surprised and have a bit of concern to see the little harpies swallow the crystals that Vrana gives them in their mouths quickly, even Saeko's words don't seem to reassure them much. Only when they see the 3 little girls eat the crystals happily, then they relax a bit.

…I, on the other hand, was more concerned about Shigure who seemed interested in the taste of the crystals. I don't think it is necessary to do so, but... just in case, I should warn her that only monsters can digest these without problems.

The last to speak is Kushinada who seems to be trying her best to adapt to this world, but it will certainly take a while for her to fully do so. Well... at least I don't think I have to worry about her doing something like ingesting crystals.

"By the way… how long are you going to be seeing the naked little girls? Perverted brat!! "

"... you know, Rei, I'm fine with the fact that you call me a pervert, but... I'm absolutely not a lolicon!"

"Hmp ~ Who knows"

I can calmly answer her accusation, I have no feeling of guilt. I was just looking at the three little harpies more than anything out of curiosity and because of their quirks just like all the other girls here. Besides, it is not my fault that they are naked!

…I wonder why when people see a naked little baby boy it is considered only as something funny, but... if it is a little girl, then that becomes a bad thing! Isn't that quite unfair?

Well, it's not that I really care about that. It's not like I want to see naked little girls.

Also, certainly these three can no longer be considered babies... the harpy with the pink hair certainly only looks like a little girl, but... the one with white hair seems that her body already has more feminine characteristics. Not to mention the one with the griffin lineage, these are even more pronounced!!

…Isn't her chest already the same size as Vrana's? It might even be bigger!

Shit, damn Rei! Because of her, my thoughts have drifted a bit!

"Master, don't listen to the weak fat woman! Better give these three a name now, roock~! "

"Y-You... da-damn bird woman... hmp ~ Don't come crying after that pervert brat gives them a strange name!"

It seems that Vrana touched a sore spot for Rei at this moment... it's good that she didn't decide to pursue the matter and just snorts as she turns her head to the side in annoyance.

A name for these 3, huh? This is a bit sudden...

"Well… I think it's better to wait a bit for me to give them a name. At least until they reach the 9th limit.

For now, you can give them a name, Vrana "

"Alright, roock~!"

Thinking about it a bit, I think that was for the best. By doing it that way, they probably advance to a level 2 soul quickly after I name them. Vrana may not understand the reason for this, but she doesn't complain and immediately begins to think about how to name the 3 little harpies.

A few minutes later…

"You will be "brown feather", you "white feather", and you ... "Strange feet", roock!"

"" ... ""

"Well ... I withdraw what I said, maybe it was better for Alexander to name them"

Although I won't mention it, to be honest, the first two names didn't seem so bad to me… the problem was the last one! Seriously, I don't know if the little harpy understood it or if it was my imagination, but... it seems to me that I saw her lowering her shoulders and head in disappointment!!

Please, Vrana-chan… tell me that name is not due to some kind of resentment! I seemed to see how she stared at the chest of "Strange Feet" for a long time while considering her name!!

... I-I hope all that was really just my imagination.