Chapter 455 7 Mountains Sect Tournament 7

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(POV Alexander)

"Ha... Ha... Damn it! T-This can't be!! "

"...Siscon-Ruler... Why you don't stop now? It's obvious that you can't beat me"

"…F-Fuck? Who is Siscon-Ruler ?! Stop giving me weird and nonsensical nicknames!! "


No, well… it makes a lot of sense since you fucked your sister, you know?

I have nothing against the preferences of this prince... well, to be honest... yes, it still seems strange to me, but to each his own, right? I have enough problems to have to worry too about the situations from other people like this.

But, although I will not reject this pair of brothers... well, at least I think I accept it much better than other people. In any case, I will not go on to say that white is black, and black is white. Things as they are. Like I accept that I am a pervert when someone tells me this, if the prince is a siscon, then he is a siscon and that fact cannot change!

[I don't know whether to praise you for fully accepting you as you are or... worry about that.

Fufufu at least I think we should rejoice because you probably don't generate an inner demon or something like that by being in denial.]


...sadly I can only keep that thought to myself. In his current condition, if he hears me say that, he will probably die of a fit caused by anger.

Returning to the current situation, what can I say? There were no surprises in this fight. Well, since the last time I fought him when his soul level was higher than mine, I didn't feel like I would lose to him. So now that our strength is more balanced, this result is not surprising at all.

In fact, I even held back a bit and decided to practice using the two-sword style… he was a fitting opponent for this.

[What's up, Alexander? Isn't it okay to kill this guy? You didn't want to kill him before?]

Well, Aurora… after considering it for a while, I think the guy hasn't done something bad to me that I have to kill him. Even now I feel a little sorry for him... you know?

"Come on, man, give it up. I don't want to leave your sister a widow at such a young age… hell, it's really weird to say something like that, isn't it?"

"…N-No… I can't forgive you, you have ruined all my plans!

No... you have completely ruined my life!! "


Well... this guy holds a great resentment to me as if I had killed his father... no, probably if I rather had done that, he would be very happy. During our fight, the prince-siscon had not stopped saying how I had ruined his plans... that he tried to make Cleirsa his wife was simply because it would help him to deal with his own father.

…that's why I said that we didn't have a great enmity between us. It's not like I have taken away the love of his life or he's infatuated with Cleirsa. He probably didn't care for her.

While it's a bit annoying how this guy wanted to use Cleirsa for his own benefit, it's not like he hurt her because of it either. Things stopped before they got more complicated.

"…You don't have to go so far as to say I ruined your life, right?

There are surely many other princesses that you can chase to carry out your plan. It's not like I'm going to stop you every time you do it… probably. "

"…N-no, this has nothing to do with it anymore! It's been a long time since I forgot about Cleirsa's issue!"

"Eh? So what is your persistence in sticking with this if you don't even care about that matter anymore? "

I am not a saint and I do not intend to save all women who are in trouble… this time it can be said that it happened that I met Cleirsa before. Also, even if I wanted to, unfortunately I know is impossible to help all the women in the world.

...well, if I see in front of me a woman suffering an injustice, it may be inevitable to remain with my arms crossed if I can do something to help.

But that does not mean that the prince-siscon cannot fulfill his main objective... surely in all Gaia there will be a princess willing to accept a commitment with him. After all, not everything in the world is governed by things like love. I'm sure some women put their ambitions before anything... and if they align with the prince's, then there should be no problem!

Unexpectedly it seems that this was no longer the problem... damn it! What else is there between him and me? I don't remember… I didn't mess with his sister, did I? I think I would remember if I had… Sh-Shit, was I so sexually frustrated that I sleepwalked and attack a woman without realizing it? T-That would be quite worrying...

...because of how she looks at me with a lot of resentment, she really seems like a woman with whom you spend a night and you will not contact her again!

"Y-You ... y-you ruined my life... my life as a man... you took away the most precious thing for a man!"


...w-what do you mean? "

H-His words that are barely audible to me since he seemed to be afraid that others would hear it scare me a lot! These seemed to confirm my assumptions!! I-If that really happened, then it was reasonable for him to see me as his mortal enemy! No wonder that's why he's trying so hard to stand up even though he's reached his limit a while ago...

"Damn it! You don't remember that either?!

Well... maybe it was also due to an accident during our fight. Still, that doesn't change the fact that it was probably your fault… it was your fault that I can't respond like a man to a woman now! "

"C-Can't you respond like a man to a woman?

…Well, who are you kidding? Everyone here knows that you are talking about your sister... there is no need to hide it anymore.

...So you should say that you can no longer respond as a man to your sister."

"T-That doesn't matter!!"

"Y-Yes, you're right.

But I see... so that happened in our fight before…

Wooh~ At least it wasn't the worst thing I had thought before, that's good~ I can rest easy now! I had been scared thinking that things were pretty bad, you know?~"

"D-Damn bastard… a-are you making fun of me?! Do you think my problem is not bad enough?!!"


O-Oh, right. T-That's pretty fucked up, isn't it?

...For you, I mean."


…When I try to remember our previous fight more closely, it seems that something like this happened… also, now that I thought about it, it seems that I did it on purpose and it was not an accident like he thinks!

Sh-Shit… w-wasn't I a little too cruel to him? Was there a need to go this far? I must have been quite mad about something to do that, but… thinking about it again, I-I think I was too cruel, right?!

Now that I have not been able to have the comfort of a woman for a few weeks it has certainly been bad enough... to think of lasting for months like that was terrifying! Now I understood the pain of this prince-siscon… besides, at least I knew that I could do it correctly. My problem still wasn't as bad as his!

…At that moment I must have been possessed by a demon.

"Well... what if I told you that I can help you solve that problem?"


...C-Can you really help me? I've tried many things so far and they didn't work... "

This time it was the siscon-prince's turn to be surprised. For the first time his look of hatred when he saw me changed and now I could see a great hope within his eyes… yes, I can understand this. If after your "little brother" is in a coma for a long time someone tells you that they can wake him up, that is surely the kind of look with which you would observe him!

…You would certainly see him as like the authentic messiah! Even if he himself is responsible for putting your "little brother" in a coma before. That just didn't matter anymore compared to making him come back to himself!

"I'm pretty sure I can do it, you don't have to worry"

"I-Is that so? C-Can you really do it? "

"Trust me!"

"…g-good. So what is the treatment? "

I wasn't just bragging, after he told me about his problem, I could quickly see that in his pelvic area there was energy, probably mine, trapped in that place. If I release that energy, then his "little brother" should be back to normal.

"Well, there are two ways... the soft way and... the hard way."

"W-Well... I think I'll choose the first option..."


As if his instincts are warning him of this, he quickly speaks up asking for me to use the first option to treat him. For this one, I would have to use my hands to slowly make circulate the trapped energy in his body and release it… since it is my own energy, it shouldn't be difficult. In less than 10 minutes I should be able to do it.


"I'm sorry, but… I can only use the second form on you."


You must be joking, even though I felt sorry for the guy, I wasn't willing to be in close contact with another man's penis under any circumstance!! So I could only cure him by the other option.

…Now he was looking at me like he was wondering why the hell I gave him two options if I could only use one... that was reasonable, but I would not like to lie to him as responsible for all this. Although… he is right and perhaps it would have been better for him not to know that there was another option.

[Come on~ You probably wanted to make him suffer a little more, right Alexander? Fufufu ~]

Well... that someone is constantly telling you that would kill you is not very pleasant either.

"H-How is the treatment... do I need to do something?"

"You better not know that~ You just have to relax your body"


He seemed indecisive, but in the end, his desire to heal was probably greater than the mistrust or suspicion on me... I must say that his instincts were quite good. Well, if not, this fight would have ended in a matter of seconds.

Before the eyes of the spectators who had been silent probably thinking that our entire previous discussion between us was something like the last words before making each other's final move, the siscon-prince's body relaxes as if confirming that.

At that moment I keep my swords in my interdimensional space and take my characteristic Chinese Kenpo style fighting stance.

…Without a doubt the movements of both would seem that we were preparing to end this duel with our best movements, but things couldn't be further from that. The truth was this fight had been over for a while.


Without giving the prince time to react, in an instant, I approach him. Then in the next moment with a strong knee in his pelvic area, by inertia, his body takes the form of a 90-degree angle.


The attack does not stop there... taking a step back, a kick in the same place that before makes the prince's body rise a meter above my head...

"G-Ghaa... Kuh!... Nuaa!..."

...then, without dropping him to the floor of the ring, I continue with a hail of kicks in the same way as before.

No, I wasn't torturing him if you are wondering… not quite.

I was keeping my word! With each kick I hit where the energy in his body was stuck, I injected a little more to make this one flow. Since it would be dangerous to inject a large amount of energy and do it in one go, it could only be this way. There is nothing I could do about this!

…Well, surely there were other ways, but… this was the best I could think of right now!

All the spectators in the place watch the scene with their mouths open… even some men were trembling at the sight of all this! They looked in horror at the image in front of them!!

I wanted to say that things weren't as bad as they looked, but ... they say a picture is worth a thousand words! No one would probably believe me that this was a treatment for the siscon-prince problem. I could only keep quiet. But He and I sure know the truth, so everything is fine!


"K-Kuh! D-Damn bast-... nun~ "

…Sh-Shit! Why did he look to me like had betrayed him after placing his hopes on me?! The energy stuck in his body was now gone! There should be no problem with his little brother now!!

Why those last words before fainting? Now I look like a totally ruthless man!!