Chapter 503 Citadel 7

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My Venus's level was [99], so I was confident that it could easily resist consuming some red crystals that came from creatures with a level 2 soul.

"Here you go, this is your reward for helping me earlier with that cobra... and for taking care of those other important plants too."

" Shaaah ~!!"

I had thought of just throwing some crystals into that flower's mouth, but… after some consideration, I'd rather give a crystal to one of the lianas that were dancing beside me. I think that this way was better… although I felt calm when I saw the level of my Venus, I don't want for some reason to ruin this and make my precious plant explode by giving it something that this one is not able to consume!!

Since my words are transmitted by our bond, the plant had no problem understanding my thoughts. It takes the crystal from my hand by wrapping its vine around this one, and then blissfully as wobbles further, this one carries it to the flower to gobble it up.

" Shaaah~!!"

…since I don't notice any difference after a few minutes, I repeat the same… and soon, the Venus had swallowed a dozen red crystals!

Well, this time I wasn't so worried about my wealth going down. Although in the end the crystals I got earlier when we borrowed the military equipment weren't as many as I thought, at this point, I only got a little anxious that something bad might happen now… I still kept taking out crystals and giving them to the Venus without this one seeming to want to stop soon!

Speaking of those crystals from before… I only got 2377 that night! Yes, they were a considerable amount, but… the truth is that I expected more! Aren't they supposed to have spent years, decades, or even centuries fighting titans? How come they only had that much?!!

… I and the girls had achieved about half of that amount in just a few weeks we've been in this world, you know?! It was a bit disappointing.

Well, I shouldn't complain… come to think of it, it's also not like the people in that place fought the titans too much… they were just trying to keep them away instead. That they had that amount stored can already be considered a good thing. At least I got a little over 2 thousand red crystals… and also without much effort!

So given that windfall we received earlier, I didn't much care if some of these disappeared into the stomach... or stomachs of my Venus.

Although... I'm starting to wonder if my Venus knows its own ability to absorb well... this one does, right? It's not like those frogs that put everything in their mouths no matter whether they can or not swallow it, right?!

When it was close to swallowing the hundredth crystal, a little sweat starts to trickle down from my forehead! The only thing that reassured me a bit was that among my monsters, my Venus was the one with the best ability to absorb energy!! Any of the others would probably have already exploded from that amount of Crystals consumed!!

Then, it finally stops... even though I get more crystals from my storage, it stops taking them...

" Shaaah ~!!! Shaaah ~!!! Shaaah ~!!!"


In the next instant, it seems that the whole plant begins to vibrate! The vines swayed skyward in a strange dance, and their mouths hissed constantly!!

I was a little worried, but… from the bond between the two, no bad emotion such as pain or anguish was transmitted… it was quite the opposite, my Venus seemed to be in a frenzy of ecstasy and happiness!!

Suddenly, the two flowers that were in front of me rise… yes, their stem seems to stand up and rise little by little! When it reaches a certain height above my head, then the petals of both flowers begin to close as if forming a bud again...

Not only that, I could feel a large amount of energy concentrated in both places… probably from all the crystals that these had swallowed!!


What sounds like a buzz is heard in the next moment! And the reason was obvious!! I could see how the energy began to circulate throughout the plant using the stems and vines as conduits… the energy was distributed throughout the Venus!!

[Don!] [Don!] [Don!]

Then, the whole plant seemed like it had transformed into a kind of beating heart… no, not only that, the plant itself seemed to contract and expand a bit!!

[ Dooon !!!]

Finally, as if this one couldn't resist anymore, it explodes!!

Or that was the first impression I had… I almost had a bloody heart attack thinking I had screwed it up!! The good thing is that what exploded or seemed to explode was the outer bark of the entire plant… it now seems that it had expanded and become larger as a whole.

Yes, it was similar to when "Z fighters" get stronger and their muscles expand… or for those who weren't lucky enough to be born or grow up in the 90s, it was similar to those hentai where a man's penis expands and makes moan to the woman he is with!!

[…Was the second explanation necessary?]

Well… as I said, not everyone was born in the 90s, right? But surely most people have seen one of those adult animations… yes, I'm sure of that!!


A-Anyway, it looks like my Venus has evolved!! Or at least this one has entered the second soul realm!!

Since I was worried that something bad might have happened to this one, I had activated my analysis to see if I could figure out what was going on. Thanks to this, I could see how the level of my Venus passed 100!

And not only that, it was still increasing… my Venus may have gone a little too far in its gluttony this time. But the good thing is that nothing bad happened, quite the opposite, it was just getting stronger and stronger.

Previously its thorny vines already looked a bit dangerous, but now... they were thicker and even their dark green color had a metallic touch... as if this was trying to indicate their new hardness and resistance!!

"W-what is that?"

" I-I don't know, maybe something bad is happening again!! "

" D-Damn it, can't we live peacefully?!! "

"N-No, I think it's something that Mr. Angel and those ladies did..."

"I-Is that so?"

"T-Then... we'll be fine, right? "

"...I-I think so"

The voices that were heard on the other side of the wall bring me back to reality. Yes, it seems that I wasn't the only one surprised by all this… or rather, it was difficult for the people in the citadel not to notice this… not when there were several mouths of my Venus rising above the walls!!

…their mouths also grew. Most of them had no problem swallowing one of the small titans that are about 3m… of course, this wasn't the most impressive thing. There were even some that could devour 15m titans!!

The Venus actually grew quite a bit… anyway, I could only give orders to calm people down to some soldiers who came over in shock. Meanwhile, I still wanted to see if there was any other change in my Venus.

While there were some changes to its status, most were just strengthening its base stats and some abilities this one already had. The only new thing was an innate ability...

[Wooden Puppet - A]

In order to continue to develop faster, the Venus can control several wooden puppets to get more food. These puppets have the skills [Hardness - E] [Wood Control - E].

-For each limit after the 2nd soul realm, the Venus can control 1 x [Wooden Puppet] of the same strength as this one and 10 x [Wood Puppet] at the 9th limit of the 1st soul realm.

...At the moment when I thought to ask my Venus to show me this ability, suddenly several of its mouths began to regurgitate… yes, it was not very pleasant to see how they drooled a green liquid!

Enduring my own nausea, soon in front of me was what looked like an ogre about 5m tall… plus 10 others a bit smaller about 3m! While they did look a bit rough since they were obviously made of wood as the name suggests, they certainly had the impression of being quite sturdy!!

…now I was dying to put them to the test against the titans! Their performance couldn't be that bad, right?


After they moved a bit as if trying to check their own abilities, I see them slowly walking somewhere away from the walls... I would like to believe that my Venus understood my desire to see them fight, but... from our link, only the message that it was hungry was the only thing I received!!

Hell, it had just eaten almost a hundred crystals and now it wanted more! It was actually quite a gluttonous plant!!

Well, I didn't have to worry about those puppets breaking…because if they did, my Venus could just re-create another one as long as it had the necessary resources. Yes, this one had actually gained quite a good skill! Also, it could control even more [Wooden Puppets] the stronger this one got!!

Either way, I still gave my Venus orders that if it hunted titans couldn't consume their crystals… I should allow some time for its strength to get well-founded. After all… right now the above process was repeating itself and starting to create another batch of [Wooden Puppets]!!

…While I was observing all that from before, the strength of my Venus continued to grow and breakthrough the second limit!! It's not until some time later that it finally stops when it reaches [level 128].

Surely it would be good if it stayed at that level for a while.

In addition to that ability, there were two notable changes to the Venus. The first, the two flowers that acted as shredders remained in a bud shape even after it finished its evolution… this was a bit curious, both stems had been tangled up until they united both flowers.

And what was most striking about this was that inside the cocoons there was a light shining… as if emitting a pulse. I didn't need to be a genius to know that something was brewing there... the problem was what!

Well, I'll probably find out in the future...

The other thing that had changed was not precisely from Venus itself, but… the plants for the alchemy that I, Shisuka, and Lena had made it absorb!! And what filled me with joy was that this included the [Mana Pearl] plant needed for the [ Limit -break] pills!! With this, I had the necessary ingredients to create useful pills for people in the second realm of Soul!!

Fuck! This may be even better than my Venus's [Wooden Puppet] skill!!

After all, you should know that the higher the level of a spirit plant, the harder it is to find! And especially for the second level spiritual [Mana Pearl] plant!! This has many conditions to be able to grow to that level!!

While many search for this plant in various Level 2 Areas, instead I have one that, as long as it continues to give my Venus nutrients, will not dry out and will continue to give me this pearl of the second spiritual level!!

This was certainly a pleasant surprise that my Venus gave me for having entered the second realm of Soul!!

…well, it seems like it will give me fewer pearls than before, but I still can't complain about this! If this one gives me 10 per month, it's still pretty good!! No, even with only one pearl a month it was still very good!!

I stay a while longer with my Venus to show it all my love and appreciation, and later I see the first group of Puppets that went back… also, they arrested something with them… a 15m titan coiled up and immobilized by several wooden vines!

…I think I underestimated this ability before! Looks like this is still pretty good too!!

Although… it seems that their fight was not quite perfect. Of the 11 that left, only 7 returned… and it seems that some of the smaller ones that did return also have some damage. But thinking that their numbers could be replenished, these casualties were not a big deal either.

Also, these might be like zombies and move without getting tired or feeling exhausted… no, they were better since they could be restored! Great, this day has really been very good!!

I thought things couldn't get any better, but... I soon found out I was wrong. What awaited me was a pretty... pretty good night!!