Chapter 518 A New Attack Of The Titans 2

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(Alexander POV)

"Don't let them continue to the collapsed gate, finish them off. A dead titan means one less titan that can enter the area of the second wall!"

After the armored titan broke through the gate to enter the Second Wall Area, the team of new recruits was also called in to try to prevent the enemies of humanity from continuing to gain ground!

…it seems the Militia were running out of options to even make rookies take on titans. Many of the comrades I went through military training with, were now trying to fight while their teeth chattered and their faces were pale.

While the girls and I have tried to keep casualties to a minimum in this place, sadly it was impossible to keep an eye on everyone... so from time to time you would hear the screams of someone calling out a person's name as their voice filled of despair and fear.

The good thing is that at least the new captain was a little more reliable… I don't want to think what would have happened if the guy from before was the one giving the orders!

As for him…let's just say he's resting peacefully right now.

…no, I didn't end up throwing him over the wall if that's what you think. Doing that would have been too conspicuous…and I probably wouldn't have been able to keep someone from seeing me do that... and thus, at the end of all this, I would have a military trial by sure… where I would definitely ruin all my previous efforts since it could only mean that the mission of completing the military training would fail.

I just gag the guy and throw him in some warehouse while the others were still a bit distracted watching the new titans invasion. He should be fine…probably... not that it matters much as long as it doesn't spell trouble for me.

Well, it's not that this mission is very important either. In fact, while all this was happening, two new notifications sounded in my head announcing the creation of new missions!

[Mission/Main "The last hope of humanity" – G

Prevent the second wall that protects people from the titans from falling! The failure of this means the total defeat of the humans in this place!!

Objective: Cover the hole created by the titans to prevent them from continuing through the second wall


250 x RC

250 x BG

10 x [Titan Transformation Serums]

[Mission/Optional "Capture or eliminate the traitors of humanity" – F

Within this place, there are 4 people infiltrated with the ability to transform into titans that are harmful to people within these walls. Catch them or eliminate them to secure the area.

Objective: Catch or eliminate those 4 People


200 x RC per Captured Person

200 x BG per Captured Person

3 or more of these people captured, then [Modern Weapons] use unlock.

…the rewards from these quests were just so much better than the other quest! Especially the last ones! Completing it would save me a lot for my future plans!!

Well, it was also the most complicated… it would be the first time that we fought against an intelligent titan! Also, it seems like those guys have those kinds of transformations that are hard to deal with. I can't say I don't feel a bit nervous about it!!

On the other hand, the titan invasion was also an opportunity for my titan kill counter to continue to increase its number. Also, probably because I was now part of a military group, the deaths caused by others soldiers were being counted now! This was definitely something I could be happy about!!

Although… the truth is that the number of deaths did not increase as much as I would have liked. It seems that other people still have a hard time getting rid of those huge pests. The main people responsible for increasing that number are still the girls and me.

...I must say that the equipment we use now certainly has its titan-slaying results! Or at least, it was much easier for us to hit their weak spots.


"S-Shit… my team ran out of gas- Gyaaah!!"

Yeah, well… these teams also had their downsides… as just shown by the poor guy, who when he wanted to get up to safety after killing a titan, can't do it and got devoured by another enemy near him.

[ Psss ]

" mine is run out of gas too."

Just like that guy before, I hear the sound of my team's gas tank empty. The good thing is that, unlike most, this for me did not mean almost death. After knocking down the titan I was fighting with my two swords, I backed up.

I had changed my weapon to fight this time. Although these swords weren't as flashy as the fire bastard sword, they were still much more practical than the others in this world. These had the ability to create a kind of shadow so increasing their effective length. So they were very good at cutting off the heads of Titans.

Also, you had to focus your eyes well to notice this, so the ability of this sword was almost unnoticed by others.

…right now it wasn't very good to be conspicuous, so I was thankful for this.

" S-Sir… the supplies have stopped arriving, what do we do? "


When I go back to grab a few more gas tanks, I find the others here in a more or less desperate situation… it seems that people in charge of resupplying those who were fighting at the front had stopped coming! There was a little bustle with several men surrounding the captain asking for instructions on what to do next.

Finally, after thinking for a moment, it seems that he makes up his mind.

"…let's go back, we have to see what happens to those people and why they have stopped sending supplies."


Oh, I'm really glad I dumped the other guy in a warehouse... at least this guy can think of a logical idea so he won't be judged later for abandoning his position. If it had been the other guy, he would probably be running around like a headless chicken right now.

"A-Alexander-sama!! E-Eren… Eren was…"

"…a-a titan ate Eren, Alexander-san !! It's my fault... it's all my fault!! "

"N-Now what am I going to say to the aunt, snif … snif …"

Then, when I was getting ready to meet the others to go with the captain, Mikasa and Armin come toward me while shedding tears …fuck, I take my eyes off them for a few minutes, and then one of them ends up in a titan's stomach!!

Well… at least it was Eren… we didn't miss much... no, I mean, things aren't that bad.

"Don't worry, Mikasa. Do you trust me? "


"Then I can assure you that he will surely be fine."

I can almost hear Horo right now telling me something like "I don't know what you're thinking, but…now I feel a bit sorry for that guy"… I even have to turn my head around to see if that girl is back, but it seems that she was still doing what I asked her to do.

Leaving that aside, it's not that I didn't care about that boy at all... I just thought it wouldn't be that easy to kill him! After all, he was still one of the people supported by this world!!

Besides, he still had to show his ability, right?

Although most around think that I was just trying to calm these two down since surely no one believes that someone managed to get out of a giant's stomach after being devoured, Mikasa wipes away her tears and composes herself a bit.

…at times like this having someone idolize you doesn't seem so bad. At least she doesn't doubt my words too much unlike Armin who is a bit harder to calm down.

The other two girls, Shigure and Saeko seemed to trust me too, so there's not much of a problem with them either... after the surprise of what they hear, since they had no doubt made some friends with these guys, they quickly go back to the normality.

Then, finishing appeasing the spirits of the others, we all move towards the said place following the captain.



(Mikasa's POV)

Although I still couldn't completely get rid of what had happened to Eren, somehow Alexander-sama's words had calmed me down a bit... yes, I just had to trust him and surely everything would be fine!

" I-I'm sorry Mikasa… i-it's all my fault, if it wasn't for me, Eren would still be alive!"

"'s alright, Armin, I'm sure he's alright just like Alexander-sama said."


Armin's look of doubt at my words... since he had said that he witnessed how the titan had devoured Eren, without a doubt this was still harder for him to believe. But I wish he would trust Alexander-sama more… since his words were hard for me to hear! Thanks to these, I could not avoid that some doubts came back to me!

It was inevitable, after all, Eren was my family!!

"We have arrived…"

" Y-Yes, but… now what do we do? "

"C-Captain… the place is surrounded by titans"


It was a bit difficult, but somehow we managed to make our way through the streets of this city to reach the building where the team in charge of delivering supplies to the other teams was located. And the first thing we see there is bad news!

Now it was obvious why they hadn't continued with their work… the place was practically surrounded by titans!

While most of us tried our best to keep the titans going deeper into the place, it was impossible to stop them all... and this is the result of that!

"…seriously, are you planning to send a child and two women to do the job?

Hell… a lot of you still want me dead, right?!"


"Fuck, I'm sure I saw some nods to my words! Where is the fellowship between us? Don't do that, you hurt my poor heart!! "

Then, while the captain seemed to be thinking about what to do now, most of the others start to roll their eyes at Alexander-sama and the two girls next to him… yes, I can understand a little what they are thinking.

Before, without a doubt the people who had killed the most titans were these three... so it's not strange that now the others think that they could surely take care of things here! And obviously, this doesn't please Alexander-sama very much!

" Don't you have the courage to say it out loud to me, bastards?!"

"…please go and die"

"S-Shit… did they really say it? fuck!!

No, more importantly, who was it that spoke…come here and say it to my face, I'll throw you to those fuking titans to you help us as a distraction at least"

"Alexan-der... let's kill those titans"


Well… it seems that some of the other boys in the group for some reason have bad feelings towards him. But I think maybe they're just joking around to lighten the mood… yeah, probably.

Unfortunately, it seems that Alexander-sama took those people's words very seriously… it's not until Shigure-san intervenes that he lowers his sword again. So, the three of them were getting ready to charge and clear a path for all of us to get to that building… even though he still looked a bit grumpy.

"W-what is that…"


" W-Why is that titan attacking the others?! "

Suddenly, we all stop our movements for something unexpected that happens next… one of the titans had started attacking the others! With great fury, he begins to charge at them and beat them until are smashed to pieces!!

Everyone can't help but be amazed by this… after all, this was the first time we saw one titan fighting another!