Chapter 525 A New Attack Of The Titans 9

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(POV Saeko )

" W-Why are you doing this, Saeko - san?

W-We're not comrades who went through the same training?

B-Besides, this isn't the time to fight each other! Although it seems that Eren managed to block the hole in Wall Rose, there are still many titans inside creating chaos!

W-We should be fighting against them, not between partners!! "


"'s useless, Historia ... it seems that nothing you say can change what this girl wants to do!"

…things had become a bit complicated.

I tried to get Ymir to give herself up by talking to her as Alex-san asked me, but… as maybe we both had expected, that didn't work. So I could only proceed to do it by force.

That was still fine, I was confident that I could subdue this girl without much trouble, after all, she wasn't as skilled as Mikasa or Annie.

But the problem was when another girl intervened in this... Historia tried to stop us when we started fighting, but seeing that I didn't listen to her words, she took Ymir's side!

…although it was true that this girl's strength didn't change things much either, the problem was that I didn't want to hurt her! Shigure-san sure would complain a bit if I hurt someone innocent, and I didn't want that to happen!

Although it was not official, she had become a kind of Master for me. And I didn't want there to be something that affected me becoming stronger!

" Step aside, Historia-san… I promise I won't hurt Ymir, I just need to talk to her for a bit."

"If you just want to talk, then first put down the swords Saeko- san! Then we can talk all you want! "


…seriously, how did I become the bad girl here? I could only smile bitterly at the thought of this. It was clear from Ymir's smile that she wasn't going to give herself up peacefully... but she didn't want to fight for what she had let Historia intervene!

Now I really wanted to hit that girl's smiling face a little!

[ Boom !] [ Boom !]

"E-Eh? W-What is happening in that place? D-Does the colossal titan and the armored titan that appeared at the beginning want to create another hole in the wall?!"


And as if things were no longer complicated for me, in the next moment the silhouette of the titans mentioned by History can be distinguished a little... although I think the one who had more than 50m high was falling out of the wall... only the armored titan could be seen in the citadel!

Either way, this was really bad… even if only the armored titan was inside here, the other could create another hole in the wall just like Historia said! Also, Alex-san would have to fight those two alone!

…I couldn't give myself the time to continue hesitating! If this girl keeps intervening to capture Ymir, then I'll have to hurt her a bit!

"S-Still aside, Historia! "

[ Clank ] [ Clank ]

Then, as if realizing that I wouldn't be playing their game anymore, Ymir finally steps forward as I try to knock Historia out. Our swords collide multiple times!

"Oh~ So you finally want to fight me."

" Tch…damn crazy girl! You really wanted to attack Historia now, didn't you?!"

"Well… isn't your fault for hiding behind her all this time?

If you had stepped up to face me in the first place, then it wouldn't have come to this. It's not like I want to attack that girl either, you know?"

"You... damn crazy!"

Well, now I definitely looked like the villain here... but it didn't matter, I've known for a while that I was a bit different from the other girls around Alex-san. The truth is, even though I'd rather not, I wouldn't mind killing Historia if I had to…and of course this other girl, Ymir, I wouldn't mind taking her life either.

In fact, I know that I was smiling a little now at the exchange of blows between us... while it's not that I enjoy killing others, I can't deny that I was a little excited to fight her in a fight in which both our lives are at stake!

…yes, I know very well that I was a little crazy as Ymir says, but I didn't care. As long as Alex-san doesn't mind this either, then it wasn't a problem for me anymore. I could accept this part of me totally!

"S-Stop fighting!!"

Maybe a little annoyed by my answer, this time Ymir is the one to start the attack. And as we both move to avoid the swords, Historia continues to yell for us to stop. And probably because she was distracted watching our fight… this girl doesn't realize that she was the one in the most danger now!

Instead of worrying about the two of us, she should first pay attention to her surroundings and take care of herself! One of the titans that still roamed the place had approached her while Ymir and I were fighting...

"T-This is bad…"

" N-No, Historia!! "


Both of us stopped fighting and immediately headed straight to where Historia was to help her!

While I said I wouldn't mind killing any of these girls, it's not like I wanted them dead either! Unfortunately, it seemed that even if we reacted very quickly to help Historia, we wouldn't arrive in time to save her...



Then, when the titan had taken Historia with one of his hands and intended to devour her, Ymir bites one of her hands and in the next instant, she transforms!

Thanks to this, the other titan stops what he was doing to pay attention to her. And before he can even do anything more, Ymir is placed on his back and with her claws that seemed quite long and sharp, she rips that titan's neck until his head is ripped off.

It seems that Historia was able to be saved… but now she was totally in shock. I didn't know what surprised her more, the fact that she was about to be devoured recently, or that Ymir was in her titan form in front of our eyes!

"…Y- Ymir? I-Is that you, Ymir?"


Oh~ She was a bit stronger than I thought!

Even though all of that must have been very difficult to face, Historia was still sane enough to speak. Well... her whole body was still trembling, and besides… I think there was also a small puddle under her pants that I'm sure wasn't sweat!

On the other hand... Ymir's face in her titan form which was a bit creepy becomes a bit worse seeing Historia's reaction. Then ignoring the girl sitting in that little puddle, she turns and rolls her big eyes at me!

This was a bit bad...although I had confidence in dealing with this girl in her human form, now...things had gotten pretty complicated!

" You…it's your fault... this is all your fault, you've ruined everything! "


I must admit that hearing her speak in her titan form had surprised me a bit. When we were in the citadel and Alex-san carried out several tests with the individuals he had selected to inject them with the serum and they gain the ability to transform into a titan, I remember perfectly that none of them had been able to speak when they transformed!

…maybe it was just a lack of practice? I think that was very possible since they had only done it a few times.

Well, that certainly didn't matter that much… the important thing now was that Ymir seemed very upset with me! I don't know what plan she was talking about, but that must have been very important to her since you could even say that she was looking at me with a lot of hate right now!!

…Looks like I won't be able to hold back against her anymore.

Thinking about it like that, I have no choice but to take out the sword that Alex-san had given me when we were in my world… he had asked me to refrain from using it since it would be bad if we drew too much attention, but now I think it was the only way I had to fight against Ymir and be able to beat her!

The pressure I felt coming from her titan body could not be underestimated! Although it was nothing like when Shigure-san had gotten serious in our practice fights, if I let my guard down, I might regret it.

…I had wanted to finish this quickly so I could go help Alex-san, but… that will have to wait now!

Things had certainly gotten a bit complicated… but even so, I could still feel a smile forming on my face as I clutched the sword I had taken out of my storage item!



(POV Horo )


…that little monkey in heat had just left me here to fight this titan! I'll have him reward me with several boxes of donuts! No, that was very little… he'll have to add several other candy boxes this time!

The huge red mass that had fallen from the wall was now trying to get up… I wanted to attack it now that it seemed like a good opportunity, but… dammit, just the size of that thing made me hesitate!

I always felt full of confidence and strength when I was in my wolf form, and no doubt one of those reasons was because all other creatures seemed small and fragile to me… I never expected to be on the other side of that perspective!

...I think now I understood a little why people from my world looked at me with fear.

Seriously, why did that guy have to leave me the bigger guy? Would it have been too much to ask for a slightly smaller opponent?!



When that huge titan manages to stand up, the first thing he does is give a roar that seems to shake the very earth! It almost felt like my ears would be ripped off my head! For an instant, I had the urge to throw myself on the ground while using my paws to cover them!!

…the only thing that stopped me from doing it is that it would be too embarrassing! This beautiful and wise wolf was not willing to lower her head to others! Even if it's by something much bigger than me!!

Furthermore, if that boy saw such a scene… then I would die of embarrassment! Hell, I'd rather mate with him than have to put up with him laughing at me for it!!

" Woouuuff!!"

So, to lift my spirits and get those thoughts out, I also raise my voice to the sky as if competing with this titan! I knew it was useless to compare myself to him, but I still had to show my pride!

…now the problem was how to attack that thing.

From what Alexander told me, the weakness of the titans that are people transformation also has the same weak point as the others… below their neck. I remembered that very well, but… how the hell did I get there?! Not even if I stand on two legs could I reach the waist of this titan!!

…well, if my fangs and claws couldn't get close to its head, then I just had to make it come down on me!!

After circling this titan for a while, I run up to him and aim straight at one of his ankles! It was a good thing that at least this one didn't have armor… those guys were also troublesome as I didn't really know if my fangs and claws would make it through that bone armor!

At the very least, my weapons were effective against this titan… my teeth sunk into its flesh, and my claws rip what looks like muscle fibers! This cheered me up, but… then I remembered another problem for me from these titans!

G-Guueh…damn it, the taste that filled my mouth of her blood and flesh was grossly disgusting!

Maybe before I wouldn't have had such a problem with this, but... after tasting all those delicious things that Alexander had given me, my palate had become even more demanding than before!

I almost couldn't resist the urge to vomit!

And so I have no choice but to move away... although not only because of the bad taste in my mouth but also because the titan was trying to hit me with one of his arms!

If he were to land one of those punches on my body, then it might be something pretty bad!

[Boom!! ]

I manage to dodge the blow, and then his fist sinks into the ground creating an explosion that kicks up quite a bit of dust!!

...there is no doubt, one of those punches hitting my body would be more than painful!!