Chapter 529 A New Attack Of The Titans 13

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(POV Saeko )

…my fight against Ymir, even though Historia had stopped intervening, had become much more complicated. Yes, she was smaller than Annie and Riner's titan form that I could see, but… this had its own advantages for her!

Specifically, her mobility! This was much better than the titans bigger than her!

In fact, I think I would have preferred to fight either of the other two than her…it might have been a lot easier for me that way. Although, instead of feeling annoyed about this, I was happy about the challenge in front of me!

Yes, Ymir was nimbly moving around the buildings looking for a way to get close and attack me, but it's not like I was totally defenseless! With the sword Alexander had given me earlier, I used several wind blades coming from my weapon to keep her away while moving through the air.

…I should also be thankful that the sword art he gave me was very much appropriate in the style of aerial moves! And joined together with the [Three-Dimensional Movement Equipment], I think I had reached a new level in my swordsmanship!

Although I was probably far from being able to compare myself to Shigure-san yet, at least I had gotten one step closer to that! Also, accompanying her to… playing with this equipment these days also played a big role in this.

So, thanks to all those things, it's no wonder that on Ymir's body there were several wounds from wind blades.

But even with that, it's not like I had the advantage precisely… all she needed was to land a punch or attack from her claws on me to end this fight!

… Maybe I was the one on felt the bigger pressure even though for now Ymir was the only one hurt in our fight. In addition, another problem began to appear!

It's not like I could use my sword skill indiscriminately!

It may have helped me control the energy in my body… to the extent that instead of me providing it to attack, it was absorbing it when it sensed my desire to create a wind sword.

Besides that, it also functioned as an amplifier to do attacks of this type… so the expense from energy wasn't much. But… it still existed and it wasn't like the amount of my energy was limitless!

I was starting to feel like I was running out of internal energy!

…it was a bit strange feeling. It was like physical and mental exhaustion! We hadn't been fighting for a long time, and now my breath was quite ragged and my mind a bit cloudy!

Well, I probably wasn't the only one in this situation. I knew that people who transform into titans could only maintain that form for so long. But… I couldn't wait for such a thing to happen. Surely I would be the first to run out of energy before that!

…the more time passed, the situation would only get worse for me. Looks like I wasn't strong enough yet.

Still, I wasn't that worried. Just as this girl had the support from Historia, or at least she had until recently, I wasn't alone either!

" Saeko -sama! Alexander-sama ordered us to help you, so please allow us to do so!"

"... it's ok"

Suddenly, several figures appear around us who were fighting… therefore, we both have no choice but to back off a bit and see what's going on. Then, I soon realized who they were… their uniforms gave me a very clear idea of who they were!

They were none other than the soldiers from the citadel, and when one of them approaches me, it becomes clear that Alex-san was the one who had sent them here.

…a slight warmth appeared in my heart seeing that even though he was still fighting Rainer, he still took enough time to care for me.

Well, not only was that the emotion that this action generated in me… I also felt a bit of frustration… but I quickly put aside such a thing, it was not the time to be stubborn and want to defeat Ymir on my own.

Also, I wasn't stupid... if things continued like this, then the chances of something bad happening to me were very high. I like to test myself and fight, but... at least not to the point of foolishly dying because of that! That's why I don't hesitate to accept the offer of the soldier who approached.

…there were too many things I still wanted to do with Alex-san as to die here, like… having a child whit him.

Although many of the girls in the mansion still had a hard time talking about such things, occasionally such an issue would come up… and it made me think of various things and let my imagination run wild a bit!

Our relationship had already reached the level of doing sexual things on regular basis… so I think that starting to think about such things was not strange.

Also, I don't think I'm the only one with such a thought… probably the only thing that prevents us from talking about these things more openly it was just that some girls and Alex-san himself got a little nervous at the mention of this matter… I think he wasn't ready for that.

But I don't blame him.... yes, he wasn't even 15 years old yet! Talking about babies was definitely rushing things too far!

Therefore, for such things, many of us agreed that we had to wait a few years for that... and that is more than enough reason not to want to die foolishly! I had to at least live to achieve that!!

"Come on, you all know what to do! "

" Yes, captain! "

Leaving those thoughts that caused me to feel some butterflies in my stomach, I return to focus on the fight against Ymir with the cry of the soldier who seemed to lead the others. They each in a very practiced way start to move using the [Three-Dimensional Movement Equipment] around Ymir!

…it seems that at least these guys were much better than the soldiers in this place. Or at least most of them!

Even so, we weren't facing a normal titan that moves stupidly with the sole aim of filling its stomach… you could see that Ymir instantly understood that this time she was the one at a disadvantage! She became a little more cautious in her movements.

…while those guys entertain Ymir, I concentrate on recovering a bit. I take some of the pills that help restore energy… it wasn't like I'd instantly be back to normal thanks to these, but it was certainly much better than relying solely on my body's self-recovery.

Also, this time I didn't take the lead to fight against Ymir… instead, I aimed to look for an opportunity to make a move that would end this fight quickly. Like Alex-san from afar in his fight against Rainer, I wait for the right moment to act!

Just as I thought, even with the help of these guys, Ymir doesn't give up easily. In addition, even some of them are beaten or attacked with her claws... but somehow, such subjects seem to have been lucky and although they probably could not return to the fight, at least they kept their lives.

…no, it wasn't due to luck… it was due to those armors provided by Shigure-san and Alex-san for them. They were tough enough to prevent Ymir's claws from going all the way through! Without these, probably more than one would these guys have ended up cut to pieces.

In addition, it also offered enough protection against strong impacts... It seems that in this regard the soldiers in the citadel that Alex-san built had it much easier than the soldiers here. I think they could even get out alive if they by an oversight end up in the mouth of a titan.

…now I was a little regretful that I had to exchange my normal equipment for the clothes of this place. Unfortunately, there was no alternative or otherwise we would only attract more attention.

Well, even though several of the citadel soldiers had been knocked down and probably now had several broken bones and were unable to fight, the group had at least done more than enough. They had caught Ymir's attention enough to allow me to get close to her back!

While she was busy having to deal with two soldiers in front of her, it was too late when she noticed my presence on her back… as my body made several turns in the air, several wind blades shot out from my sword straight towards her! And in the next instant, they all hit and sink deep into her titan skin!!

This time it is Ymir's big body that falls to the ground… she tries to get up, but it seems that something was wrong with her and she collapses again.

…well, if thanks to her body being smaller than other titans she had an advantage, then she also had a weakness. It was simple, since her size was smaller, then the area where the true body should be hidden was also much easier to find and attack.

She probably knew this very well, so in our entire previous fight I hadn't been able to get to her back!

When I and several soldiers got close to her body and carefully tried to remove her from the body of the titan, then it was obvious why she had stopped moving...

"D-Damn bitch... you were really trying to kill me, weren't you?!"

"...well, I wasn't the only one, right?"


Pulling her out of the titan's body, Ymir had various injuries all over her real body… she had even lost an arm and a foot thanks to my previous attacks. And well... she was right with her words. For her to only have these injuries and remain alive, was merely luck… one of those wind swords might as well have struck the neck and decapitated her.

...yes, I never stopped to think about what would happen to her when those attacks reached her. Or, rather, if she would survive for it.

And now that I see her condition, it's not like I felt sorry for this either… Alex-san told me that if I captured her alive it would be the best, but… that, if it was impossible or too difficult, then it didn't matter if I had to kill Ymir.

Though I'm a little glad this didn't turn out that way either... thanks to this, Shigure-san probably won't be mad at me... or not so much since I still end up cutting off her foot and arm... yes, I may get some complaints from she.

…that's what I thought at the time but later I realized that I had nothing to worry about.

In any case, if I don't do something now, I might really end up dying, so I take out a potion that Alex-san had given me to treat her wounds a little so that her life isn't in danger.

So when I thought things were over on this side, some unexpected things happen…

"…What happened here?"

"H-Ha! You're the girl who was with that little guy before…"

"...Who the hell are these guys?"

...Three people arrive at the place where we were and I quickly recognize two of them. A blond guy and a brown-haired girl with glasses… if I remember correctly, we saw them the first time the titans had attacked this place and they lost the 3rd wall.

The other guy was unknown to me, but... I felt like he was the strongest among the three of them! His strength was probably not too different from mine… The eyes of this man, who was quite short, were looking at the soldiers in the snake armor and me.

"…nothing, we only just took care of a titan "


...yes, I think it was difficult for them to believe such a thing when some soldiers were still removing Ymir's body, which I had left unconscious after healing her a little, from inside the titan... but remembering some of Alex-san's words, sometimes even though things were silly to do, they couldn't be avoided either.