Deputy Director Chrono Harlaown wakes up in Helios' infirmary with a splitting headache. He feels where it hurts; there is a large lump on the back of his head. Trying to focus, he looks around the infirmary. There are a couple of sailors with bandages and plasters, sleeping. He gets out of the bed and heads to the Bridge. The crew is running in the hallway, busy. Helios is buzzing with activities.

"Hello, sir." The Captain greets as Chrono enters the Bridge. "How are you feeling?" he asks.

"Just some headache. What happened?"

"Sorry, Deputy Director. My tumbler hit you on the head when we crashed. I'm sorry. I should have stowed it away." Griffith apologizes.

Chrono discovers Yuuno has been treated with an arm sling.

"What happened to you?"

"I was gripping on the armrest too hard and dislocated my shoulder when Helios hit the ground." Answers Professor Scrya blushing a bit. 'How's that even possible?' Chrono thinks to himself but doesn't say it aloud.

The Captain fills him with the current status. Fortunately, there have been no serious injuries among the crew; mostly some bumps and scratches, with a few cases with fractured bones. Chrono suffered a concussion and was out for some eight hours while the crew has been busy trying to fix the ship.

"Most of our circuitry is fried. Replacement progress is at 40%. My guys tell me the engines will be back online in twelve hours." So far so good. "But our biggest concern for the moment is that we've lost our cloak." Captain Lowran reports.

"Oh, shit…"

"Exactly, sir."

"Comm is back online, Captain." A Bridge staff reports.


In the Naval Intelligence's Mission Control, the Senior Mission Operator stands uncomfortably next to seated Lindy, who is not only Chairwoman of the JCS but also the mother of his boss. 'Really, why does she have to here?' he thinks to himself.

"-so we have few basic functions back up online, but we've lost the propulsion. Power output is at the minimum and the cloak is still out, too." Chrono reports over the voice-only communication. Helios still has a lot to be fixed.

"Prioritize the propulsion. You don't want to be caught with both the propulsion and the cloak down. You want to be able to get out at least." Suggests Lindy. Captain Lowran can be heard agreeing on the other side of the comm.

"But, really, that mana storm...I've never seen anything like that. How do these people even live here?" Chrono muses millions of kilometers away.

"Who are they anyway?" his mother asks. According to Professor Scrya, the inhabitants definitely are not native to the place. Their structures are too new compared to the ancient city ruin they are built on top of, with no signs of continuity between the two distant eras.

"Nomads, perhaps?" Lindy suggests.

"More like scavengers, as we see it, but a society, of some hundred thousand people, that does not display any sign of governance...that doesn't make any sense."

Lindy thinks for a while.

"Hmm...what if there was no central leadership? What if that Ziggurat doesn't house a leader, but is some kind of a place of worship?"

She can hear the distant sound of her son discussing with Yuuno.

"Well, then whatever the god they worship clearly doesn't care how these people live. But mind you, though, whoever runs a place of worship generally also acts as a community leader. It doesn't look like that way at all."

Lindy gives up. This is obviously out of her field of expertise.

"Right. You have the expert there with you, so you talk to Yuuno."

She senses Chrono hesitating before he finally asks.

"Erm...shouldn't you be at the JCS?"

Lindy has to make sure everyone understands.

"I'm staying here until you come back." She ignores the whispered sniggers in the room. Her son, on the other side of the multiverse, is embarrassed.

"Aw...come on, mom!"



Hours have passed and the person, together with the little one, is clearing rocks and pebbles on the doorway to their dormitory. Others are fixing windows, broken frames, etc; all very busy trying to make their lives in this hostile world work somehow.

Suddenly there is a commotion on the rooftop. The person looks up. The people on the rooftop are shouting, pointing at the rocky horizon.

"I can't see anything." The little one complains. The person straightens up, letting out a long sigh after hours of labor. The breeze feels good.

"Shall we try from up there?" The cracked mask person points to the roof.

They fly up onto the roof and join the others gathered there. They squint their eyes and examine the direction others are pointing at. There is something on the distant horizon. A tiny spec of foreignness, something they have never seen before.

A mage next to the little one casts communication magic. A set of magical ears appears hovering above the ground at the convenient mouth level height.


"Uh oh. Captain, optics show we have locals flying this way. ETA 20 minutes." The sensor operator reports. The entire Bridge personnel stop what they are doing and turn their heads to the big main display. A tiny cloud of blackness is approaching from very very far.

"Fuck." Griffith cusses his luck. He immediately calls the engines room. "When's my propulsion up?"

"We will be up in about 20 minutes, Captain." The engines operator reports over the internal communication. Captain Lowran isn't happy at all with this answer.

"We have locals inbound; ETA 20 minutes. Hurry up." He ends the call and turns to his operators.

"How many?"

"Based on optical, a hundred or so, Captain." The sensor operator answers. Griffith feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns to see Chrono with a worried face.

"Remember, Captain; the intruder on Lily was an A plus at least."

"Fuck." Griffith cusses again. "Helios can't handle one hundred A plus hostiles. Sorry Deputy Director, but as the Captain of the ship I'm calling the mission off. We are getting the hell out of here as soon as the propulsion is up and ready."

"Your ship, your call, Captain."


A swarm of masked mages rises from the Ziggurat area. Once airborne, the swarm flies towards a distant horizon, to Helios.


"Uh oh...Another group coming this way from the Ziggurat. Shit, sir, this one numbers in thousands!" the senior operator reports, panicking. Captain Lowran has also spotted the swarm on the optical display. He calls the engines room once again.

"Engines, this is Captain. Sail, and Jump. All other functions are secondary. I don't care what breaks. Fix the rest on the move. Get the propulsion up. Get us the hell outta here right now!"

The Bridge crew stare at the main display intensely for what feels like an eternity. Suddenly, with a whirling sound the ship jolts.

"The first wave is almost here, Captain!" The Senior Operator shouts, buckling up.


Helios rises. A dimensional anomaly appears in front of the ship, and with a 'woosh!' Helios disappears into the trans-dimensional gate in the air. But before the hole closes, the first group of masked mages arrives. Some of them interfere with the space-time gateway, maintaining it open. The rest of the group enters the pathway, numbering over a hundred. In the distant air, the larger second wave from the Ziggurat is flying in at an incredible speed.


"Captain, I can't close the gate behind! They are doing something!" a Bridge operator reports. There is a sense of panic on the Bridge.

"Full speed ahead!"

The sensor operator has brought up the rearview onto the main display. As Helios speeds away they could see a group of people pouring inside the path.

"Let's turn on the mana sensor." Griffith orders. The sensor powers on without being overloaded.

"Readings, Captain. About 150 mages." The sensor operator is shouting. "Double As. Triple As!"

The Captain's jaw drops.

"Son of a-"

The main display shows another group entering the pathway. A seemingly endless stream of people.

"Another group, Captain! Fuck, me, two thousand mages- A plus, double, triple As…" the operator turns pale. "Holy shit, sir, S ranks among them!"


The hooded woman sits in her throne, contemplating. In front of her is a group of masked mages; their masks and overall showing more signs of age; clearly seniors among the masked people.

"It's a Bureau ship. Wherever it's heading back must be a Bureau Administrated world."

The mages stand in appreciation.

The hooded woman is pleased. She now has several options. One: Take the ship. Two: travel from the world on the other side of the gate. Either way, her goal has come within reach.

She waves the senior mages off. They bow politely and leave the throne room. She stands up and enters the backroom, where in the center of the dimly lit room stands a large cylindrical container. She caresses the glassy surface. Inside the clear liquid-filled container floats a small blond girl, eyes closed, sleeping forever.



Capital Defense Commander Hayate Yagami is ushered into the large conference room inside Sail Force HQ. She is late, but then again it was such short notice. An urgent message came directly from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, telling her to drop everything and report to Sail Force HQ.

"Pardon me for being late, sir." She salutes the top-dog in the room, the Bureau Security Adviser. A Sail Force ensign guides her to the vacant seat next to pale-faced Chief Enforcer Harlaown. As Hayate takes her seat, she notices Teana standing a few steps behind Fate, biting nails. Next to her stands Inspector Verossa Acous, leaning on the wall, observing intensely the back of the head of Chief Enforcer.

"Lieutenant general, we have a situation." Lindy informs the young general. She nodes to the Naval Intelligence's Senior Mission Operator standing at the front of the room. He nods back.

"Commander Yagami, I will quickly fill you in on the situation." The Operator proceeds.

"Yesterday, Helios was hit hard by a local mana storm and lost most of its functions including her Cloak. Thanks to the crew efforts, she regained propulsion and navigation within twelve hours, but cloak remained off."

Hayate immediately knows what's up.

"Let me guess. They got spotted?"

"Exactly, Madam. As I speak now, Helios is on its way back to Vaizen at full speed...ETA 48 hours."

This puzzles the young general. Full speed? She looks around the room. It looks like the others have already heard the explanation before she arrived.

"Full speed because Helios is being chased by a large group of mages, whom we deem hostile." The Naval Intelligence operator answers. Hayate raises her eyebrows. She is not sure why she in particular is called into the meeting. Is the Capital in danger?

"How large of a hostile group are we talking about?" she asks.

The Senior Operator wipes the sweat off from his forehead.

"Slightly over two thousand...average rank: double A-"

Hayate does a quick math in her head.

"That's equivalent to a corps strength!"

"That's why we have a situation, Commander Yagami. I need your honest and objective assessment. Can Capital Defense handle this?" The Bureau Security Adviser gets to the business.

Hayate is puzzled.

"Erm...with all due respect, sir, it's Vaizen. I'm Midchilda."

Lindy steps in.

"Vaizen mobilization takes at least a month. Capital Defense, especially Rapid Response, is the closest and the most ready."

Hayate thinks about it for a moment, fingers drumming on the table. 'It's not my fault Vaizen does not have a Rapid Response of their own.' She wants to protest but decides not to. She turns to the Naval Intelligence man.

"Two thousand hostiles coming to Vaizen in 48 hours…is that right?"

"Give or take a couple hours, but yes."

Hayate sighs.

"Sir, Madam, my Raptor and the Regular divisions will take a full week to mobilize and deploy to Vaizen. Rapid Response would take 72 hours, but Nakajima's battalion is currently on duty. She can be up and combat ready in Vaizen within the next 24 hours...and Vita can back her up in 48 hours just in time to…" She is not happy with the idea. "But that will be a single battalion taking on a corps strength hostiles in the first encounter. Not to mention the fact that we are THE Capital Defense."

Hayate notices her friend Fate's hand shaking on the table.

"Can it be done?" asks the Security Adviser.

"Sir?" asks Hayate back, in the tone that says 'are you serious?'

"Can it be done?" the man asks again, this time more firmly. Hayate thinks about what she would need.

"With the FULL dedicated support from the Air Armament and the Sail Force, Nakajima and Vita could MAYBE buy enough time for Rapid Response. Signum, in return, would have to hold for a WEEK for my two other divisions. Then MAYBE I could hold for the month until Vaizen a great cost. That's a lot of maybes and a significant loss of the Capital assets, sir." Are you satisfied now, thinks Hayate.

"Orbital bombardment by the Sail Force is out of the question. Vaizen is an administrated world." Lindy makes it even more difficult for Hayate.

"We can't bombard our own land, especially because Vaizen is the heart of our technological advancement. The political backlash would be too great." Adds the Security Adviser.

At this point, Hayate is visibly upset.

"Sir, am I misunderstanding something, or are you trying to make me say, with my own words, Capital Defense will fail in Vaizen?"

"Don't address me in that tone, lieutenant general!" The Security Adviser snaps but soon regains his composure. He puts his patient smile back on.

" I correct in understanding that it would be a very difficult and risky job for Capital Defense to handle the current situation in Vaizen, yes?"

"Right, correct, sir." Hayate answers politely. There is a rush of mumblings and murmurs in the room. Hayate can see what is to come next.

Lindy Harlaown, Chairwoman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, buries her head in hands.

"Close the Vaizen gate." She says weakly.

"No!" Fate jumps up from her seat.

"Close the gate in Vaizen." The Bureau Security Adviser himself orders. The Naval Intelligence man tries to protest but can't.

From the back of the conference room, the Strategic Arms officer stands up, trying to get attention.

"Sir and madam. You do realize Deputy Director Harlaown is required to unlock the limiter placed on Bookworm?"

"Oh, that's right!" Fate's face brightens up a bit. The Strategic Arms officer continues.

"If we lose Deputy Director Harlaown, Bookworm would be out of commission for at least half a year. We'd need to reset and reimpose the limit protocol with a replacement authorization figure. And that takes months, sir."

"In terms of-" Lindy, her head still buried in hands, chokes mid-sentence. She tries again. "In terms of the Bureau's overall defense, a temporary loss of Bookworm is acceptable."

Fate slams on the table.

"Mom! You can't-"

"He is a sworn soldier! So am I!" shouts her mother looking up, eyes red. For a moment the conference room is filled with an awkward silence.

"Ahem," The Security Adviser breaks the silence. "What does Bookworm herself say about this?" he asks, tossing the ball to Hayate.

Hayate hates it but she too is a soldier. Trying as best as she can to avoid looking at her friend Fate, she answers with a trembling voice.

"Sir, given the immediate risk threatening Vaizen, the loss of Deputy Director Harlaown, and consequently my Bookworm self," She hangs her head low.

Fate retches and covers her mouth with a hand. She excuses herself and rushes out of the conference room.


Chief Enforcer Harlalown rushes into a cubicle and throws up. When she is done, she washes her mouth and face at a washbasin. She looks hard into the mirror. She sees the face of someone who agrees closing the gate on her brother is the logical solution. She punches her reflected face, shattering the mirror. She runs out.



The Bridge crew are slumped back in their seats, dismayed. Helios has just been informed of the decision.

"Understood, thank you for informing us. Helios out." Griffith ends communication. He turns around to his crew.

"Well, people. We won't be getting home."

"What now, Captain?" asks a crew.

"Let's just keep going for now." Says the Captain. "We go as close to home as possible. At least that'd make it easier for the guys retrieving what's left of us."

There is a gloomy silence on the Bridge. Chrono nudges Yuuno.

"Sorry, I got you into this." He means it. Professor just shrugs.

"Hey, I signed the waiver."

"You aren't really a wimp as I thought you'd be." Chrono admits with a bitter smile.

"Ha, now you admit it!"

Deputy Director Harlaown punches Professor's injured shoulder. They laugh as Deputy Director rises from his seat. He addresses the crew.

"Sorry guys. Given what's behind us, this is the right decision."

The crew just nod. No hard feelings. Griffth pokes one of his operators.

"Their progress?"

The operator checks his console.

"The first group is right behind us, with the second wave far behind. Both are a tiny bit faster than us, Captain. The smaller first wave will be on top of Helios about the time we reach Vaizen, give or take an hour."

The Captain orders Helios maintain course and speed when a tiny beeping sound comes from a console. The Sensor Operator does a double-take at what he sees.

"Erm...sorry, Captain?"

"What is it?" asks the Captain.

"Mana surge detected. The path has widened."

Another operator looks at his console. His eyes pop out.

"What the hell is this?"

The Sensor Operator fiddles with his console. The Senior Operator comes over to see what's happening. After adjusting some sensor parameters they finally see it.

"Inbound! Inbound! Hyperson-! No, it's way beyond that!" The Senior Operator shouts.

"Shit. Are they speeding up?" asks Griffith, worried that the pursuers are closing in fast. The operators collectively shake their heads.

"No, Captain! It's coming from the Vaizen side! Single mage! Double S! What the fuck?"



Back in Sail Force HQ, everyone is in a gloomy mood. Even if the gate was closed and the immediate threat averted, the fact that a couple hundred thousand hostile people from an unknown world have been actively looking for a Bureau world remained. They intensely discussed what would be the appropriate alert level and how long to maintain such status, but failed to reach a firm conclusion. It didn't help Lindy has remained silent with her head buried in hands for the rest of the meeting.

The Security Adviser is about to call for another meeting in the near future when he notices the Mission Operator whispering into his communication device. Everyone follows the Adviser's gaze and suddenly the whole room is eavesdropping on the conversation.

"-she what? really? OK, thank you. Keep it open for now. I will get back to you soon." The Senior Mission Operator notices the curious eyes on him. He beams an awkward smile.

"Erm...we have a report from Vaizen Staging Dock."

Lindy jerks her head up. Eyes wild.

"Don't tell me-"

"Yup, she did." The man nods. To this, the Security Adviser demands to know what is going on.

"Sir, I just got a report from Vaizen. Chief Enforcer Harlaown has entered the gate."

Teana runs out of the room, pulling her hair, cursing her boss.

Lindy sits up in her seat and leans over to the Security Adviser.

"What now, sir?"

The Security Adviser is in deep thoughts with shut eyes, pinching his nostrils. He opens his eyes again.

"Strategic Arms?"

The Liaison Officer from Strategic Arms springs up.

"Sir, unlike Bookworm, if we close the gate on Lightning it's a permanent loss."

"So we are looking at two major strategic assets out of commission?" The Adviser asks.

"Not only that. If Doomsday finds out we closed the gate on Lightning, we lose her, too, sir." The Strategic Officer is very familiar with the relationship between his assets.

"Oh yeah? If we close the gate on BOTH my kids, Doomsday won't be the only thing you lose." Lindy adds icily. The Security Adviser looks around the room, seeking more opinions.

"So besides one angry mom knocking on my door, we are looking at losing most of our strategic options?"

"Sir, allow me to remind you they have been actively probing for a Bureau world. 'Bruteforcing the multiverse' as Professor said. We might dodge a bullet for now by closing the Vaizen gate, but it's a matter of time they find an administrated world." Hayate points out, worried. If there is going to be a shitstorm at some point in the future she at least wants to have all the options in her hands. Lindy chimes in.

"Sir, it would be a serious permanent dent in our defense capability. We might find ourselves facing a horde of hostiles in the future with very limited options in our hands."

The room agrees. None of them, including the Security Adviser himself, believes maintaining high alert status indefinitely is possible. It is better to fight in Vaizen now. Fate has nudged the Bureau into a war.

"All forces, initiate full mobilization." The Adviser announces his decision. His eyes meet Hayate's.

"Lieutenant general, I am sorry to impose this on you. Vaizen is yours."

Hayate stands up, getting ready to leave.

"Sir, I'd like to return to my HQ and get things moving." The Adviser nods. She continues. "But before I leave I request Vaizen force be under my command."


Hayate takes a deep breath.

"Madam Chairwoman, I will buy you the time in Vaizen. I promise you I'll get your kids safe back home." She salutes and hastily leaves the room. Hayate mouthes "Thank you" to the Strategic Arms Liaison Officer as she walks past. A nod and a smile are returned. A small fairy-like girl in Ground Armament Service uniform appears next to Hayate's head, taking orders as the commanding officer of Capital Defense Corps leaves.

Suddenly very tired, the Bureau Security Adviser slumps back on his chair.

"You know what? Fuck Harlaowns."

"Thank you, sir." Says Lindy, knowing he doesn't mean it.

"Send me the papers, and I will sort out the formalities with the Managing Directors." He sighs. "Jeez...Really? We are going into a war over three ladies?"

Lindy bursts out laughing.

"Well, when you put it like that...yes."

"But no orbital bombardment, OK?" says the Adviser scornfully.



Major general Signum, the commander of Capital Defense's Rapid Response Division, is a strong faced woman with an appearance of not more than thirty. She's having a tele-conversation with Reinforce when her junior officers trickle into her office.

"...Understood. We go Vaizen. Reinforce, I leave Hayate in your care then." Signum ends the call. She studies the officers gathered in front of her. She does not see any anxiety nor excitement in their faces. To them, it's just their job.

"Alright, Rapid Response, Princess wants us to set up in Vaizen. Apparently, a Naval Intelligence ship named Helios is leading a swarm of a hostile force."

She pulls out a large holo-map of Vaizen and continues. "This place here at the seaside is the Staging Dock. About two thousand double A hostiles are expected to emerge from a trans-dimensional gate here in 46 hours."

Signum looks at Major Subaru Nakajima, the Punchkid. When they first met Subaru was just a teenage girl. But now she's all grown up and is responsible for the lives of 300 or so soldiers under her command.

"Subaru, take your battalion and form blockades inland. Primary objective is to close the gate once Helios passes through. In case you can't close the gate, hold the hostiles off. Delay their advance."

Subaru exchanges glances with short red-haired Major Vita, the commander of Punchkid's sister battalion Anvil.

"Major general, with all due respect, two thousand double As is a corps strength." Subaru comments, but Signum has already moved on.

"Zafira, take your Recon Company past the gate and link up with Helios. Escort her out to safety. While you are at it, assess the enemy strength if you can, but that's a secondary goal. Helios is your primary. Once Helios is out, assist Punchkid at her discretion."

A dog-like Captain nods. Subaru tries once again to get her point across, but Agito, a fairy-like small lady flies over and hovers next to Signum's ears.

"Ginga is mobilizing. I've also initiated unpacking the Raptor droids." Agito reports.

"Good." Signum nods. "Subaru, I'll be sending Vita as soon as she is ready, followed by Ginga's 1st regiment and the Raptor regiment-"

"But that still doesn't address the issue Punchkid has raised. She's gonna be on her own up against corps strength enemy!" Vita protests. Signum gives a small smile.

"Relax. I'm not asking you guys to die. You have my permission to give ground, but-"

"I can work with that. Thank you." Subaru appreciates. "But how much ground can I give?"

Signum points at the Interworld Teleportation Terminal located some 100km westward inland from the Staging Dock.

"Expect this place to be a major evacuation point for Vaizen citizens. To be honest I don't know if the enemy will come this way, though." She faces her junior officers one by one. "Nevertheless; this Terminal. Until the evacuation is confirmed complete, we hold it at all cost. At all cost. If we manage to do that I'd consider our Division's objective complete."

The officers of Rapid Response division nod.

Signum can already see the trouble. In the coming week, she will be operating her division in some 100km depth, while protecting the Terminal. Punchkid and Anvil are likely to be surrounded unless they give a significant amount of grounds. The issue is the more grounds they give, the more heat falls onto the Terminal. Princess has been given a very difficult task indeed.

"Vita, Subaru, you two support each other. Expect situations where you are completely surrounded. You need to be prepared to punch your way out."

"What kind of support could we expect?" asks Vita. A legitimate question.

"The higher-ups don't want orbital bombardment in Vaizen, so minimum support from Sail Force if any. They are going to have hands full with the evacuation, so don't expect much."

"That's understandable. Not happy, though." Vita comments. Subaru nods in agreement.

"Vaizen Air Wing has a squadron up and ready, which is good. One more next week. Even better; the Capital's Midchilda Air Wing is loaning out the 1st Group to Vaizen, so that's two squadrons more." Signum can see the faces lighting up.

"1st Group? Isn't that White Devil's?" Asks Subaru eagerly. Signum smiles and nods.

"The one and only."



On the outskirts of Cranagan, Midchilda, Air Armament Service stations the Capital Air Wing which consists of two groups of two squadrons each, totaling 64 autonomous combat flight mages. Because not every mage can fly, Air Armament has always suffered a very limited recruitment pool. Add the brutal filter, that is the academy and vigorous training, to the post-recruitment stage, only a few make it to the actual combat units. In simple terms, a flight mage is an elite mage packing more firepower and durability than a dozen or more average Ground Armament servicemen combined. Among these elites, only the best of the best are given the honor to defend the Capital's sky.

Midchilda Air Wing's 1st Group is especially notorious for being a handpicked collection of the top aces; a proud bunch of airborne death dispensers. There is a rumor going around, saying the 1st Group hides a beast; to which many people believe it refers to the Group's leader, call-sign White Wing, but more widely and affectionately known as the White Devil, or Doomsday to those in the know.

And now the men and women of the 1st Group are gathered in their hangar, sitting on stools, quietly waiting for their group leader.

1st Group Leader lieutenant colonel Nanoha Takamachi enters the hangar and stands in front of her fellows. After a brief exchange of greetings and jokes with her flight mages, she gets to the business.

"I'm not told the exact detail, but the rumor has it that Naval Intelligence was fooling around and opened a gateway to Hell." The flight mages let out a groan. She continues. "We are expecting some two thousand demons emerging in Vaizen. Consequently, Midchilda Air Wing is ordered to loan out a group to Vaizen to help them fight off the hostiles." She flashes a grin.

"Luckily, that means us."

The flight mages of the 1st Group cheer and hoot in excitement. Nanoha continues.

"Since 1st squadron is on duty, you and I will move out first to Vaizen. We will be flying alongside a squadron from Vaizen Air." She checks the time. "We haven't much time, so travel lightly. Captain Ru Lusche?" Nanoha looks to a young female officer whose petite teen-like appearance makes it seem she's in the wrong place.

"Yes, madam." The captain nods.

"Bring up the rear with 2nd squadron along with the rest of our gears."

"Leave it to me, madam."

A flight mage raises his hand.

"Madam, who orders our sorties? Midchilda Wing? Vaizen Air?"

"Good question." Nanoha gives a thumbs up. She has heard a joint task force is being put together under her friend Hayate's command.

"Consider lieutenant general Yagami as the de facto theater Command. We fly where she points."

Another flight mage asks.

"Isn't she your close friend?"

"She is." Nanoha nods. She is worried. Generally, Nanoha does her things in the air while Hayate does own things on the ground, their activities coordinated by a buffer of mission operators and coordinators. However, drawing from past experiences, she can tell the Bureau putting her directly under Hayate's command means there is a major shitstorm on the horizon.


Nanoha notices a group of men entering her hangar. It's her own Strategic Arms escort.

"Can I help you, captain?" Nanoha greets the familiar faces. The captain motions to a far corner of the hangar. Excusing herself from her flight mages, Nanoha joins the captain at the corner.

"Captain, do you know what's going on?" She asks in a hushed voice. The man shakes his head.

"Sorry, madam. All I heard is Naval Intelligence fucked up. Lightning has dived into some portal to save her brother, and suddenly there's a war in Vaizen."

Nanoha's eyes go wide.

"Fate-chan? What's she got to do with it? Besides, weren't there like a bunch of people tagging her?"

The captain shakes his head again.

"Sorry, madam. She just flew out of Sail Force HQ, and we didn't know where she was going and…well she is among the fastest person in the multiverse." He shrugs. "By the time we got the report she went through the Midchilda-Vaizen gate, she was already gone."

"Oh boy…" Nanoha now has one more thing to worry about, but she cannot be mad at the man in front of her. When Fate wants to go fast, there is only a handful of people who can keep up.

"Ahem-" The captain clears his throat. "Lieutenant colonel Takamachi, an order from Strategic Arms Command effective immediately. You are to drop everything, and proceed to the predesignated position V. There you will prime for a potential Doomsday activation until further notice."

Nanoha thinks for some seconds, searching her memory to look up where position V is. It's Vaizen.

"They want me to delete Vaizen?"

Her voice is loud enough to make heads turn. She gestures to her people to mind their businesses. The heads turn back, but the ears remain zeroed in.

Strategic Arms Command operates somewhat out of the regular Armament Services in order to prevent its assets being used as tactical means by the regular forces. It reports directly to the Managing Directors and has the authority to elevate the readiness level of its assets if deemed necessary. Upon discovering the impending invasion in Vaizen it has decided the worst-case scenario is likely, and hence is getting ready to activate Doomsday, a guaranteed retaliation to the invaders; effectively writing Vaizen off as lost.

The Strategic Arms officer is understandably uncomfortable delivering such an order.

"The order is to be prepared. Not actually-" He sees Nanoha's face. After some hesitation he suggests. "Do you wish to initiate the sanity verification protocol?"

"Yes, please. Thank you. I'm not going to hide in some bunker." Says Nanoha, arms crossed. "Especially not in Vaizen." She adds.


The captain initiates a video-conference with Strategic Arms Command. The face of the Strategic Arms Liaison Officer appears in front of them.

"Hello, captain. You calling me means…I assume she demanded sanity verification?

The captain nods. Nanoha butts in.

"I declare the order I received premature, unnecessary, and unjustified."

The Liaison Officer nods.

"Understood. Let me get the representatives online."

Soon the faces of the Bureau Security Adviser, Chairwoman of JCS, and Capital Defense Commander appear next to the holo-image of the Strategic Arms Officer. Hayate is visibly puzzled, but Lindy, seeing the other participants in the conference, immediately recognizes what this is about.

"Is this a sanity verification?"

"Correct, Madam Chairwoman." The strategic arms officer nods. The Security Adviser seems excited as this is his first time. In fact, this is the first time in history.

"Sanity verification? Then why am I in?" Hayate is still puzzled. After all, she is a mere corps-level commander.

"Lieutenant general Yagami will represent the theater command's opinion." Answers the conference host.

"I am the theater command?" Hayate, hearing the big responsible position, is suddenly scared. She didn't sign up for this.

"You are." Says everyone in the conference call.

The strategic arms officer proceeds, ignoring Hayate's shocked face.

"Strategic Arms Command has ordered lieutenant colonel Nanoha Takamachi, code name Doomsday, to immediately proceed to a predesignated position bunker in Vaizen, and there to prime for a strike of repeated mass destruction. Intended Target: Vaizen. Intended Strike schedule: Undecide."

The Bureau Security Adviser's jaw drops.

"You gotta be kidding me."

The host continues.

"Now, then, Theater Command. Strategic Arms Command sees there might be no other option but to deploy Doomsday in Vaizen in the very near future, and wishes to have the means to do so ready in place. Do you concur?"

Hayate, face red, is seriously pissed.

"Wow, not only you are saying my corps will fail, you skip Lightning and Bookworm altogether, and go straight to Doomsday. Great." She scoffs. "No, I can't concur. We haven't even had the first engagement yet. There isn't enough data to base such judgment."

The strategic arms officer apologizes.

"But with the two Harlaowns absent, Doomsday is what we have left in our hands…" he glances at Nanoha. "and to be honest, it did sound very dire at the meeting." He legitimately points out.

"Yeah, I understand. I feel kinda insulted, though, mind you. I thought we were friends."

After apologizing again, the strategic arms officer moves on.

"Now, then, to the rest of the Armed Forces. Madam Chairwoman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, do you concur?"

Lindy also doesn't concur for the same reason as given by Hayate.

"There is not enough data to justify the assessment we would be that desperate in the near future." She comments.

The Security Adviser, representing the Managing Directors, doesn't concur either.

"It's already bad enough we have a horde of invaders popping out in Vaizen. That's practically next door to Midchilda." He gives his reasoning. If the word ever gets out the Bureau wrote Vaizen off as lost and prepared to annihilate the world, even if they don't actually do it, that would be the end of the administration. The Bureau will not have enough political resources to tank the consequent outrage.

The strategic arms officer nods. He has heard enough.

"Lieutenant colonel, the order has failed sanity verification. Consider it null and void, and return to your regular duties."

"Thank you. Thank you!" Nanoha thanks everyone.

The host is about to end the conference call but Hayate interrupts.

"Hey, wait. What if me the Bookworm wants my order sanity verified, but me the Theater Command concurs? What happ-"

Lindy gives her a "are you kidding me?" look.

"Hayate, if you do that we will have your sanity verified."


The captain ends the call as everyone laughs at Hayate's blushing face.

"Satisfied, madam?" the man asks. Nanoha thanks him.

"Are you following me to Vaizen, too, captain?" she asks.

The Security Force captain shakes his head as escorting Nanoha in a warzone won't be necessary. In fact, he would be a liability.

"When it comes to air combats, I think you are safer with your people than with us, no? We are more of urban escort specialists."

He wants to but doesn't mention the fact that a strategic asset shouldn't be fighting in the warzone sky in the first place. Nanoha senses this and winks. She will not let anyone stop her from flying.

"Will you please keep an eye on Vivio for me?"

The man shrugs.

"Babysitting. That's my other specialty, Madam."



It's silent on Helios' bridge; the crew drinking coffee and tea while tending to their respective duties. Chrono eyes the tumbler in Griffith's hand.

"Is that the thing that hit me?" he asks. Captain Lowran checks his tumbler.

"This? Yes. Remarkable it survived a collision with your head…Do you want a rematch?"

Chrono is sure he heard suppressed laughter from the crew. He waves the captain off and turns to Yuuno.

"Yo, remember before we were hit by the storm... when we were reporting to Mainland? You were implying you had an idea what that place is."

"Oh, yeah, that? I have some vague ideas, yes." Professor nods, to which Chrono motions him to go on.

"OK...I mean we have to do a proper survey to be sure but based on what I've seen from the optics and the ambient magic...I narrowed it down to two possibilities."

"Which are?" Chrono urges Yuuno to keep going.

"I think we are dealing with either the ancient Belka or..." Yuuno pauses for a moment. He knows the implication. "or Al-"

They are interrupted by the communication operator reporting an urgent call from the Mainland.

"Bring it up on the main display." Says the captain.

Chrono gives Professor a 'you can't be serious' look before shifting his attention to the main display. The face of the Senior Mission Operator appears.

"Helios, I have good news." The man beams a smile. "You have an order from the very very top." He points up. "Objective: Rendezvous with Fate Testarossa Harlaown, and ensure her safe return to Vaizen. The gate will remain open until mission complete, that's the good news."

"God damn it, I knew it was her." Chrono face-palms. The mission operator continues.

"A recon company from Rapid Response will link up with you and provide escort. Additionally an LS class warship Wolfram will enter the pathway to form a blockade."

Griffith is rather puzzled.

"What changed their minds? They were OK with losing Helios." He asks.

"They learned Miss Harlaown is also on the line. Apparently, if we close the gate on Lightning we can also kiss goodbye to Doomsday. And that's on top of Bookworm being out of commission." the operator explains. For unlocking Bookworm Chrono is sort of replaceable, but if the Bureau loses both Fate and Nanoha on top of Hayate being out of commission…Fighting now is the better option.

"That was pretty much the logic behind this decision." Says the mission operator. He continues. "And, Helios, one more order for you... Actually, it's for Miss Harlaown..." he scratches his head. "From Strategic Arms, but she's not answering any calls, so you are instructed to pass it on and make sure she complies." The mission operator quickly consults a memo in his hand.

"Until further notice, under no circumstances, she is to risk herself in a combat activity with the hostiles in pursuit of Helios."

Captain Lowran slams the armrest of his seat.

"Great...We have hostiles literally riding on our tail. Chief Enforcer on board is the best weapon the Bureau could possibly offer in this situation, but, no, we gotta babysit her so she doesn't fight…"

"That's my sister for you." Chrono sighs.

Yuuno timidly raises a hand to get the attention of the mission operator.

"Er…was I ever mentioned? You know...during all this top brass meeting and stuff?"

"Sorry, Professor, no. Sorry." The operator answers sympathetically.

"OK." Yuuno pouts, disappointed.



Sailors are boarding the warship Wolfram at a Sail Force's dock in Midchilda. The dock is slowly being filled with armed soldiers, armored personnel carriers, and cargo trucks as Subaru's Battalion is moving in. The progress is rather slow as Wolfram takes up much of the space on the dock.

Captain Zafira, a dog-like man and the leader of the Rapid Response's Recon Company, is overseeing his company getting ready to board the warship. Subaru stands by his side, waiting patiently for Wolfram to clear the way.

"I guess this is one of those rare instances a last-minute change of plan works in our favor." Subaru comments.

Sail Force has decided to send Wolfram into the path in an attempt to block the swarm following Helios. The warship's captain has generously offered to take Rapid Recon along as well as dropping off Subaru's heavy cargo's at Vaizen's Staging Dock en route.

"I'd really love to have some orbital bombardment, but oh well…" Subaru laments.

"Don't worry too much. It's going to be none other than Nanoha herself flying over our heads." Says Zafira. "That's as good as any orbital bombardment." He adds.

A dog-like woman named Alph, spotting a lieutenant's rank, approaches, and salutes.

"Captain, Rapid Recon is ready to board."

Subaru waves hello.

"Alph-san, a special request from his Princess." She points at Zafira and continues. "Give a nice spank on your Princess's butt." Subaru moves her pointing finger to Alph. The two Recon officers laugh out loud.

"Will you be right behind us?" asks Zafira. Subaru nods.

"Yeah, as soon as Wolfram is out of the way... I'll be right at the gate waiting for you guys. Come back in one piece."

The two recon officers salute and leave.


As Subaru watches the recon company boarding Wolfram, a private call from her best friend Teana comes.

"Subaru, you gotta help me. I've been trying to get to Vaizen ever since, but they won't let me." Teana sounds desperate. All the traffic going into Vaizen has been restricted to military traffic only.

"Let me tag along!" Teana pleads. Subaru winces.

"No, Teana. That's a nope. You do realize I'm on what's practically a suicide mission? No way I'm bringing my best friend into that." Subaru can sense the frustration on the other side of the call.

"Argh! Subaru, you know I can look after myself."

Subaru is about to speak when with a nauseating wobbling sound, a pulsating dimensional gate appears on the dock. Wolfram very slowly rises above the ground, and smoothly enters the path to Vaizen. Subaru gestures to her assistant to get the battalion move into the facility. Once she receives the confirmation Wolfram has cleared the Staging Dock in Vaizen, her Punchkid battalion will move in and set up a defense. She returns to the call.

"Sorry, Teana. The answer is still no. You sit tight and safe."



At Capital Defense Corps HQ things are in motion. Hayate has ordered a temporary HQ be setup in Vaizen and thus equipment in portable forms are taken out of storage and checked for working conditions. If passed, they are carefully packed for travel and put in containers. Everyday-use documents are copied onto secured portable devices so they can be taken to the destination. Lieutenant general Hayate Yagami, nicknamed as Princess by the men and women serving under her, called so mainly because she is surrounded by the knights of mythical legends, is readying to go to Vaizen. And she intends to come back to an intact command post ready to serve her immediately upon her return. But she first has to clear one major obstacle between her and Vaizen; Signum.

"You are absolutely not coming to Vaizen until I've established a stable defensive position." Signum declared before leaving for Vaizen. She even glared at the HQ staff, with a hand firmly on the grip of her sword. That got her message across. So when Hayate demands "Come on, let's go!" her officers would shake heads.

"Sorry, madam, that's not happening."

"But I'm the COMMANDER!" Hayate would exclaim but to no avail. When Signum says Princess stays here, Princess stays here. Hence she is reluctantly confined to her office upon 'strong recommendation' by her staff because venturing out into the busy hallways or other sections of the building would mean she would get in busy people's way and risk being trampled over.

'I'm over thirty. I'm a general. I command a freaking army, but no, the entire corps treats me like I'm a baby.' Hayate grumbles, sitting on her large wooden desk, feet dangling.

"Wolfram made the jump with Zafira on board. Subaru has started jumping, too. She's behind the schedule thanks to Wolfram skipping the queue-" reports Reinforce, hovering in front of her boss.

"Sail Force Dock, Sail Force ship first." Says Hayate. Reinforce nods.

"Vita is assembling, too. She will be ready to jump latest tomorrow evening."

"Good." Says Hayate, taking out a Hello Kitty pouch from a pocket on her jacket.

She has received a call from Vaizen Defense. They are mobilizing and so far have two unrelated regular companies up and ready. Where does Hayate want them?

"Attach them to Punchkid?" Reinforce suggests. Hayate shakes her head; that would reduce Subaru's unit cohesion.

"Unless Signum wants them for something, put them at the Terminal first. I hear Vaizen Enforcers have their hands full with evacuating people, so help them as much as we can." Hayate orders. She opens the Hello Kitty pouch and produces a cigarette. Reinforce gives a disapproving look, but continues with her report.

"Roger that. turns out a Caledfwlch factory in Vaizen has a batch of Raptor combat droids packaged, ready for delivery to Fedikia."

"Fuck Fedikia. My Raptors now." Hayate lights the cigarette, draws a long puff and winks at scornful Reinforce. She leans over the desk and pulls out a Hello Kitty ashtray from a drawer.

"Actually, let's have Shamal set up her Field Hospital at the factory. They should have all the equipment she needs." Says Hayate. Reinforce nods. The little fairy now has to sort out some serious paperwork with Caledfwlch.

"Are we done yet? Can we go to Vaizen now?" asks Hayate impatiently.

Reinforce sighs.

"We will be there soon."