A Day Off 6

Ling opened his eyes to see himself in a forest dressed in cultivator robes.

He was also holding a golden sword.

He took out a mirror from his storage ring and looked at himself with a contented smile.

"I finally made it.I'm on top of the world"Ling yelled excitedly as he threw the mirror high up to the sky.


It was nighttime...

A lot of people had gone to bed except for some vendors and those who had certain tasks to perform.

The night breeze was extremely cold and it awoke Ling.

He felt a slight headache and cold.

He immediately brought his knees to his chest and rubbed his palms to create some warmth but it was no use.

Ling looked around and found no one.

"Did that girl get rescued? I hope my sacrifices weren't in vain"Ling thought with a deep sigh.

"I need to find some clothes and a place to sleep. Jeez! It's freezing"Ling managed to stand on his feet and slowly walked out of the alley.

He made sure to pass through only the dark places so that he wouldn't scare people especially the maidens.

Finally, he was able to make it back to the brothel but found that it was locked.

"That's weird," Ling thought.

He looked up at the sky and saw the bright moon.

"It's past midnight. Damn it"Ling cursed.

Now he has nowhere to hide from the cold or covering to keep himself warm.

He looked around and slowly walked away from the brothel.

He entered another alley and knocked on a door but no one answered.

Still, he kept knocking hoping that someone could open.

His wishes indeed came true.

The door was opened by an old lady.

"Who.." the lady did not get to finish her words before Ling rushed inside all of a sudden.

The lady who was carrying a lamp closed the door and made sure to lock it.

She turned to look at Ling.

Ling was squatting to prevent her from seeing too much of his nudity.

"Young ma, why do you barge into my home?" the elderly lady asked.

"I can answer all your questions if only I get something to cover my nudity" Ling replied.

The lady went inside and brought out some male clothes and a blanket.

"Take them and get your shame covered. I won't ask you why you appeared at my door tonight. You can see in the dark right?" the lady asked with a smile.

"Yes and thank you, grandma," Ling said gratefully.

"Whatever, "the lady said before heading to the room and then she slammed it's door shut.

The living room had a rocking chair and a table.

"Great" Ling muttered before putting on the clothes and wrapping himself in the blanket he sat on the rocking chair.

"It feels so good to have a roof and warm covering. There are still some good people in this world. Poor me has been f*cked in the ass by all kinds of men and women young and old. But this lady... I will try to repay her in any way I can"Ling thought before falling asleep.