An hour later...

Ling was surprised that he was able to last long. He felt that the pain was also lessening but it was merely an hour and thirty minutes hence he was afraid of what might come next. Would it be cracking of bones?

Ling waited for 5 minutes but he did not experience any other thing except feeling the pain and grumbling in his stomach lessening.

He almost wanted to breathe a sigh of relief when another bout of pain came and the time it affected only his legs alone. It was much more painful than the one he'd been enduring for the past one hour and 30 minutes. He also felt like his legs were being burned too though he didn't see any fire.

Ling no longer bothered to grit his teeth. All he could do was open his mouth since he couldn't scream due to his voice been sealed.

This pain in his legs remained for 5 hours and slowly spread again to his back and stomach making Ling clench his fists and teeth.

His toes kept curling too but there was nothing he could do about it.

Ling's eyes by now were slowly changing color and some veins started to appear on his body but he didn't notice them. All he knew was that this pain would certainly kill him.

It was so frustrating! He couldn't even scream for help, nor did he even have the strength to leave the bed.

Back at the brothel, if he wasn't sick or weak and the customer was a woman, her screams would be louder than a virgin being deflowered.t would be a combination of laughter, crying and begging. Even the prostitutes knew his sexual prowess. That is one of the reasons, the manager never wanted to let him go.

Now here on this bed, he felt worse than to virgin being deflowered. Could he compare this to labor pain? Or was it worse?

He didn't know how to describe his feeling.

Tears flowed down his cheeks and he began to sniff too holding back mucus.

He really wanted to cry for his mummy but he didn't even know her and his dad in the first place.

Ling began to question the meaning of life in the 7th hour.

He wishes he'd never been born. This pain...he knew this wasn't the worse as one that's superior to this pain would come. Yeah if he could survive this..he'd be called the strongest man ever.

"I can't give up. I need to persevere. I must get rid of this mark. I must.No matter what. But it really hurts too much. It hurts"Ling thought before hitting the bed.


2 hours later...

Ling had already fallen off the bed and was now rolling all over the ground in pain.

The ground that he hit had a big hole but he didn't care.

He couldn't even see due to the pain.

How long would he have to endure before this pain ends?