arent this dark?

while i was moving in the deep abyss i was on alert you most know ready than sorry i wandering in the cave that the scroll have mapped

then i feel there was moving in or creeping in my way when i look in the direction i shock to see spiders big as a watermelon.

i rise my sword in order to atk it i stab it in the head i got 21dmg i look in the status of the spider - ---------------------------------------- cave spider - lvl5 life/39/60/-------------------

note why not let. them bite you your going to be spiderman no worry toxin are deadly! ---///////-------------------------

why the fuck are alway the note talk sht never mind i ignore it i rush to the spider in the side to stab it again in order to end hes life !

------------ when the spider is dead i got a blue color item i loot it and look in the item that i got.

----spider nickles -. def.3 int 3

hiding effect can use the toxin in atk every crt dmg. note . hey look arent this look cool why not you sell it so you got some gold!

- ok ignore the note but this can help me in the long run item like this is rare the weapon and armor you can't buy it in npc store you can have it if you craft it well this good at less i still dont have a skill i got the points still not using it i planning to lvl 10 so i can see if theirs need and not in the skill that ill buy well i go to warrior class i need str this nickles not half bad.

in 1hour still in the cave and kill spider in my way i need to look in my side for not ambushed in the dark manage to kill 8 spider but other drops are common or normal i got a new toy

----- ares lvl 7 ---------

weapon . spider sword atk 8 /--------------//////////

status -- str 14 agi 7 int 10 --------

cloth.spider armor def 8. -

pans.tonic pan def 7.

--boots. spider iron boots


/-----/ life/ 120/120/. --------//////////////////////-------------------

i got new gear its uncommon but its look badass maybe i go to village they well jealous or not

when i all most end in the cave i saw the a boor its big.

ok this maybe the boss room i need to ready my self.

i ready my self to enter i push the boor to enter when i got inside what waiting is big ass fuck ass spider this one is weird upper body is human and the lower is spider what they call it arche type. ----///.

i look in the boss info. --////.

arachen nola /boss/type monster lvl 15 -

note.legend say that hes a beautiful girl that got curse by evil one because what she did. poor thing i hope you got curse too😂/-------------------------

this lvl 15 but i am not that weak long ago now that i got new weapon and armor its time to see the effect.