suicide squad

so your saying that we form a party that can kill the one who leading the orcs---- yes ron said.

i see now how many player you think we need for that.

jeng counting the player who's going to join the groups i think only 20 player will enough and add your undead we got 30 so we can break the rank line of the orcs.

basta look at him adding that theres will be hardest thing going to do for tank to make sure the team can reach the target and all saw the supports of the cleric we can sure that we do our best.

ares look at them. lora was smiling and nod at him so this is really fuck up small group to do the suicide mission!

aah i don't know why this people look at me like some kind who can kill the monster in one hit i am still a human why the fuck they puting there fate at me!

while ares thinking what to do about theirs a loud noise and shaking in the ground. all player was look at the forest then and orcs riding in the back of boars show up.

------------- system ting------------- 5minutes is up now players ready for the final battle!------------

all player was in ready for another bloody hell of orcs coming in the village all tank position archer mage. and healer was in the back swordsman was in the middle now all player was in ready the long loud horn was heard it the begin of the battle thousand of orcs and hundred of orcs rider rush to the rank of the player .. fire arrow magic atk swords clashing each other.

players die you ugly sht orcs wahh! orcs roarrrhh!

ron look of the battle then he look back i think its time to move ares and lora look each other eye then nod ok lets go!

20 players advance in line of the orcs and slaughter there way to the big orc who was standing in the back of the army orcs.

ares swing hes the sword in the side of the orc ---

system ting!--- you hit the target 34dmg

while fight left and right our advance was slow even with help of the players and my undead will i cant really blame theres thousand orc in our way so i can do is to bite my lips and atk forwards i slam my sword in the head of orc

my passive skill was already active i was kill orc in the high rate my team all saw doing their best to increase there kill ------

system ting !----- you manage to kill the orc warrior you got 147xp ----

ignoring the system msg and continued my slaughter using my death ball and my rise undead skill and kill the orcs -----

system ting!--- you lvl up your skill rise undead to lvl 2 you can now add more undead in your minions --system ting!--- you lvl up your skill deaht ball to lvl 2 its add more 50 magic dmg-- --- system ting!-- you lvl up your are now lvl 13----ting ----- you lvl up ---- you lvl up-----

i don't know how long i was killing the orc i ignore the msg even lora all saw ignore the system she continue. supporting us and all saw the other healer i look at ron who was shooting nonstop

while looting hes arrow in the dead body of orc and jeng was fast maybe all thief was fast

basta was in front line like me using the shield that big as his body i don't know how he handle that big ass shield but he really good at it

i control my undead in front line and the back its nice that i got to lvl up my skill so i can summon more now that i got 10add in my minions overall i got 20 of them. controlling them was tiresome .

i need alway to chick the back and make sure that lora and other support was guarded while we almost in target the pressure was so intense god this were more than we think --------

ares jump in orc that riding a boar he stab the head of the orc then rollover in the side to kill other target. while doing it he see the high orc watching them closer to him.

---- he dint run he just looking at them like they were ants.

when ares group was now reach the target 15 players was now facing the orcs army to make sure that the 5 players have no pressure to face the boss ares undead was all saw helping the 15 players to defend so they can less the overwhelming pressure of the army.

ares lora. ron. jeng. basta. will going to fight the boss.

basta was fist to atk to get the argo! the high orc look at basta then his eye was full of anger the boss use his oversize sword to atk basta the sword and shield clash boom!

basta was sent flying in 3mater shock about it i jump and role in the side of the boss using my gloves hiding skill the spider webs the boss was surprise to what i do while he can't move in 3second i use the chance to look the info of the high orc ------------

system ting!------------ cursed high orc dadya rank 4 ---- note. a warrior of honor but was fall to the glory and got cursed by the evil one---------

fck a rank 4 monster but why theres a curse of the evil one who the fuck is this ah let's think about that later. i swing my sword in the torso of the boss

----system ting!----- you hit the target 30dmg.

jeng run in the back of the boss and realising atk the boss was now anger about that he can't move

ron use some skill in the boss to knock out the boss but it's not enough the 3 second was finish high orc dadya was now smile he first atk jeng a massive punch was hit in the body of jeng and send fly in right side i am sure he's going to bloody

basta use dash skill he ramp he's shield to the body of the boss but dint Dodge at all shock about it orc dadya use her sword to send basta fly again poor thing i sure hes pride to be a tanker was dmg.

ron was ready the long shot to hit the head of dadya but dadya was fast he manage to block hes shot. dadya open hes mouth use a skill shut at ron like shotgun coming to the way of ron.

------ ron was not ready about it was now hit and rolling like a logs.

ares was looking at hes team in horror .

fuck really now how i am going to defeat this monster looking at the player that holding their line of defend so they can fight the boss

ares was worried notice by lora he calm him self so he can relax seeing this by lora she smile then use a buff on him chant oh light of holy plssss defend me in darkness.

a warm light was covering ares looking at lora he nod at her.

now is not the time to worried in other i need to kill the fucker.

ares rushing to the high orc notice by it dadya swing hes sword but to his surprise!

ares manage to block it dadya can't understand how the human do it. ares was using the armor skill ----

system ting--- you use the iron skin in 5second---

ares all saw active the ring -------

system ting!---- you use the ring of queen abyss the power of abyss was now boiling in your body in 5second. overwhelm by the power ares jump as high he can and active the power of the sword because of continued battle the destroya sword mange to collect more 345mana.

using the release the power.

dadya all saw notice that this human have a fearsome power. dadya allsaw active the rage he got bigger in and red all over his body dadya open his mouth and roarr!!!!!!

ares all saw roar! like a beast like his armor that look like a beast in hell they both meth and clash their sword a big boom!!!!!

like a nuclear bomb created in the middle of the battle field because it's so strong any close by was destroyed by the clash the battlefield was silent even the orc was look at crack in the ground players all saw look that they forgot their was in fight to the death

when the smoke was clear there was a man in the bulky armor who look like more a monster in hell.

total silent only they can heard their breathing.

then loud roar!!

that they can heard it's not like a shut of a man its more like a monster raging.

when the orc saw their leader was on the fit in human like monster they shock a starting to retreat the players who manage to recover about it was now shouting. ---

system ting!----- the leader of the invading force was killed and lose control of the army congrats players you win the impossible all rewards well delivery in your inventory--------

the orcs was retreat kill them all hoahhhh!!!!! hundred of players now was chasing the thousand orcs they very exited about winning the impossible.

while the players was chasing the orcs.

ares was calming down hes boiling power inside.

sigh about it that he realize the overkill skill of the power the sword can get that he can weld he got exited.

looking around he see lora was shielded by basta but basta shield was its like going to break anytime. ron and jeng was shielded all saw by my undead looking at the survivor to 20 only 13 left and my undead was only 7 left because my undead was shielding the players when i use the skill of my sword. feeling my tiring body i set in the ground that have big crack!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

in the long distands in the continent theirs was a castle of tomb siting in throne was a skeleton who wear a noble robe hes eye was flame of blue fire while saying interesting i dint really do the poor decision--------------------------

mack lintien was watching the battle live was all smile on his face the worker all saw glow there eye in the big screen even the kity was looking at the video mack was now laughter in the video hahaha that's my boy!

kity look at him weird eye mack just smile at her.

this really going to be more exited now let's go to the meeting!