thats was red

when ares and the caravan out in the forest they now in long road plain to the north were the snow can see in my view theres mountains and river while looking at it beauty in natures i felt relax not really relax because .

theirs and eye looking at me like i was a rare gem i felt ghosthbomb well its my gay shit companion yup this shit gay ignore him i was looking forward in our destination

there all saw monster attack few time but we repel them in our number in was big so it's not a problem .

ah mr. ares when are we to going to reach the city its ben 6 hours when we journey

i don't but i think we all most their i think but not sure about it while talking to the gay boy we heard the shut in merchant leader mr.jug

ok everyone we almost there we only need to cross those mountain so we most carefull the monster there was strong but don't worry there's a patrol there they from the city

hmm ok that's all i think there's more than a say i can put a finger why mr.jug just say there's a patrol what about those bandit that i don't want to remember

when we in crossing the said mountain i felt something a mess looking around why there no monster or patrol even mr.jug allso felt it

mr.jug i think there something going on her its look like so silent its creep me out i think we need to scout the way ahead

hmm i think you right capitan ok look for thing people in good in scouting also we most carefull i don't like this silent

ok sir

you there go scout there you too in that way if you see something comeback a report to us we going to march in slow

while looking at the scout and the captain i think they know some a mess so i ready my self too i say to the gayboy to ready if the hit fan well hit us

when we almost in the toe in mountain we heard a loud roar! in our way captain and mr.jug was pale well all of us was pale what we so now is not in the lvl a player or this caravan can handle

theres was a big as small mountain standing at us looking at our way big shine red scally wings that big as air plane head was a lizard like red eye the mouth was in fire i can only say well that's fucked up

thats a fucking dragon!