
It was an average Spring day, in a field full of white flower, and in the middle rested a girl. She had magneficent ginger hair with Green emerald eyes, an unbelieveble fair skin, freckles garnished her cheeks marvellously with light pinkish lips. The girl wore a White Spring dress which went down to her knees. Sandals at her feets, as she breath slowly under the Shade of a tree. She watch calmly, the clouds in the blue Sky. Trying to make out some forms in the clouds.

"White!!! you're going to get sunburned again, Mum wants you Home!" She heard her little brother. He was 5 years y ok hunger than her. She sat up, annoyed and look at the by coming into view. The wind blowing in his brown hair as he arrived, his brown hazelnut eyes stared brightly at the girl. White stood up and smiled. "Let's race back home now!" she chuckled as she see him struggling to breath after running. They laughter was so nice to hear, it was like a dream where all the sound seems nostalgic. They came to an end as they both played their hands on their knees to bring back their lost breathes. White had her quicker that her little brother. "come on Hunter. Mother wants to speak to me. You need to hurry!" she chuckled. He look up at her and frowned. Once they were inside the small cottage, they eyes wandered around the place until their noticed their mother at the table. She had brown hair and brown eyes just like Hunter. Sometime she wondered if she had the same look as her father. She cough softly before they all sat down. White look at her mother before she spoke "You wanted to talk to me mother?". Her mother nodded and cleared her throat.

"yes i did" she responded, she look at White with a serious face, and you could already tell that it was about her. "I'll be sending you to a private school in London" She explained straightforwardly.

"But mu- mother, that's to far away. And its in a city ? why and who changed your mind?" White ask, confused at her mum. Sarah had always refused White to go to school, Hunter couldn't even attend because school supply were to expensive, in reality she knew that the money she received was spend all on herself and her brother. White never received anything. It was as if her mother hated her.

"A rich Man gaves us some money, and i thought about sending you to a school. You need to learn, you should pack your things because You are leaving Tomorrow, someone will be here to pick you up." she said, without any emotions. She didn't care that she had to leave. It was one less mouth to feed. All a long, Hunter listened to the conversation. "Can I go to school too, why is sis leaving and not me?! You always give everything to me, why is she allowed to go to school??" he ask, unhappy.

"She is older than you and plus, her gone means your have more stuff." she replied calmly at Hunter, with a small evil grin which, her, only saw. He humphed unhappy but sigh and lowered his head sadly, at least it means more for him which he was sort of glad for.

"Do I really have to go?" White ask, deflated. Her mother look at her coldly. "I gave you an opportunity and you don't want to take it? What kind of daughter are you?! To think I even considered you first" She shook her head, disappointed. "Go pack your bags, Now!!" she shouted, and White quickly left to her room. Muttering under her breath as she opened the door

"what A Surprising Spring Day".

Arriving at her room, she pulled from underneath her bed, a really old and dusty luggage. It was brown and its leather was already ruined. She opened it wide across her bed before she pack the little clothes she had. Her old broken shoes and the sandals she had, as well as it used toothbrush and all the other stuff. After she was done, she placed beside her broken wardrobe and laid on her old rusty bed which grinces loudly everytime she made a movement.