Chapter 3

On a table, in the canteen sat Rose, Eve and White. Eve was eating a burger with fries, Rose some pasta and White had served herself some yummy fried egg rice and chicken, the meal even bad put a sweet and sour sauce which she immediately fell in love with. The taste was just amazing. She never ate such a good meal. Even her friends were surprised at her reaction. Eve was concerned and suddenly ask, in a quiet tone. "So white, how did you get here?"

White stopped eating and wipe her mouth with the tissue before she look at the girls. She sighs and just told the truth "well one day i woke up, and my Mum told me that the next i would be going here.I had no Idea myself. She said that a rich man had given her money for me to attend school. I'm guessing two things either she sold me off or she really wanted me gone" White laughed although it sounded kinda sad and hollow. Even if her mother had treated her badly, she still loved her.

"Its a sugar daddy" Rose laughed "but that was indeed sudden. You didn't have to tell us the true reason, but we are thankful you trusted us enough to tell us." Rose added, and Eve nodded agreeing with what her friend had said. White smile. "You are the first people who welcomed me and made me feel happy. I like it here. It's not so... lonely" she spoke softly.

A bell ring out and Eve stood up " Its Curfew, time to go back to our dorm. It is suited in Business Building, meaning you will have English, Math, It and Business Studies as your main lessons. Just like us. Great isn't it! Did you get to chose your lesson?"

"no i didn't, the headmaster just gave my keys and the timetable. My mother probably chose for me" White answerd.

While walking, The Girls were stopped by a group of boys. Eve and Rose squeal quietly again while White just look at them weirdly, it was the same boys from earlier. The ones she bumped into. She shrug and walk past Liam and his two mates.

Liam had Brown hair and black eyes, he was rather tall and his uniform bring out his dark features. While White walk past them, Max grabbed her wrist and locked her in place. "Let go of me" she order, pulling back. Rose and Eve also unhappy cursed at him.

"we won't let you until Liam has talk to you White" Max, one of his Friends, says.

She pulls her hand again, shaking it off and crosses her arms as she look Liam "soo?" She questionned, clearly bothered and annoyed. White never really liked boys: because they Always leaves you after using you. And she already hated the guy. Maybe because his friends had no respects.

Liam grinned and crosses his arms "White Nieve... what an interresting name. To shame its ugly."

Winter only smirk at him "to shame your face is worse"

Grey whistledat White response before Liam, unhappily, replied. "How did you came here? Who paid for you to Come to this prestigious school. Its also the most expensive school" Liam Say.

"I don't see why I have to tell you such thing. It is my personal life, Sir, so excuse me but I'm leaving" White responded she then look at her friends and grabbed them by their arms and walk away.

"Girl, who told you to have such confidence" Rose said when they were quite far away. Eve and her only chuckled softly. White didn't even know how she had such confidence too.

Meanwhile, Liam chuckled coldly as he look at the group of girls. He hummed softly ad he tapped his elbow before grinning. "She is quite interesting" He mumbled before he turned around to go his dorm as well, Grey and Max, his friends, followed as well.