Chapter 9

The next morning, she woke up. A little dazed from the night before. She didn't really remember what happened until she was awake enough.

Henry was sleeping next to her. His body curled awkwardly forward with his head laid on her hospital bed. Hospital? why was she in a hospital.... or, she remembered now. She had fainted. She switch to her side and softly passed her hand through his hair. This gesture woke him up slowly. His eyes opened and he look up at her. He smiled brightly when he saw her awake and hugged her quickly.

"I'm so so so so so so sorry" he said quickly in one breath. White smiled softly and patted his back, and rubbing it. She kissed his cheek and look at him. "Don't worry... it may have shocked you.. it's fine. and I will understand if you don-"

She couldn't even finish her sentence as he had shut her up with a kiss.

"I'm not leaving you. I love you" he whispered. White whimpered softly before she teared up. "Why are you crying?!" he panicked to me.

"I thought you hated me yesterday... you look so disgusted..." she cried in his embrace.

"I was not... I was just confused. and shocked..." he replied, tightening his hold.

The doctor had said after a checkup that White could be realised in the afternoon. So in the morning, a few people came to see her. Henry had left to bring them some lunch when Liam walk in.

"hey" he said a word. White look up and replied "hi". An awkward silence sat around them before he cleared his throat and spoke up "how are you? What happened?" he ask, genuinely.

"My mother appeared at the Headmaster's house yesterday. She announced to everyone that I was his daughter....and then I ran away, and fainted at the park"

He shook his head softly then look up at her. He sigh softly as he sat down on the sofa near her. " what are you going to do?"

She shrugged, and sigh. She didn't know either what she was going to do, she was already exhausted as it is.

"What about you and Henry?" he ask, looking up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"We're not breaking up, we're still together." she answered, then look at him" don't say anything, we are not blood related, so technically, it's not incest" she added, pursing her lips.

He sigh "okay fine, what will happen if people learn that you two are siblings, but are dating? How will that look huh?" He ask, clearly unhappy by the situation.

"Look it's not your problem, it's fine, Why are you getting worked up for? Either way, i haven't been with my family for so long, so i don't consider myself his daughter anyway. I don't even consider my mother, my mum. There's only Hunter that i consider my brother. Anyway, Henry will be here soon, you should probably leave" She said.

"What about Henry, what is he to you?" He ask quickly,

" I consider him as my boyfriend" she smiled "why? Can't i?" she ask, frowning at him. " Now go" She smiled, and at this moment Henry walk in. He had a bright smile on, why? He just heard White say she considered him as her boyfriend and not brother. He nodded at Liam before he gave the food he brought to her. She thank him softly before starting to eat. Liam sigh and stood up and left.

Once he was outside, his fist clenched tightly. "soon you'll be mine..." he muttered, he glanced one more time inside the room, seeing her laugh at one of the boy jokes, before he grunted and left.

A few hours later, White was finally released and could go home, she didn't go to her dorms, instead when Ginny came to pick them up she ask White to stay over, and apologised too.

"It's fine, Ginny." White replied softly, with a helpless smile.

Ginny turned to look at the two and ask. "I know the situation surprised us, and i know you were dating... but are you.. two?"

"Mummmm, yes we are still dating. Plus, it's not like we're blood related." Henry spoke.

"... I don't want to sound mean, but i don't consider headmaster my father... i never really had a father. I don't even consider my mum, my mother." she spoke softly.

"I see, its understandable, anyway let's go." She said, and they all boarded the car. The journey wasn't that long, but White still ended up falling asleep, her head fell on Henry's shoulder. He took the jacket that was on his lap and draped it over her softly, tucking her so she wasn't cold. Ginny observed them, she could see the love between them, but she was worried. Worried of what will happen if the truth would come out, she had a feeling someone will do it. And she already had a guess. While White was in hospital, Frederick had explained the entire truth to Ginny, from the reason why they separated and why her mother and the two children faked their death. She knew that Fred had helped them, and why? Because a family was after White, if people were to learn that the young miss of the Nieve family was alive, the people after her will do their possible to get her. This was a price their family had to pay after the mother cheated on Fred. Ginny suddenly despised the woman, she only hid herself for her own selfish desires, and whens he had the opportunity, she just gave up on her daughter. She got lost in thought as she thought if they should take the boy in as well, even if he wasn't her husband's child. She didn't trust the woman with Hunter. She had so many by feeling; from their relationship found and her identity, to what her younger brother will suffer from in the hands of this crazy woman who perhaps only care about the fucking money. She let out a long deep sigh, Henry look up, noticing and raised a brow questionably.

"I want to take her brother in.." she whispered. Henry froze for a moment, surprised.

"I don't trust this woman, and make sure no one who she is, who she truly is. Or, you won't be able to be with her" She said, quietly but firmly.

"You should trust your feelings, mum" He said, softly. "Maybe talk about it with dad?" he ask, quietly. Looking several times at White to check if she was comfortable. Ginny smiled and nodded softly. She turned her head to look outside, the conversation ending as she stop talking. After awhile they arrived at the mansion.