I was worried..

When she arrived in her bedroom, she check that Liam wasn't in her room. As she was about to climb her bed, Liam opened the door.

"what were you doing outside your room?" he ask, anger in his eyes showing.

"I went to get some water." She lied.

"you could of ask a maid" he replied, placing his coat and bag aside.

"i didn't want to bother them" She replied, as she sat in her bed.

"I'll go take a shower" he said.

And White nodded. "ok, i'll take mine later then." she replied.

"Uhuh" He replied, took his clothes and went to the bathroom. White took her phone and went on her browser as she search:

[If your boyfriend hits you for the first Time, is it bad?]

Some reseach link showed up as she click on one. Any Time someone hits another person, it is considered as Assault, which is physical abuse. White smiled faintly "he's not...abusive... he does it because he loves me" she concluded for herself. And deleted the research History as she then placed her phone down. "He loves me.. he won't do it again" She smiled again.

The door opened and she looks up " i thought you were going to take a shower" she says.

"i made a Bath for you, let's take it together" he replied.

"t-together?" she ask shyly. "i..i "

He walk to her and sat next to her. "You'll have to get used to it" he said gently

"what's that supposed to mean" she ask.

He chuckled and lifted her in his arms, bridal style. She wrap her arms around his neck and smiled

'Yes, he loves me. He's not going to hurt me again' she thought.

After their relaxed bath, they both sat on the sofa watching TV. At Times White would peek to look at him. She did it several Times, until she startled:

"if you keep looking at me, i might eat you whole" he spoke

"what?" she ask, confused. He turned his head to look at her. "i Said. If you keep starring at me like this, i might eat you whole"

Her eyes widen as she Blushed. "what! n-no...not yet!" She refuted and moved to the other side of the sofa. He chuckled, and she look at him.

"what's so funny!?" she ask.

"You are. You're cute when flustered" He replied and sat next to her. "and i like that about you". He moved on top of her as he starred into her eyes gently and demanding. She look back at him, still flustered. His face lowered Kissing her, first gently but began to do it a little roughly; biting her lower lip, and Kissing furiously the upper lip, until he ask for access into her mouth. All along, White replied to his kisses, but she has never kissed this way before and she was a little unexperienced. She opened her mouth as he played with her tongue. They soon becamed breathless as they departed their kiss and look into each others eyes lovingly. She smiled and his smiled before Kissing her again, but gently again as they stayed this way.

After a moment, she was Startled as he lowered his lips to her neck. She closed her eyes and shivered. He continued, her breath quickened as a soft and quiet moan left her mouth. She was surprised herself: her eyes widen and Liam smirked as he continue. He went lower to her collarbone and her hands went at the back of his head, going throught his hair. She gasp as he bit her skin; it sting a little yet she didn't mind that much. He continued his way down, as he was about to take her shirt off.

"s-stop!" She plead, stuttering. He stop and look at her, her eyes were closed and lips firmly stuck together. He just look at her stunned and annoyed.

He sigh, and got off her. He sat beside her as he ordered coldly "watch TV or go to sleep. Your choice. "

White was Startle. "i-i'll go to sleep." she replied before sliding off the sofa and quickly hopped into her bed.

She closed her yes but she didn't felt like sleeping, she was still remembering the day she had today. A fantastic day out dit her family... and then she unconsciously cry, silently. Tears strolled down her cheeks as she thought about Liam rejecting her gift and hitting her. The way he spoke to her, she shivered.

She layed sideways, and crawled into a ball, bringing her knees to her chest. As the tears continued to fell down. She sniffed and felt something warm wrapping her, Liam had camed to the bed and hugged her. She was getting confused. He was nice yet horrible at the same Time.

"Liam... how's work? it is.. stressing you out?" she ask quietly.

"yeh, My dad left for awhile, so i have been busy.. why?" he ask

"oh, is just your behaviour and moods changed, so i was worried something May have happenned" she replied.

"mmhm" he nodded "why were you crying too?" he ask

"i.. uh.. it's nothing..." she lied. 'You refused my gift' she thought.

"oh ok" he replied and wrapped his arms around her more, as they both slowly fall asleep.